
An Assassin's Affair

Martial Arts
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What is An Assassin's Affair

Lesen Sie den Roman An Assassin's Affair des Autors LunderePar0llel, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.He didn’t care if this ruined his once peaceful life.He didn’t care if this landed him and the road of no return.What he wanted, was to make them realize who they messed with.He’ll do whatever it take...


He didn’t care if this ruined his once peaceful life. He didn’t care if this landed him and the road of no return. What he wanted, was to make them realize who they messed with. He’ll do whatever it takes, no matter the cost or toll it might take. An assassin always makes sure to return the favor. It’s their duty, right? Death awaits the ones who screwed with him, but unexpected love awaits as well. It’s just in a matter of time before someone starts to fall into intoxicating love that eats at the cold heart of an assassin. Karma… really is a ruthless bitch.

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超级时空站简介: 云青宇有个前男友叫翟让,云青宇的工作是,帮助每一个想穿越的客户找到真爱,或是感受历史帝王的权利,但是她有个男朋友,是时空监察局的,工作和男友不可兼得,所以,云青宇把他踹了。 时空监察局简介: 翟让有个前女友叫做云青宇,翟让的工作是,抓住每一个搅乱时空的穿越者,让他们回到时空的正轨,不让历史产生蝴蝶效应。但是他有个女朋友,是超级时空站,专门搞穿越的,工作和女友不可兼得,于是......翟让被踹了。 正文简介:想谈一场超越时空的恋爱吗?想做贵门千金,做王妃做皇后吗?还是想成为一代女侠行走江湖策马天涯。 只要你想,超级时空站就能做到。 害怕不适应?没关系,我们有陪同人员——护灵者。 不会诗词歌赋曲?不怕,你做做样子,最佳辅助熟记上下五千年的唐诗宋词。 不会琴棋书画舞?没关系,最佳辅助化妆术高超,再蒙个面,顶替你上阵。 想做心善白莲花人设?没关系,最佳辅助做恶毒女配衬托你。 想做高冷女王人设?没关系,最佳辅助整日哭哭啼啼求安慰衬托你。 不谈金钱的工作是没有质量的。 只要你出钱,我们就出力,培养金牌辅助,就是为了替你服务。 穿越时空旅行团最佳辅助,你,值得拥有。

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