
An Anime Summoning System

In a world filled with Dungeon, a young man finds himself able to summon minions from the anime world.

Itachi101 · Anime und Comics
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26 Chs

dungeon cleared

Bardock was a Saiyan from the world of dragon ball, he was a master of hand-to-hand combat. He could use special energy known as Ki to do things from flying or shooting energy blasts

as a Saiyan, Bardock had the ability to transform into a great ape upon looking at a full moon. in this form, his strength will allow improving by 10 times,

Bardock could even make a small ball of light which could help him transform into a great ape. Bardock was a few Saiyans who could control themselves in this form,

But Bardock didn't have many abilities locked but his strength was now at peak copper level. the only ability locked was the ability to make the ball of light which would allow him to transform into a great app. he also couldn't use Ki to fly

Saiyan's also had something called Zenki Boosts. when the Saiyan suffer a great deal of injuries, they could recover from injuries when they heal up.

Fugaku Uchiha was the leader of the Uchiha clan. he was one of the strongest ninjas of his time, he was a master of the sharingan, a master of hand-to-hand combat, a master in armed combat, and a person who have mastered many techniques with his sharingan

what was the sharingan you asked? the sharingan was a pair of eyes which one would awaken through going through strong emotions. this sharingan allowed a person to have sharp eyes, to the point they could see a person's next move, know what a person is writing just by looking at the panic movement, and many more

the Uchiha clan were masters of illusions with these eyes. a simple look into a person's eyes could trap them in a powerful illusion, when fighting someone of the Uchiha clan, one must not look into their eyes

These eyes also allow one to copy many techniques they see, so long as the ability wasn't some kind of bloodline ability or an extremely complex technique,

But Fugaku had some abilities locked, his was limited to only the fruit level. he could only use the 1 Tomoe sharingan. but that was pretty much all the ability that was locked.

As for Crocodile, Crocodile is extremely intelligent and cunning. he eat the devil fruit called sand-sand fruit, which was a special fruit that turned a person into human sand. this meant normal attacks could not affect him, he can freely control his body,

this fruit gave him liquid absorption, as he can absorb the liquid within a person's body, and those around him. He can not only control his body which was sand, but also the sand around him. he had mastered his devil fruit to a level where he can create weapons out of the sand, and many more.

Crocodile didn't have many abilities locked. but his control of sand and some other stuff were brought down to copper level.

although I say they were brought down to copper level, in truth they had strength above copper rank as they could face iron level experts. their skills and combat experience were no joke,

The group after finding out what they needed to know about each other, and the Lava monster, they selected to fight 2 lava monsters each. Although the level monster had a unique body of lava, it didn't matter as they were destroyed by them. Bardock among them was the strongest and could lunch out the strongest attacks, long-range, short-range, wide-range, and so on. He was a walking tank, although his attacks cost a lot of ki, it only took a few minutes for him to recover.

Fugaku was a master of all, he had many ways to kill his target. with his first, with a weapon, with water release, earth release, fire release, lightning release, and wind release. he can even use illusions to take control of the lava monster and have them fight alongside him

Crocodile on the other hand sent created sand weapons monsters. unlike the others, he had the most energy. although the weakest, he made up for it with his energy which allowed him to face even more monsters than the others

Bardock and the others were summoned gaining all the information needed about the system. they knew the more of these monsters they killed, the better. the drops from lava monsters dropped were instantly collected by the system.

there were mana crystals, shards, and some other drops the lava monsters would drop. Sora who was outside heard all the drops which he was gaining, the 3 killing just 60 lava monsters gave him 2 D rank summon shards, 9 mana crystals, and 10 lava monsters' cores.

