
An Eldritch Legacy: Sacrilegious Darkness

Creation just has too much light! Or so it seems. Will it be up to the Dak Ones to bring balance to creation and existence, or drive them to fall to their knees? -------- Kean Cletus is an Eldritch child who is on the search for his mother. But it is proving to be difficult, her Light has been scattered, and she has become warped and twisted. A husk of her former self. He knows that there something wrong with her, but the Light of Creation does not welcome him, and so he has to be reborn in a form that will be accepted in Creation's Light. ------- "Awaken your Honored Legacy my child.....the times to come are not for those faint of heart." "The fight for your mother will prove harder than anything you have ever known my child" The Eldritch Heavens await the rise of The Bottomless Depth! Will Kean be worthy of The Throne, The Crown, The Wings and the Legacy of His Sacrilegious Ichor.

DarkOceanRage · Fantasy
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30 Chs

The Endearing Feast (2) .....

As they celebrated the games they will play, the atmosphere suddenly shifted as Kean suddenly stood up from his throne.

Looking at them, Kean actually sighed, or he intended to. But the wind sighed in his stead, and this time the sigh could be heard from all over the mountain, all sentient things and the dead that roamed the land of the living heard his sigh. 

He felt pity for the things that will come their way, just for knowing him and having an inclination about him would shape their fate in ways not pleasant, but he no choice. He sometimes would also lose his mind to the darkness.

But why was he all of a sudden, feeling pity, it was not in his nature, literally. But he soon got an answer in his mind. It seemed his mother's nature was rousing. The longer he spent in Creation's Light the more it would rear its head. All these alien feelings were new, but he could not say he was annoyed by it, it was nice to have a change.

His voice, he noticed that it was beginning to have an effect on reality in ways that not just the usual dark corruption of his native language.

He felt like it had suddenly gained some fraction of power, power to unleash torrents of destruction, render reality asunder with its thunderous commands. But perhaps the silent effects of his voice were the most terrifying of all. But more into that later.

He had a meal to prepare. The consequences of his involvement in their lives will send ripples through out reality, the power they will yield, will be too heavy to bare. They will need great fortitude if they were to survive to the end of days and the coming of his brothers. For they were beings far more powerful than he was and far more potential, well that was still up for debate. Speaking of them, if he had a mouth, then it would have broken out into a wide feral grin. 

Speaking of the beast, it had undergone enormous changes, transformations, that had likely happened due to the effects of the Eledrachie. It could be quite corruptive, he protected Kyrios and the children from his tongue. But clearly the protection did not extend to the beast.

He had clearly intended it, but he was not yet done. It would not get the plans to where he wanted. He just needed to push to the right direction.

And that's what he did exactly. He moved to the table and grabbed a black blade that was placed beside by the table.

Holding the dagger, he bent over its body and with a swift swinging downward action he stabbed into the chest of the beast. Stabbing into the chest, he made a cut along the chest with a wound deep enough to expose its ribcage. Its white-silver blood pooled on the table creating such a beautiful sight. This made those present to start breathing rapidly as they caught sight of that ensnaring sight, if they could, they would have rushed and started to chew on flesh of the beast as it breathed and bled.

After exposing its bones. He removed the knife from its body and with practiced ease he stabbed fiercely into his own palm. 

But quite unbelievable was that the amount of energy able to chop off a whole limb only, managed to create a small flesh wound on it probably enough for only a single drop of blood. And it was just the amount he needed. In fact, using his blood was a waste of heavenly resources, and besides those guys might pick up on his direction if he delayed any longer.

Sometimes he thanked this world for being as broken and messed up as it was, for it was the best place to hide from the forces of Creation, things that he found annoying like fate, destiny they were present, but this world twisted them to an unimaginable degree otherwise this world would have been destroyed long before these guys were even born. And most importantly the Guardians. 

Well, they could not do anything to him, but it would be a hustle, nonetheless. With that in mind he quickly inserted his wounded hand into the exposed of the beast and like a rock passing through paper, the bones before its heart shattered, with little resistance. But the assailant did not seem to mind the shards oof bone flying everywhere and further wounding the beast. 

Once the bones were out of his way he inserted his hand into the heart of the beast. If you could see inside you see, that the wound on his hand did not bleed even after all his efforts, but he was not worried, for in the next moment, Kean grunted with some effort and forced a dop of blood from his palm, to call it blood was mockery. It looked like a drop of sludge made only of screaming shadows. As the wailed the loss of being in his body, he quickly removed his hand. 

On noticing that they could not go back the blood wailed eve more. it would have been deafening if not for the fact that Kean had suppressed it. He grunted again, and with so much reluctance the drop fused with the white flesh walls of the wolf queen.

What happened next bordered on the realms of undivine. The wounds of the wolf closed like an instinctive react of the body, it was like the flesh of the wolf was ashamed to undergo the changes that were happening. He did not wait to inspect the body of the beast and left it on its own for he had other things to prepare.

But before he left, he looked to Kyrios. The latter seemed to understand what Kean wanted to say.

And so, Kean closed his eyes remembering that his time was running out... well closing them was an oversight, his dual pupils just disappeared and all that remained was the dark Void that they swam in.

Into his psyche, he went. The only place that felt like home to him in this alien world. It was a great darkness, a darkness so expansive that it seemed to have no end to it. But in his immediate sight he saw a sight that he was not just used to yet, or even why it was here. He had an inkling that that Oldman was up to his tricks again.

In front of him was a Great Long Table that equally would have extended to infinity if the darkness did not seem greater than it was. The table was made of colors of light. He felt like he was looking at the light of Creation for the first time again. 

The Light the table produced was just so amazing that even for an entity like him, he could admit that it was beautiful. Voices of all creatures in creation sang in melodious tunes from the grand table. but in the next moment he looked away, for the light from it could actually hurt his eyes. He dared not to look much at it.

But alongside the table, there were Nine grand thrones on it, that were equally large and endearing. But unlike the table, they were not made of Light. instead, only one throne had color that could be described, others were covered in a dark haze that still managed to stand out in all this darkness.

But each seemed to have smaller thrones of varying sizes at their base. They were innumerable. But that was only for the colored throne. He just assumed that it was like that for the others too. 

He had a feeling, that the colored throne was his and the others probably for his brothers. But something bothered him, if the throne was his, then why could he not approach it. He even forgot its color and he could only remember that it was colored in the first place. it seemed like he was not yet worthy of it. but that does not matter right now, he piqued for time before he is traced by this Universe Guards.

He stopped thinking about it and went for what brought him here, so he headed deeper into the darkness that was his psyche.