
The girl with flowers in her head (1)

Yuuto's eyes glazed over as they lazily fell to the ground, the muscles in his body were now so relaxed that he felt as if he was going to faint.

"Ah, fuck, this dog is way too good at this! "

A couple of grunting sounds came from behind him as Yuuto turned back and looked at his monitor. After a few moments, he felt his guts roll around in his stomach as he dryly coughed and fell to the ground.

Fuck, too disgusting!

In that split second he turned his head to see the image on the monitor, he saw the two dogs turn around AND then fuck the boys while the boys moaned and yelled 'more Papady!'.

What…what type of depraved fuck did that Aayaden send him?!?!

However, as soon as the clouds of haziness in his mind were swept away, he suddenly remembered the booming sound he heard and the window breaking, and also that he came on an unknown figure!

Yuuto looked up in confusion and was promptly scared for his life when he saw the person in front of him.

Large pupils, alluring cheeks that looked as if they'd be good to pull, and soft lips. Rather than appearing like a charming woman, she had a young face that made her appearance closer to being a charming girl, no, a charming child. Her tied up bun hairstyle was cute.

She was probably an elementary schooler at the very most. Even her height and form were on the level of a developing country that was still in desperate need of growth. Furthermore, she also dressed in a weird way; she wore a blue frock with a white pouch in the middle of her stomach.

However, her face or appearance wasn't his concern, but the cup-load of white liquid sprayed on her cute and innocent face was!

Instantly, Yuuto became scared for his life!

What if the girl was sent by a secret team of reporters to conduct a sting on the children of suspected pedophiles?!? What would Aya-nee say after she saw this girl?!?! What would happen next?!?! Would he go to jail?!?!?!? Goddammit, he was way too yoooouuuuunnng!

"P-papa, I missed you!!"

The cute girl sobbed and as she jumped on him, much to the surprise of the dazed Yuuto.

"W-what? Get off of me! Where did you even come from?! "

Yuuto yelled as he threw the girl in another direction, and he felt disgust creep up into his entire body as he felt a smooth liquid slide down his cheeks.

Goddammit!!! This is gaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

"Papa, it's me, Mio. Your daughter! "

The girl said as she wiped away the tears in her eyes and sat on his chest.

Yuuto immediately felt the pedophilic alarm in his mind go off and blare siren-like noises!

"I have NO daughter till today! I'm still a pure virgin. Who are you trying to cheat woman?! "

Yuuto felt his veins combust as he grunted and tried to move Mio, the girl from his chest.

The blue eyes of the girl immediately went even more red as she hit Yuuto's chest with her hands.

"Bad papa! I'm your daughter Mio from the future, and I'm here to fix your relationship with my mother! "

The girl threw a tantrum as she pouted.

"…From...the future? "

"What the hell? Get off of me first! "

Yuuto stood up from the floor as he wiped his ding dong with a tissue, while Mio looked on with both of her hands on her face. Yet, her fingers had a gap as she attentively looked on with a blush.

"Geez papa, you shouldn't show that to me, only mama has the right to see it… "

The girl playfully moved her body as she chippily performed a dance-like movement.

"…I told you to face the wall!! "

Yuuto had a murderous expression on his face as he yelled at Mio.

Just a while ago, Yuuto clearly told Mio to face the wall, and here she was looking at his dick and performing a dance! What the fuck?

"Okay, papa! "

Mio turned around and faced the wall.

A while later, Yuuto showed a tense smile as he closed in on the girl and put his hands on her shoulders.

"Mind explaining a bit about who you are and what happened a while ago? "

Yuuto asked with a monotone voice as he looked at the now-clear face of the girl.

Yuuto's mind almost broke as he thought about the black hole, the crying loli who called herself his daughter. And as of now, he was still in a panic as he still hadn't got his explanation.

"Hmm, papa! I'm from the future! "

The girl's blue eyes looked at him as she happily hugged him, and in the process caressed his belly.


"The future…?"

"Yes, papa! I'm from the future! "

"And so, here are the things that will happen in society and stuff in the next ten years. This should be enough as proof! "

Mio said as she pointed at the blue screen in front of her showing an entire page filled with pictures and news articles.

Yuuto looked on with zealous interest as he squatted down and tried to touch the screen, which was a failure as his finger straight-up passed through the transparent screen.