"The boss is next; it has been 2 hours and 26 minutes. so, we have to be fast. young prince, please stay back." Donny said seriously as Sora nodded slightly,

The group of 5 took a deep breath as they all went up the volcano and went up the volcano and began to the dungeon boss which was in the volcano. the boss was huge, the height of a building. this was an iron ranked boss

everyone knew that dungeon monsters were stronger than humans, for a group of 4 to defeat an iron-ranked boss, they would need to have skills that perfectly work together with each other. and even then, they would have to fight to slowly tired out the dungeon boss before he could if lucky land the killing blow

the group of 5 had to do the same, they were fighting to have the dungeon boss use up all its energy. time went by, and slowly both sides were getting tried.

in the end, both sides were left tried as they had to rest and quickly recover. which every side regained its energy would most likely win, but Donny and the others were covered in injuries.

the dungeon boss on the other hand only had light injuries, with light injured and it being in the volcano, it, of course, was going to recover faster than them.

Sora frowned seeing this, he stepped forward his actions were caught by the archer who frowned upon seeing him calming towards him.

"young prince, stay back," Tom said his words made everyone notice Sora's actions,

"Cadence, can you lunch one last powerful attack?" Sora asked calmly as he slowly removed the necklace around him.

"... prince, if you remove that necklace you will be left defenseless," Cadence said in shock

"but if you can kill him, then we can all survive. some pain is better than watching you all did." Sora said with a smile as he threw the necklace toward Cadence

Cadence caught the necklace, as she watched in shock at Sora who was slowly beginning to burn up.

"Protect the young prince." She said to troy before she stood up while placing the necklace around her neck. she suddenly felt a boost in her strength and mana upon putting this necklace on

Troy covered the little mana she had to wrap around Sora, protecting him from the heat. Sora who was just burning up was in a lot of pain, he nodded gratefully to troy if he knew it would have been like that he would have just summoned his summons.

"Water Sword art secret arts. raging wave." Cadence yelled as water filled the sword, she swung forward with her sword as a wave shot towards the huge lava monster.

this, of course, was no normal wave. each drop of water was a sharp blade that swallowed the lava monster. the lava monster was sent flying, out of the volcano. the lava monster roared as it slowly got back out, a huge amount of its body was destroyed, but it had auto-healing, that mana it recovered was used as it tried to heal itself

but when an expert or monster uses all their mana, they would die. the monster exploded once all its mana was used, a bunch of loot replaced where it once laid. a huge copper gate appeared moments later

Cadence on the other hand fainted from using up too much Mana, she was in a critical condition. Donny sent Sora and Cadence out of the dungeon while the others remained to collect the loots. once Sora stepped out, he saw Kanan was standing before the gate.

"Heal her," Sora said with a frown, Kanan sighed as she held her palm out as she first healed Sora, Sora's red skin returned back to normal, it was almost like he was never injured. Kanan waved her hands once more as Cadence's body also returned to its peak, although it took a breath longer for her to heal

"... what?" Cadence slowly woke up in confusion, but upon seeing everything around her she quickly understood what happened. her last attack killed the lava monster or at least gave the others a chance to end it.

"Well. I should be returning to the palace. come back when you are all rested up," Sora said with a slight smile as he left with Kanan, there was a huge group of people that came to watch the trash young prince clear a dungeon. Sora was sure that most people here were spies, who would have the time to stand here for so long?

"Wait, your necklace," Cadence said quickly as she removed the necklace, but Sora shook his head.

"Take it as a gift, I couldn't have done it without you. so thanks." Sora said calmly as he entered his carriage, with Kanan who followed after him with a frown. Cadence was moved as she held the necklace tightly.

"Have 2 silver rank experts watch over her. some of those spies within the city will make their moves on her, let's start killing these spies placed around the city." Sora said calmly. stunning Kanan

"you're saying?" Kanan asked with hopeful eyes, Sora nodded slightly as he looked at the shards he had gotten and the summon ticket he gained from clearing the dungeon.

"I'm going to aim for the throne," Sora said softly as he looked out the window at the citizens on the streets, Kanan was where bright as she took out a clear orb which she spoke into, telling those in the palace of Sora orders.

this was all she ever wanted from her young master. out of all the king's children, Sora even as a cripple had a high chance to become king. sure, it would be hard and filled with many dangers, but with his mother's support, Sora could do it.

