
Control Practice.

Limerick, Ireland.

"Let go of me! Let go!"

"Stop Leaving my mother alone!"  A little girl's voice cried out, only to be thrown to the side,  She was a redheaded Irish girl., she was fighting and fighting and fighting the thugs, even though she stood no chance, she didn't care she kicked and screamed. 

The mother was kicking and screaming as well,  as she was eventually struggling as the group of guys grabbed her arms and legs, and restricted her movements. the little girl looked to be about 5 years old. but she was restrained by a guy holding her in place.

A wicked grin on his face. 

The other guys had different perverted grins as they all closed in on the mother.

"Help! Someone Hel-MMMPH." She was gagged, by a hand.  "Relax..." A guy cooed in a whisper towards her ear,  "You will enjoy this, just as much as us..."

The mother glared at him, in a death grip, but, something from the skies echoed, a sonic boom,  as a figure came closer.

"Is that a bird?"

"Like hell it is, it's too big to be one."

"Then it has to be a plane right?" Another guy asked.

"Are you an idiot?" Another guy asked, "What terrorist would be stupid enough to crash in the middle of an abandoned ally, how the fuck would that accomplish anything?"

"Then it has to be a man right?" a guy asked, they were all distracted, and the mother, took this opportunity to knee the guy in the balls break free for a split second,  and run to her daughter.

Before she could, however, a blur slammed into the guy holding her and then continued, to slam into the remaining thugs. the sheer force of each slam knocked each individual unconscious.

The little girl stared wide-eyed at what was happening, the mother grabbed her daughter, and put her behind her, nervous of the blur's intentions,  but the blur, just left.

Her jaw dropped to the ground,  just like that?  the blur just left, without saying or checking to see if they were okay. 

"Rebecca..."  The mother said softly as she grabbed her arm and led her away, "We have to go, sweetie before they wake up."

The girl now  Identified as  Rebecca continued to stare at the spot where the blur once was.

She was going to find him. She thought, No matter how hard it might be.

She wasn't the only person of that day who was saved,  everyone who had called for help was saved by a blur,  if one could even see that blur.

Fighting for control in strength for average day things was quite simple I would beat up criminals, and try not to kill them in the process. This is something that I am not doing out of morality, I was fighting crime around the world, testing my speed strength, and endurance.

No, this is due to control, as Superman had once said, everything around me is like cardboard. That should be the same case with me, though I had never, truly tested it. Not that I want to accidentally break an arm just from touching you.

  The first couple of times were admittedly brutal, I tried to hold back but I couldn't, I mostly felt guilty about the ones who didn't have a choice in the matter. However, what can you do, you pay the crime and you pay the price.  In my case literally.

Rumors about me quickly spread like wildfire overnight due to the amount of people that had seen me as a blur save them, People were calling me a blast, as like a blast, a blur,  I would be there, take down many criminals, and then in a flash, I would be gone.

  I walked slowly through the streets, with a small sigh, it felt satisfying really helping them out, but I wasn't doing it because it was the right thing to do, I was, as I had said before, I was fighting for control. If I killed the criminals, which mostly, I would want to do because I deem it right,  I would lose control.... and it was really...really easy to kill.  It was hard not to.

I was back in Brooklyn.

As the hours, days, weeks, and months went by, I was able to get better control of my abilities.

I didn't just get rid of the criminal population,  I rescued people from fires, I saved people from drowning, and I saved cats from the trees. I was your....friendly neighborhood Superman so to say, but Superman didn't have a mask on like I did.

I paused, and as I looked down to the sidewalk, I saw a dusty old scarf just lying there,  I picked it up, and dusted it off before I put it in my pocket. I went to the tree and began to sleep, ma be honest, I kind of snored.

"Young man?"  A familiar voice woke me up from my nap as my eyelids fluttered open I had found a scarf, lying on the ground, and decided to put that in my pocket. Not that I had money for it anyway.

I slowly looked up to the source of the voice to see Martha once again in my sight, only with a Thomas Wayne who looked very similar to Linus Roache, and a young Bruce Wayne,  who was looking at me with a curious look.

"Where are your parents?" Martha asked looking at me in concern, "Why are you out here all by yourself."

'I don't know I don't remember anything about them," I said looking down in frustration, it is kind of true, I don't know my origin, I am only basing everything off of assumptions of what I know from different fictions. "it is as if my whole identity has been erased, and I have no clue of how I got here."

Thomas and Martha looked at me in concern, while the young Bruce continued to look at me with curious eyes. The two of them exchanged brief looks as if having a silent conversation to themselves; before Thomas smiled at me, "how about this," he said.  "Why don't you come with us, we will let you live with us and we will help you remember your life and find your parents, is that alright?"

My jaw dropped,  I can't believe what I am hearing right now...

"You...you are actually letting a complete stranger into your house..." I muttered in disbelief.

"You seem like a good kid."  Thomas said with a wry smile,  "And I couldn't possibly out of my own morality reject a kid in need."

I continued to stare at him in disbelief before I slowly nodded my head.

Already better than Howard Stark, I can see where Batman gets his morals from. I thought inwardly.

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ElliotJackson2creators' thoughts
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