
An Heir For The Multi Billionaire CEO

Rated 17+[Contains 36+ erotic scenes with foul words such as fuck, asshole, dick, bitch, whore, slut, boobs, pussy ] ................ “What do I benefit if I marry you?” “If you marry me, I can help you deal with your slutty family on one condition!”. “YOU GIVE BIRTH TO A MALE CHILD WITHIN NINE MONTHS OF THE CONTRACT!” “DON'T BE AFRAID. OBEY MY RULES, COMPLETE THE MONTH RANGE, GET ME AN HEIR, AND YOU WILL BE FINE ” “AND WHAT IF I DON'T?” “THEN THERE WILL BE HEAVENLY CONSEQUENCES ” Nine Years Ago, Zhang Meiyin, a well-known model drastically falls into her doom when she finds out that her uncle is her BIOLOGICAL father. Her entire life and career fall and her life portray a damsel in distress without her daring prince to save her. Her modeling Image as EVA was stolen from her and she swore to have her revenge when she discovered that they were the major roles in her mother's death. A few years later, She bumps into An aloof, cold, brutal, ruthless king of the underworld and sleeps with him. In other to deal with her slutty family, She engages in a marriage contract with the King, and in exchange, to bear him a child. She signs a contract with him and comes to terms to bear him a MALE CHILD within nine months of their marriage contract. What will happen when two strong and opposing forces are joined together by a contract marriage? What will happen when their marriage is set on benefits and not love? “I HATE you but can't stop LOVING the monster you have to turn out to become. ” “Run away and I will tear the entire Galaxy, smash all the mountains, part the whole oceans and seas, quench the blazing fire and bury those that get in my way just to find you, because, without you I am nothing!”

JessicaE777 · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
31 Chs

Chapter 26

"Yes, I did ." He held her arms and dragged her into a hug. He rested his head on her neck and coughed.

"Meiji, please come back to me! My brother does not love you!" He sobs and tightens the hug.

Meiji struggled to pull out of the hug because of his strong grip.

"Yeri, let go of me, I beg you!" Meiji angrily says as she steps on his feet.

The talk she always avoided. Why did she choose someone who did not love her at all over one who cherished her with his life?

"What do you see in him that I do not have?! tell me!"

Yeri shouted at the top of his voice making Meiji tremble.

"What does he have?"

"Is it his hair?"

"His looks?"

"His voice?"

"Tell Me!" He shook her violently.

"Yeri, I have to go!" She blankly said.

"I loved you so much and yet you chose him over me! He rejected you tons of times and yet you got pregnant for him!"

"When you were in labor, he never set his eyes on you yet you let him hold your child!"

He mentioned coldly and Meiji's cheeks were filled with tears.

The worst mistake she committed in her life was marrying someone who never loved or cherished her!

However, she wished and hoped for him to love her back because she could not get herself away from him.

She was in love with him to the extent that she slept with him and got pregnant for him.

"Yeri, please stop!" Meiji cried out when she could no longer hold the tears in her eyes.

All her life mistakes came to haunt her. Her parent rejected her when she got pregnant for him.

He was never the right choice for her but she chose him which made her parent cut off from her.

"He scolded you for no reason and you did not have any complaints"

"He beat you so many times and you had no one to turn to you "

"Look at now, His child is turning seventeen and he has not come back! Meiji, you are so sorrowful!"

When he noticed she cried, he stopped and looked at her. He wrapped his hands around her shoulders and let her sob on his shoulders.

"I am sorry, I did not mean what I said " Yeri comforted her.

"Leave my house! Just leave!" Meiji balled her fist and pointed at the door.

"You are a fool, Meiji! I bet you do not know that he has remarried and has a twin with another woman in Vegas, NV, that is why he did not come back!"

Meiji scowled at his statement.

"He remarried? Impossible! I have his child with me!" She completely broke down in tears.

"I saw him last month when I traveled out of the country. He was so happy with his new family and wife that I am hundred percent sure he has forgotten about you!"

"You are lying. He would never do that to me! He loves me!"

"You are just imaginary it. He never loved you! He never showed up at the wedding, it was me who you got married too!"

The fact can never be thrown away. Zhang Yerin never married Yang Meiji! He did not even show up to the wedding!

"You are just lying!" Meiji covered her ears and walked out of the room.

She did not want to acknowledge the painful truth although she knew it.

She walked fast to the pool and gazed at herself in the water.

"I love you! Be with me! I do not care if you already have a child with him, I will raise her myself. I will cherish both of you with my heart!"

"You are shameless yourself!" She scoffed and waved her hands.

Marry him and become his second wife? What will people say about her and her child?

How will her child ever be safe within her peers if the news leaks out? Her whole life would be destroyed thinking she is a mistress daughter.

"I do not care of being called shameless! I seriously love you and would go to any extent to have you "

He forcefully holds her waist.

"Yeri!" She shouted as she struggled to get out of his embrace.

She tripped over and fell into the big pool.

"Mother! What did you do to my mother?" Meiyin screamed at him as she tried to jump into the pool.

"If anything happens to my mother, I will not forgive you!"

"Meiji!" He dived into the pool and dragged out her lifeless body. "You can not go, stay with me please!"

He placed his hands on his chest and pressed it down. He felt no heartbeat and rushed her to the hospital.


In The Hospital.

"Doctor, how is she?"

"She could not make it, I am sorry " He bowed his head and led the other doctor to take the lifeless body to the mortuary.

"Mother! Give me back my mother!" Meiyin cried and shook Yeri.

"She is not dead! My mother is not dead!"

"Please!" She squatted down and sobbed in her arms.