"Interesting… "

Instead of caring whether or not Mio was his true daughter or even someone even remotely close to that, the only thing he cared about was the intensely interesting screen in front of him, which was clearly futuristic technology and made it clear that Mio was indeed from the future.

"So, what are these screens and how and what did you use to time travel here? "

Yuuto asked as he smiled warmly at his daughter. He was still in denial regarding the whole thing about him having a daughter.

"What? Papa, you won't ask who's my mother and what reason I came here first? "

Mio said with an utterly disappointed and sad look on her face.

"…There's still time for that, but for now, what did you use and how did you come here? "

Yuuto asked with an interrogative tone as he smirked.

Yuuto was always curious and interested in these subjects, so it was granted that he would be super-excited.

"Hmph, okay okay, I'll tell you. "

"I came here using a time machine. The one and only time machine in the world! "

"The one and only? "

Indeed, it made sense that there was only a one-time machine, otherwise, every person would have their future counterpart travel back from the future in order to fix their mistakes.

"Yes. The one and only time machine in the world, made by my papa of course! "

Mio looked at Yuuto with a proud look on her face.

"Huh? I invented a time machine?! " Yuuto yelled out of surprise.

"You did papa. Along with a couple of other gadgets! "

Mio winked at Yuuto and pointed at the white pouch located on her stomach. Which's design certainly wasn't stolen from a cartoon about a blue cat robot.

Yuuto nodded and shrugged.

"Well then, where's the proof that you're my daughter? And besides that, who's your mother? "

Yuuto was now absolutely sure that this girl was from the future, and that too here to fulfill an agenda of hers involving him. But nonetheless, he was excited after seeing such an Anime-like twist happen to him in real life.

"Hmmm! I am your daughter! And my mother is Ayumi Kazuya! "

"A-Ayumi Kazuya? "

Yuuto yelled in surprise as he thought about his gorgeous cousin, and furthermore, upon seeing his surprise, the girl before him tilted her head in confusion.

Yuuto took another look at Mio with his eyes displaying denial.

Although her pupils resembled Yuuto's own eyes, her eyebrows were like Ayumi's. Her slightly sharper jawline was similar to his own jaw as well. Similar. She looked like them.

However, no matter how much this kid resembled Ayuni and Yuuto, no matter how much she looked as if she were a 50/50 fusion of Ayumi and him, no matter how much it seemed as if this child would come out if Ayumi and him really made a child, Yuuto still couldn't believe that Ayumi would marry or even have a child with him in the future.

Yuuto was a realist, and he certainly didn't think someone could watch their significant others cheating in front of them and still stay happy. Anyways, after confessing his feelings towards Ayumi, Yuuto actually thought that after she calmed down she would storm out of the house, never to be seen by him ever again. And he also dreamt to the extent where he in the future, would see her wed another man…

It was heart-breaking indeed. But he didn't want Ayumi to go through pain anyways, so the most logical thing for them to do now would've been separating and cutting off connections.

Yuuto sighed as he looked at the girl in front of him, and then he put his hands on her head and stroked her hair.

"…Are you…actually mine and Ayumi's daughter? "

Yuuto asked as he looked at the ruined windows in the room.

Mio pouted. "Papa, I've said that before and I'll say it again; she's my mother and you're my papa! "

"…No physical deformities or mental problems? "

Yuuto asked as he thought about the effect incest has on children including autism and whatnot…

"…No…" Mio rolled her dull and glazed eyes in annoyance.

"Good then, now, why did you come here? "

Yuuto asked the main question as a serious expression started to appear in his face.

Mio, cheerful as ever; playfully winked and ran towards the door, leaving Yuuto in a daze.

"W-wait! Where are you going?! "

Yuuto felt an ominous foreboding as Mio exited the room and ran towards the living room.

Wait! If Ayumi sees an unknown girl that looks just like Yuuto what will her reaction be like?!?!?!?!!!???

THIS GIRL!!!!!!!!!!

Yuuto ran behind the girl in an attempt to catch her, which was only met with innumerable failures and giggles from the cheerful child.

Mio ran around the suite and much to her annoyance, eventually came to a dead-end as she obviously didn't know the layout of the suit, otherwise, she'd be even more un-catchable.

Mio stopped in the middle of the living room and turned around with an apologetic look on her face.