"Also have the other 4 have some silver experts to protect them. mother sent me a lot of guards after I was attacked, put them to work. record everyone that comes around their house, I want a background check on all of them. if one person seems off, I want to know about it right away." Sora said calmly, Kanan nodded as she passed down Sora's order

Upon returning to the palace, Sora went into his room and went on to act like he went to sleep and went on to enter the training ground. there he saw Bardock, Fugaku, and Crocodile. upon seeing Sora, they were stunned for a moment before they fell to one knee.

"No need for all of that, stand," Sora said with a smile as he looked around the training ground, it looked like the training area from the world of Naruto, where the bell test took place. there were even the 3 lugs where Naruto was tired up.

"you guys already collected 16 Mana crystals. absorb them. for you all to evolve you need to raise your strength to the peak. you already have low copper yet could even defeat a peak copper level monster. that's even better than the dungeon monsters." Sora said with a smile,

"how many crystals do we need to absorb?" Fugaku asked calmly, Sora shrugged as he pointed above their hands where there was a bar that had 0% filled

"Some only need 5 mana crystals to reach med, some need more. as your strength improves, the more energy you will need, since you 3 are A-rank summons, I think you will at least 10 mamas' crystals." Sora said calmly

"Once that bar is filled, I will need to collect 100 A rank shards. you guys can sit tight as I might not be able to find that in a meanwhile." Sora said as he called for the summoning ticket he gained after clearing the lava monster dungeon

a red ticket appeared in his hands, which had D- A summoning ticket. so, this ticket could summon anyone from D rank to A rank. Sora sighed as he didn't even know who he wanted, he threw the ticket in front of him and watched as it began glowing before it exploded into 3 stars.

Sora smiled as this was a B rank summon, the 3 stars came together before taking the form of a human.

{Name. Tashigi. a skilled swordswoman, able to use Armament Haki which could allow one to use spiritual energy to strengthen their attacks and allow their attacks to affect those who would normally not be affected with normal attacks. she is also able to use Observation Haki, an ability that grants her a sixth sense and many more.

Locked skills. (Haki)} the system said as a black-haired woman, with a purple shirt and blue jeans, she was a beauty, someone who would have people going wild for them

Sora almost jumped in joy seeing her abilities, it was hard as hell to find A rank person in the world of One Pieve that had Haki. Tashigi although had Haki was not really that strong, or as talented as many people who had appeared in one piece. she was at least had something Sora badly wanted

Sora had 3 energies from 3 different worlds standing before him. Ki is also known as "latent energy" or "fighting power," which directly translates as "life force." This force is a tangible energy inside every living being, with its major focus being in the center of the body. By drawing it out, an individual is able to manipulate it and use it outside the body. Ki can be used for many different techniques. Because there are physical limits to the strength of the body itself, it is necessary to increase one's ki to overcome this barrier and become stronger.

Chakra is a energy from the world of Naruto. Chakra is created when two more primal energies, known collectively as one's "stamina", are molded together. Physical energy is collected from each of the body's cells and can be increased through training, stimulants, and exercise. Spiritual energy is derived from the mind's consciousness and can be increased through studying, meditation, and experience. These two energies becoming more powerful will in turn make the created chakra more powerful.

One Piece energy is called spiritual energy. those in the one-piece world use this energy to allow them to do many things, from coming into contact with those without a physical form, seeing the future, and releasing a pressure so powerful it split the sky.

If you couldn't guess what Sora wanted to do from this already, Sora wanted to all of his summonses to have this both chakra and Ki. as for the skills like Haki, will they not get stronger with chakra? will they not get strong once Ki and Chakra are fused?

and since he could not use mana, could he not just walk this new path? this was the main reason he wanted to be king now, he had a chance to have the power needed to be king.