
Into The Unkown

That fire-scarred his very soul and that pain he would not forget but now he distinctly felt no pain, he felt how his body has become small, weak and soft but he could not understand why his other senses did not work.

Mason was able to open his eyes though he only saw white as if blinded by a bright flash, somehow he lived but his logical mind was muddled by his predicament, He clearly died yet....he lived.

. This light faded becoming blotchy with dark spots ever expanding and consuming with ravenous tendrils, He started to feel something, Wind, he could feel the wind.

As his sight became more distinct two outlines distinctly human appeared through everything, As the blackness before him become clearer it was as if he was blind and slowly his sight was reaching twenty/twenty, this did intrigue him.H e saw these 2 human silhouettes again but more clearly.

One was a woman who seemed to be wearing a dress like a garment similar to the which covered most of the body, as he scanned this woman he noticed her dress like clothing which did not show skin until the nape and the hands.S canning further up he realised his head was hard to raise up and another confusing matter was why could his perspective was so tiny . He tilted his head with a great effort and saw the women's face, brown hair fair skin and teary eyes which further perplexed.

Gagging suddenly as his sense of smell returned he smelt the rancid putrified smell of burning of flesh, he observed his body looking for the source of the smell, What met his eyes baffled him. While thoughts raced within his mind and as he scanned his body it was not his and this realisation finally settled as it is now his reality, As he inspected himself he realised all of his body was turned into some sort of feeble baby, He wanted answers how & why did this happen. In this situation, his mind was trying to analyse the events which occurred but was stumped constantly, from what he could tell he was at least around 3.

He saw a distinct burn mark, Pain coursed through his abdomen suddenly and subsided in a blink of an eye like as if his brain recognised it only now, though the pain was not a match to what he felt before.

As Mason scanned the room more, after raising his head he looked at the other figure; it was a man wearing clothing he wore a shirt which looked old and worn down and muddy trousers, As Mason continued to scan prominent stubble, brown hair dishevelled and eyes filled with concern.

As he scanned both they spoke to each other in worrying tones though he didn't understand what they were saying he knew at least what sort of tone they spoke in, Most likely because he looked like he was distant and daydreaming, Seems like his old flaws still affected this body all the same. He wished to get be free of that. they spoke in pseudo-Latin simulacrum which confused him and he was unable to understand and as they spoke he realised these are most likely his be his caretakers. As he scanned further the surrounding while the couple where discussing he realised he was not in a room but in a cart, which was moving. The back and front were wide open which explained the wind, the cart in question was made from basic materials as if ramshackle and afforded no comfort as it shook on the gravel visibly which he didn't notice as he seemingly was placed is some sort of cot.

As he looked through the cart front opening he saw a church come into view.

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