"Stop Mio!! "

Yuuto upon seeing that Mio had decreased her speed smirked victoriously and dashed to grab her, however, he made a fatal mistake at that moment as Mio instead of decreasing her speed abruptly stopped and tried to turn around.

One of Yuuto's hands fell on her face while the other one automatically in an effort to grab a source of support wrapped itself around Mio's neck.

Mio let out a whimper of surprise and fear as she struggled a bit with Yuuto's strong grip and heavy weight.

"Papa! Please let me go; I won't do this again! " Mio said as she tried her best to separate his hands from her body.

However, a second later Mio's eyes went behind Yuuto, and then she curved her eyebrows as she forced a tearful expression on her face.

"Papa, if you don't want me, I'll go away. But please don't hit me! "

Mio said as she sobbed and showed the tender side of a girl by trembling in fear.

Yuuto was plain confused at this development. Why was the girl saying that he didn't want her? It was obviously her fault for running from him for reason, right?

"Please papa, leave me…m-my mother won't bother you anymore! "

Mio cringed in fear while Yuuto looked on with apparent confusion.


However, just a moment later a thought flashed by his mind as he remembered that she started to act this weird only after looking behind him…

Could it be…

Yuuto had an apprehensive expression on his face as he turned his head around, the sight before him made him sheepishly smile.

There, he saw Ayumi standing behind him wearing nothing but a white towel.

The graceful and immaculate lady from before was now nowhere to be seen; While her large eyes were filled to the brim with tears, it was like she was trying to forcefully prevent herself from crying out loud. Her red with emotions face was looking at Mio and Yuuto back-and-forth as she put her hand on her chest in order to stop her heartache.

Uh, wait, doesn't this make it seem as if…

"Yo-you're horrible Yu-chan…!"

The sounds of hysterical sobbing rang out as Ayumi came forward in a dash and forcefully separated Mio from Yuuto.

"A-all this time you...h…h-had a daughter!"

Ayumi's red and succulent face held a betrayed look on her face as she carefully looked at Mio.

"Look at her, she's so young, and you were going to abandon her?! " Both of Ayumi's hands held Milo's small and petite body as she turned back and yelled at Yuuto.

"W-wait, this isn't what you think this is! It's a misunderstanding, yes a misunderstanding! " Yuuto frantically explained in an effort to not give Ayumi a misunderstanding of the current situation.

However, Ayumi's hot tears clouded her eyes as she looked at Yuuto for a few seconds, a bit later she hatefully turned her head and took a look at Mio.

"...Child, what's your name and how old are you? " Ayumi asked with fear.

Her eyes went towards Mio's physical features and once they reached her eyes, she let out a whimper of discomfort and agony.

Yuuto decided to just let go and enjoy the show with an amused smile.

"M-my name is Mio Kazuya. But my mom says that I shouldn't use my surname otherwise my papa will…will hate me! "

"I'm eleven this year! " Mio had an innocent expression on her face as she said with a trembling voice.

"Yuuto, how could you?! " Ayumi was enraged as she turned around and roared at Yuuto like a lion.

"…B-but, all of this is just a misunderstanding… " Yuuto said in a timid voice as he gulped, no longer wanting to let this act play on.

"Shut up! Don't talk to me! I-I never thought in my entire life that you could turn out to be like this! How could you!? She's only a child yet you don't allow her to use our family name, furthermore, how dare you abandon her mother?! " Ayumi roared as she threw a vase at Yuuto's face.

Yuuto clicked his tongue and dodged to his left, which made the flower vase hit the wall with a thud and effectively stain the velvet-red wall with water.

"Who's your mother Mio-chan? " Ayumi turned around and like a mother, attentively wiped the tears off of the face of Mio.

Ayumi's heart was broken, yet her jealousy didn't die as her ugly insecurity showed itself on her face.

"My…my mother's name is… "

"Speak up Mio, don't worry about that man. I'll take care of you even if he or your mother abandon you! " Ayumi patted the head of Mio, and Mio purred like a kitten in return.

"Wait wait Aya-nee, you're being too hasty! At least li-" Yuuto tried to reach for Ayumi's hands but was promptly yanked towards another direction by her.

