
Chapter 25. Ancient World.

Chapter 25. Ancient World.

'Hey system, Tell me about my Divine Dream Power, what is it exactly and what is the use of it?'

[Answering to the Host, The Divine dream power you Possess is a God ranked power, which have 3 function, Creation, Conversion, and Divine Dream Realm Door.]

[[And each of these powers have different functions as their names suggest.

Creation function was related to the creation you do inside your dream, it can be based totally on your imagination power, but the More real you get the more complicated it will become as reality and dream are totally different thing's, and to make something that is almost real you require the comprehension of the Creation itself.

The conversion is the second and most powerful Haven defying power you possess, it is as it's name states it will convert anything from dream realm to reality, but as you know powerful the power is the more difficult it is to use as their will also be many restrictions present, and more power it requires based on the level of the object.

And the third function is no less than other, as it name suggest The Divine Realm Door, this door will directly lead you to the Dream Realm which exist in dream plane and works same as the Reality Plane, in that realm almost infinite number of World exist, the only different thing their is that the Law's and nature of energy is totally different from the reality, as it is filled with unending dream energy you can also cultivate your dream power their, and the best and weirdest thing about that realm is that anything is Possible Their.]]

'So you mean i can take out anything from my dream as long as I provide energy needed for it?'


'But how did I know how much energy is required for the things I want to convert?'

[[Host does not need to worry, as system will turn the level of energy in points to show you how much energy point you need for a certain object.]]

'Then can you show me how many points do I have now?'


[Energy Points: 10(15).]

[Your points are still low since you are not cultivating your Dream Energy. But it will increase when you start your cultivation.]

'Can't it also increase by earning EXP Points?' he asked with anticipation in his voice.

[Nope, Host not everything will be presented to you in the silver platter, some things require patience and Hard work.]

Hearing the system he was little directed but he got over it soon as he thought that want system said is right, as not everything is easy to accomplish. Cultivating through earning EXP points was already haven defying.

And now as he had another Haven defying power which was his own, not given to him by his almighty system. But one thing he was sure of was, that everything his system gave him was connected to The Dream.

But he didn't decided to ask further as he knew he will find out soon.

Slowly he started concentrating, Releasing his Dream Energy, it gave him a strong urge to fall asleep as his conscious mind started to enter in a sleeping state.

Even his thoughts sized for some second.

After sometime his conscious returned but he was now standing in a totally different place.

He was now standing on a Barren land which was couple of miles big and was floating in the infinite space. He looked around only to find similar scene of Floating Barren Island's all around.

He also noticed that his eye level have increased, as his height is same as Like an adult.

There was also a Orange red Gigantic Sun similar to what he see everyday, as it was spreading its light in this infinite space of darkness.

As he looked further, what he saw gawked him, as he wasn't able to control his emotions, a clear trace of excitement can be seen on his face.

There was a Titanic Planet, as titanic was the best word to describe how immensely large this Planet was.

Azure, Crimson, Green, Golden and many other colours of Translucent lights can be seen emitting from this planet, as they covered this Gigantic sphere.

'System, is that what I think it is?'

[Host is correct, you are currently in your Dream Space, and that is the World you had created, The Ancient World.]

'But isn't it too large for a planet? And why can't I go inside, I can feel the connection between me and the Planet but there is some kind of force that is repelling me, Not letting me enter.' He tried many times to go inside to see his creation again, but it seems like he can't enter, as if a wall was preventing him.

[Host would not be able to enter the Planet due to 2 reasons, First reason is it is Sealed and you need to unseal it first to proceed Further.

Second reason would be, that the Planet it self is under the control of a God level being who was formed at the time of the creation of this Ancient World.]

Hearing the first reason his expression was normal as there was a chance to unseal the World but the second reason made him downright angry, as he started cursing.

'Fuck...First reason is understandable, but what the shit second reason mean? How can their be a God level being inside my dream Space? It's my power? My Creation right?'

[Host please Calm down and listen to the systems Explanation First.]

He calmed down a little on the outside as he stopped cursing and screaming but inside his thoughts we're still messed up, as he felt like his wife ran off with someone, that was the kind of bitterness he was feeling right now.

System gave him some time to get his thoughts clear before it started its explanation.

[Host, there are certain things that maybe you are unaware of and that is, the day you died in your past-life to the day you were born here, you had lost the sense of time as you couldn't feel the time passing through. It may have felt like days or year's but in reality Millions of years have passed.

Due to the Ancient Fruit you had eaten, which awakened your power by many Times and after it achieved the awakening the power then was directly absorbed by your Dream Space which expanded your World further, as many strange and powerful lives were born in there.

And that was also the reason why there is a God level being in your World, as it had already achieved the Half-Reality State. And that is also the reason for your power being a God level which could birth to such a phenomenal World.]

Hearing it his heart calmed down as he was also little shocked, as how much time it had taken him to be born again.

'Millions of years' he muttered under his breath, thinking it through.

'So does that mean I wouldn't be able to enter my own world again?' he asked as he looked towards the shiny planet with a longing gaze.

[Host does not need to think that deep as all the life's and being are connected to you and the connection the planet has with you can't be removed, the only problem is the lack of faith, as the people living their doesn't even know about you from the millions of years since they were born, all you have to do is slowly Unseal the world with the Help of the dream Stone's, as it will only unseal it in part by part, and then conquer it back and spread the faith in you as the real God of that World, and it will be achieved in no time.]


He sighed as he thought that at least there was a chance to reclaiming it back, and trying is better that doing nothing.

'So, is that being really a God?'

[Yes and No at the same time.

Yes was because in a certain way he is a God, or I say One of a God who have achieved the peak level of power.

And No is because the World and its Will is still not in his control as it was directly connected with your soul.]

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