
Back To Life

Arnold II Pontilan Alviar was a nice teenage boy/inkling boy back in the year 2020 but when he passed away in 2022 from the dreaded Coronavirus. A lot of people remembered Arnold as a nice boy with a friendly personality. Scarborough Primary School, Churchlands Senior High School and his friends remember him very well even the friendly gang known as the Friendly Deviants that worked closed with the police force across the globe remember him as a nice and friendly gang leader and they decided to disband and went their separate ways some stay at Australia while others headed back to their home country to head back home but as for Arnold's big family, they decided to head off to planets or exoplanets throughout the cosmos. Some of Arnold's family stayed at Planet Earth while the majority of Creator's family went off to other Planets or Exoplanets to live

Now it's 2046 and Arnold II Pontilan Alviar somehow came back to life like God gave him a second chance and wanted him to live forever, and it's was twenty years since the death of Arnold but now Arnold have a lot of catching up to do with his friends, his biological family and his created family. SO without further ado I'm Arnold II Pontilan Alviar and this Second Chance at Life, part of a new Series called: The Co-Existence.