
Sister Elizabeth

Ana woke up on the cold hard floor. It's nothing new to her. A lot of people were clapping and screaming. Some of them were even singing. Ana stood up to look for these people. „Our hero is back!!" the people shouted. Ana finally saw a crowd of people. She went to them and saw someone on a horse. „The Duke." said a Womens Voice behind her. Ana turned around seing a women in a nuns outfit.

„Im sister Elizabeth." said the women „why are you here my child, where are your parents?" Was it the women she meet yesterday? Ana wondered and looked up to her. She couldn't really see her face because of the sun. Finally she could see her face. She had blue eyes as clear as the sky. „My child? Where are your parents?" said sister Elizabeth. „I don't have parents." said Ana with an suspicious expression. „Oh my, how about you come to the church with me? I'm sure it's hard to sleep on the cold everyday!" said sister Elizabeth. „Fine" said Ana. She wanted answers, answers about that women yesterday. What she said about never leaving Ana made Ana want to see her more. „That's great! Come with me Ana we will go to the carriage!!" said sister Elizabeth and they went to the carriage.

„So my child how old are you?" said Elizabeth. „I don't know." Said Ana. „hmmm, on how tall you are I'm guessing about 11." Ana looked out of the window. Ana sighed and whispered „ha, I can't even count." After some minutes later they finally arrived at the church. People where looking at Ana and where whispering: „pfft, look at her she has a potato bag on." „Ana come with me I will show you your room." said Elizabeth. They went to a hallway with doors. „Here it is" said sister Elizabeth and they were stopped infront of a door. „you will be sharing your room with two people." Sister Elizabeth opend the door. There were two people sitting on a bed. „Girls! This is Ana she will be sharing a room with you two from now on! Ana you're bed is on the left." Said Elizabeth. „im gonna get your clothes I'm gonna be right back."

Ana looked at the two girls as sister Elizabeth was leaving the room. „I'm Olivia this is sammy." said the girl with yellow eyes. Ana looked at her eyes she was fascinated by them they were clear. „I'm Ana.." said Ana quite shy. The girl with brown eyes chuckled. „No need to be shy,I mean we're friends now aren't we?" said the girl with brown eyes. So she is sammy. Suddenly the door opens. „Ana,i got your clothes." said sister Elizabeth „come with me first though,we should take a bath." Sister Elizabeth left the room again and Ana followed her. There was a bathtub filled with water. „Go in there the Soap is on the table beside the tub." said sister Elizabeth „I'm gonna wait outside." she left the room. Ana undressed herself and got in the tub with water.

It's the first time Ana ever washed herself. The water was warm it was very quiet. Ana looked at her body. She could see her bones. It was scary looking at her own body. After she was done washing herself she put on her clothes that sister Elizabeth gave her. Ana opend the door and saw sister Elizabeth standing at the wall. „Ah Ana your done!" said sister Elizabeth „you look beautiful in these clothes!" Ana blushed. „T-thank you." it was the first time someone complimented her. „Come with me it's almost time for praying." said sister Elizabeth. „But I don't know any prayers." said Ana „I will give you a paper with all the basic prayers." said sister Elizabeth. They went to a big hall there were a lot of people. There was a ringing. „Welcome Sisters we will now begin praying for our lord!" said sister Elizabeth. They went on their knees and put their hands together and started praying. „In the name of the father,and of the son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen." They all said together. Ana was just on her knees she doesn't knew what she needed to say. They prayed for 1 hour. After it was finally done sister Elizabeth said: "everyone return to your dorm now!" Everyone was leaving the hall. "Ana!" Shouted Olivia "come here let's go together!" Beside Olivia was sammy. "Sure" said Ana. They went to the dorm together.

Olivia feel on her bed. "Ha that was exhausting." She said while her face was in her pillow. "Olivia change into your nightgow !" Said sammy. "Hmph fine" Olivia stood up and changed into her nightgow. They went to bed and turned of the light. Is this happiness? Should I be happy? Who is this women. Ana asked herself that. wait how does sister Elizabeth know my name I never told her. Suddenly there was a women standing beside Anas bed. She started whispering into Anas ear. She couldn't hear it her head was hurting. She ended up passing out cuz her body and head started hurting.

Hello dear people who are reading this! My spelling is really bad I'm very sorry if I did mistakes!

Inspired by: oh Ana-mother mother

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