"I don't want to hear another word from you! Yo-you, you're sick! You're not even eighteen and have an eleven-year-old child?! "

"A-and here I was thinking of supporting you in whatever deeds you wanted to do because I loved you and I thought you'd at least say it if you had feelings for any other girls or had sexual relationships with them! " Ayumi had a stone stuck in her throat as she spoke with a stern and monotone voice.

Mio looked on with an amused smirk, yet a few seconds later a panicked expression appeared on her face as she looked at her body.

Her hands and body, all of them were turning translucent; through them, she could even see the white marble floor!

"Mom, mom! " Mio tearfully turned to her mother and pulled the edge of her white towel.

Yuuto looked on as he hid behind a sofa, and even then, he could clearly see that the girl was suddenly turning translucent.

Heh, this must be punishment from God!

"Yes M-Mio-chan? " Ayumi looked At Mio, waiting with agony for maybe the most devastating revelation in her life.

"It's me, mom, I'm your future daughter! I'm from the future! I was just joking about my father, I'm actually from the future here to improve the relationship of the both of you! " Mio said in a panic as she looked at her rapidly disappearing body.

"A-ah? What's happening?! " Ayumi screamed in confusion as she looked at the now-almost transparent Mio.

"I don't have time mom! Basically, I'm here from the future and here to help you, but my prank ruined both of your current relationships and harmed its future counterparts, meaning that if you guys don't patch up quickly I'll never be born in the future! " Mio jumped up and down as she erratically looked at the surroundings in order to avoid her death.

"Look, I even have pictures! " Mio pulled out a humongous album – which was also rapidly disintegrating – and pushed it into the face of Ayumi.

Ayumi let out a whimper of surprise as she looked at the photos.

In one photo, she was kissing Yu-chan in a park, in another one, she was in his arms in front of an altar while her parents watched on with disapproval, and in another one, she saw Yu-chan holding up a miniaturized version of Mio.

Everything clicked in like a puzzle to Ayumi as she sighed in relief.

Yet, Mio hadn't seen her sigh in relief as she looked at Yuuto with a fearful face.

"Papa, please help me! Do something!"

" Quickly, do something so that she won't lose her love for you, do something!! Otherwise, I'll disappear! "

"Ah-ah yes yes! " Yuuto who had been ignored by these two until now quickly thought and jumped on Ayumi.

He had the greatest plan to seal his love into Ayumi's mind, it would work no matter how…uh, bad the idea seemed to be.

Before Ayumi could even say a single word, Yuuto jumped on her with a hungry expression on his face while he licked his lips exactly like how villains do.

Mio looked at her body and clicked her tongue, it looked like Ayumi believed what Mio said to her… false alarm…

Mio looked towards the couple pinned on the floor and immediately turned around with a blush and tried to leave the room.

How lewd…

As soon as Yuuto fell on Ayumi's soft and squishy body, he sealed his lips into hers without pause and sucked the living daylights out of her.

Ayumi had a shocked expression on her face as she felt Yuuto's tongue enter her mouth, but a second later she closed her eyes as she reciprocated Yuuto's efforts.

Yuuto's tongue passionately rolled around with Ayumi's tongue, yet it couldn't reach the deepest parts of her mouth as he grunted and lifted her smooth and supple thighs carrying them on his hands as he closed in as much as he could as once again started to suck the living daylights out of Ayumi.

"I-it's too..chu…deep...ah…I can't…don't do it in front of Miooo… "

Ayumi looked at Yuuto with lucid eyes as she once again closed them.

Yuuto skillfully finished the kiss and drank the saliva left behind on his tongue, even then as their lips separated both of their tongues had a string of saliva left on them.

Ayumi shyly blushed and bashfully looked away from Yuuto.

"Ahem, cough cough. Don't mind me but I just don't want siblings right now, so use condoms, bye! " Mio bade goodbye from behind a couch and stood up, trying to leave the room.

"Stay right there woman! " Yuuto yelled in a furious tone as he jumped like Spiderman once again and grabbed Mio by her skirt.

Mio whimpered in surprise as she fell down and hit the floor on her teeth.


"How could you be so mean, Yu-chan! You meanie!"

"I'm the bad guy?!"

"She clearly started this mess! "

Shit, Yuuto said that out loud.

Hasn't it been a really long time since he received this sort of gaze from Ayumi?

No matter how you look at her, she was clearly upset.

"How can you do something like that to a child? And to your own daughter at that!" Ayumi said as she affectionately looked at Mio's swollen nose.

Mio had tears in her eyes as she gritted her teeth while looking at Yuuto.

"No, Ayumi, that's what I'm trying to say, she's not… "

"Don't cry Mio-chan. There, there. It's okay. Mommy will scold your mean Papa. Bad!"

Ayumi looked at Yuuto with a frown and hit him on the head with astonishing speed.


This girl, she actually hit him!

Ayumi stroked the kid's hair and spoke to her in a warm voice while not even paying the slightest amount of attention towards Yuuto's boiling anger.

"Mom! Papa, Papa called me… "

"Yes, yes. Mommy is here. Don't cry."

The kid rubbed her face against Ayumi as she held the girl in her embrace.

Additionally, Ayumi had a mother-like, attentive expression on her face as she stroked the kid's hair. From a third-party's perspective, it might appear like there's a nice and warm mood wrapped around them.

Sadly, she didn't notice the grassy and fishy smell coming from her daughter's face…

Yuuto looked on at the daughter and mother pair with an inhumane amount of confusion in his eyes.

"Aya-nee, aren't you even going to question her on why she came here? I mean, sh-"

"Don't talk with me! I don't want to talk to you! " Ayumi once again roared at him with no apparent reason as she kissed Mio's forehead affectionately.


Yuuto however, clearly knew the reason why Ayumi was acting like this, and the reason was pretty unreasonable you see…

Ayumi, when angered, acts petulant and childishly vengeful; even though her usual behavior is as gentle as a flower. Which sometimes was a pain in the ass for him to deal with.

"Mom, Papa, you two are fighting, aren't you…? You are, aren't you?" Mio innocently looked at both of her parents and nudged at their clothes.

"Like I said, kid. Don't act as if you're some innocent flower, and we aren't fighti-…"

"Fighting isn't okay! Mom and Papa, you can't fight!"

She must have not been able to hear Yuuto's words as the kid shook her head and shouted in a voice that was loud enough for everyone to hear.

"You can't fight! Instead of fighting, quickly unite! Unite!"

Ayumi blushed as she got the meaning of it wrong.

"What is that even supposed to mean?!"

"Papa, you're the one who told me that reconciling after a fight is called uniting, you know?"

"I never said that before! I've never said that in my life!"

"But you said that in the future! "

"Maybe I did! But don't act innocent kid. God, I can't deal with this kid anymore already! "

"But, I came here so Mom and Papa could unite… "

"There's no way that would happen! Go ask your parents to do that!"

"That's why I'm asking you, Papa."

"Ugh, okay okay! "

Yuuto sighed and turned towards Ayumi. Who to his confusion, was fidgeting bashfully and erratically moving her eyes here and there every once in a while.

Yuuto let out a devious smile. She got the meaning of it wrroooooonnnng~

"A-ah, Yu-chan my heart I-isn't ready yet. But if you want it…I don't mind… " Ayumi's soothing voice struck a chord in Yuuto's heart as he shook his head while grinning.

Ayumi though didn't think Yuuto would be that…much romantic in the feature…

"Aya-nee, you got the meaning of it wrong…"

"Uh, what she meant is that we should just make up and forget about our, you know, just like how we used to do when we were children? " Yuuto snickered.

Ayumi reluctantly smiled as she faced embarrassment once again…

"Well, looks like we've made up kid. Now, what's the reason you've come here for? " Yuuto turned towards Mio and asked with a smirk.

"Ah…I'll say it." Mio sighed and spoke with a sigh.

"I'll say this directly: I'm here to prevent your relationship to descend into the state it is in now in the future and… "

"Save papa from dying early. "

"M-Mio? " Ayumi whimpered in surprise as a cold feeling started to seep into her heart.

"Basically, the reason for his death is…"

Mio stood up and pointed her finger at Ayumi with dead accuracy.

"You Ayumi Kazuya; are a spoiler of boys and corrupter of men! " Mio spoke as she sighed.

"My father died due to a heart attack, which's underlying reason was that he was way too fat! "

"You, Ayumi Kazuya, didn't show disapproval or anything after he got fatter and fatter as each day passed by, and even then you spoiled him to such extents that he got lazy and didn't even want to move a finger! "

"I mean, I'm sorry for cursing but; who the fuck bathes and feeds an almost thirty-year-old fat slob?! "

"You Ayumi Kazuya, have to get rid or at least weaken that awful behavior of spoiling and not caring about papa's bad behaviors! "

Mio finished her talk as she looked at Ayumi, who once again had tears in her eyes as she trembled.

"I-I can't do that! I love spoiling and babying him! I can't resist giving him everything he wants! "

Mio facepalmed himself while Yuuto scoffed.

"It's just my weight, right? I'll take care of it, and by the way, aren't you from the future? Shouldn't you have some fat vanishing medicines or something?"

"Haha, no. How much do you think earth advances in a pitiful ten years papa? " Mio cruelly put down his fantasy and charmingly laughed.

"Come on mom, I have something to say about papa and his past, let's go in the other room and talk. "


"Wait, why can't I come along? "

"Just because I wanted to. "

"Come on Mio, let your papa come with me… "

"Urgh, stop with that behavior of 'I'm not going to leave Yuuto until he leaves' mom! "

Yuuto watched as Mio dragged the still-almost-nude Ayumi into another room and lock the door behind her, leaving I'm once again nothing to do.

Yuuto looked at his phone – an old iPhone gifted by Ayumi – and grumbled with hatred.

On the phone, the glitchy application of discord was open as he chatted with the Aayaden, the disgusting imbecile.

'Fuck you bitch, I almost died because of that video you sent me! ' (Yuuto)

'Hoho, I have more where that came from, want more? I personally paid for them to make it, huhuhu! '(Aayaden)

'Go die from a ripped anus, horse-fucker! '(Yuuto)

'Hey, I don't like bestiality anyways. I like traps, only traps. '(Aayaden)

'Eww, fucking disgusting. Go die, Gaylord! '(Yuuto)

'Well, anyways shithead, be sure to come to the bookstore today. I want to buy that manga with YOUR money! '(Aayaden)

'…You're fucking rich asshole, why not buy it yourself?! '(Yuuto)

Yuuto put the phone in his pocket as he looked at the locked door.

A second later, the intercom rang as Yuuto went there and picked it up.

«It's me Yuyu, open the door!» A sweet voice sounded out from the intercom as Yuuto grumbled and hung the phone.

«Clack Clack - - Beep!»

Yuuto though about the girl who came here to his home, Song Woon-Kye.

Yes, she was Korean…and also his childhood friend, and well, she was also more like his responsibility…

Song wasn't like his other friends, she was simply a commoner girl he knew since he was a child, and also a person he forcefully abducted when he was a child to go to school along with him.


Childhood friend, that was the very symbol of pure romanticism. It was also a type of friendship where love was bound to bloom if it was between children of opposite genders.

You're able to witness your childhood friend in all sorts of appearances since a very young age such as the cat toothed short-haired young girl in elementary school, the bashful middle school girl and the tsundere high school girl, and among the times you played house, there was probably an event where you both promised to marry one another.

As you grow up, you continue to stick together, and when a sudden thought like 'Was this girl always this pretty?' pops up in your head, everything would proceed at a lightning fast pace since, of course, your childhood friend would have already fallen for you at that point. And also sometimes, unfortunately, the childhood friend falls for the best friend of the Protagonist of either a blond-haired Ikemen.

In the scene where you're both confirming each other's feelings, effects like having the splendid glow of the setting sun in the background are normal along with some free treats at shops where people know you both.

However, this sort of romance is called romance because it's difficult to see in reality.

For starters, the chance of having a childhood friend is already astronomical. Even if luck is on your side and you have something similar to a childhood friend, you'll only get along during pre-school and elementary school. Once you go through puberty and enter middle school, you'll become negligent. Their existence would simply turn into someone who lives next door around the time you're in high school.

Once you're in University? Heh, who are you again?

But nonetheless, Yuuto's relationship with Song wasn't quite like that.

Their relationship was quite the ideal childhood friendship worthy of romanticizing in fact.

In other words, their relationship included things like going to wake them up in the morning, wearing an apron and making them food, showing them your homework, and occasionally falling asleep in the same bed…

Wait wait wait, the last one totally wasn't true.

5200+ words.

From the next chapter, I'll be writing in the third person omnipresent view, because I simply can't handle the limited version...

Gyihhuhu_creators' thoughts
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