
American Adventure

Majestic five millennia of Chinese civilization, marred by a mere century of humiliation. How many treasures have been lost overseas? Fine porcelain, exquisite jade, all taken away! From the Orient, from the Occident, all are mine! If you've eaten what's mine, regurgitate it; if you've taken what's mine, return it! Antiques, curios, delicacies, beauties, none shall escape my grasp! Behold how Jin Muchen, with his golden eyes and indomitable spirit, rises against all odds in the land of America!

jojokria · Urban
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65 Chs

031 Yakuza's counterattack

Today, Malin was completely transformed, exuding a different allure. She adorned herself in a short black evening gown, complemented by a shimmering pearl necklace adorning her neck and sparkling crystal earrings. The fitted black evening gown, coupled with her beautiful countenance, bestowed upon her an air of elegance and distinction.

Although her attire seemed somewhat extravagant for the occasion, it had a remarkable effect. This was evident from the occasional stolen glances of admiration from men and the envious stares of other women directed towards her.

Malin carried herself with grace, seemingly relishing the attention. Meanwhile, the men around her, engrossed in lively conversation, seemed oblivious to her presence.

One of the men, though far from pleasing to the eye, could be described as nothing short of repulsive. With a bulky frame and a face resembling a square, he seemed more like a mobile cube. Despite his ill-fitting tailored black suit, he exuded an air of impending burst, yet this did not diminish his appeal in the eyes of Matt, who regarded him as the epitome of an authentic Chinese, a walking wallet.

As for their acquaintance and apparent intimacy, it was clearly a matter of mutual benefit.

This individual, Sean, sought to acquaint himself with more Americans through him, aiming to integrate into Columbia's mainstream culture. After all, he was a star running back for Columbia University's football team, highly popular on campus and acquainted with many. Meanwhile, he valued this fellow for his financial prowess. Though a star running back at Columbia, he did not consider himself worthy of entering the NFL.

Upon graduation, he would still need to find employment. Hence, befriending a few affluent individuals, even if this fellow was Chinese, would undoubtedly be a profitable transaction for him.

While Matt conversed merrily with Sean, Helen showed little interest in him. After Matt introduced them, she exchanged a few indifferent words with Sean.

Malin remained by the two men's side, playing the role of a bystander. However, when her gaze fell upon Jin Muchen, she couldn't help but be taken aback.

"Why are you here?" Malin couldn't resist asking. Their small circle wasn't far from Jin Muchen and Candice.

Malin's inquiry prompted the man beside her to turn abruptly. While Jin Muchen didn't recognize him, Sean did. He had spent considerable time, effort, and money to win Malin over from Jin Muchen's side, so he knew Jin Muchen quite well.

"Oh! What brings you here? Didn't you choose to drop out?" Sean draped his arm around Malin's shoulder and pulled her close, almost as if declaring his sovereignty in front of Jin Muchen, his eyes filled with disdain and a hint of contempt.

"What? Sean, do you know this guy?" "Hmph! Who knows him? But I seem to recall he delivered takeout to me once, from a Chinese restaurant in Chinatown!"

Matt, still mindful of the embarrassment Jin Muchen had caused him earlier, though he didn't want to be exploited by Helen, it didn't mean he wouldn't reclaim some dignity.

"Oh? Which restaurant? Do they have any specialties? Hey, delivery boy, go fetch me some takeout. Here, this is your tip!" With that, Matt pulled out a one-dollar bill from his pocket and tossed it at Jin Muchen's feet.

The surrounding onlookers, eager for drama, immediately crowded around, accompanied by whistles and laughter.

Seeing Malin again, especially her transformed appearance, Jin Muchen couldn't help but feel a pang of regret. Can one truly let go after more than a year of affection?

All of Malin's changes did not escape Sean's notice. Seeing Malin still harboring feelings for Jin Muchen, and looking at the gorgeous Western beauty beside him, Sean felt his stomach churn with jealousy.

Thinking of the effort he had put into pursuing Malin, it was infuriating to see her with someone like Jin Muchen, who couldn't even afford his tuition and could only work in Chinatown as a deliveryman.

What's the big deal? Just because he has a couple of coins in his pocket? Why the arrogance? I'm not short of money now either!

And this Matt, I just gave him a break, does he really think I'm afraid of him?

Jin Muchen felt a surge of uncontrollable heat in his heart as he watched Sean and Matt's disdainful gazes.

Meanwhile, Candice, who had been standing beside Jin Muchen all along, now approached him, wrapping her arms around his, even pressing half of her body against him.

"Why can't he be here? I invited him. Do you know each other? Honey, you haven't introduced these two yet?"

From Malin's arrival to Jin Muchen's gaze, which never left her, and the complex look in his eyes, none of this escaped Candice's notice.

Honestly, seeing this, she never expected Jin Muchen to become so important to her heart. When did Jin Muchen become so significant to her?

Seeing him mocked and ridiculed, she felt an uncontrollable surge of anger. For some reason, she couldn't stand seeing him being taken advantage of, being ridiculed!

Candice's sudden involvement immediately changed the atmosphere, adding another layer of drama. This was also a beautiful girl. Though the Asian girl across from her was beautiful, her figure and appearance were incomparable to Candice's.

With men and women, conflicts, and the narrative of an underdog's comeback, the scene became even more intriguing, attracting a group of eager onlookers.

And seeing Candice and Jin Muchen's intimate appearance, Malin couldn't help but feel a sudden pang of pain. Can one truly move on after over a year of affection?

All of Malin's changes did not escape Sean's notice. Seeing Malin still harboring feelings for Jin Muchen, and looking at the gorgeous Western beauty beside him, Sean felt his stomach churn with jealousy.

Thinking of the effort he had put into pursuing Malin, it was infuriating to see her with someone like Jin Muchen, who couldn't even afford his tuition and could only work in Chinatown as a deliveryman.

What's the big deal? Just because he has a couple of coins in his pocket? Why the arrogance? I'm not short of money now either!

And this Matt, I just gave him a break, does he really think I'm afraid of him?

Jin Muchen felt a surge of uncontrollable heat in his heart as he watched Sean and Matt's disdainful gazes.

Meanwhile, Candice, who had been standing beside Jin Muchen all along, now approached him, wrapping her arms around his, even pressing half of her body against him.

"Why can't he be here? I invited him. Do you know each other? Honey, you haven't introduced these two yet?"

From Malin's arrival to Jin Muchen's gaze, which never left her, and the complex look in his eyes, none of this escaped Candice's notice.

Honestly, seeing this, she never expected Jin Muchen to become so important to her heart. When did Jin Muchen become so significant to her?

Seeing him mocked and ridiculed, she felt an uncontrollable surge of anger. For some reason, she couldn't stand seeing him being taken advantage of, being ridiculed!

Candice's sudden involvement immediately changed the atmosphere, adding another layer

 of drama. This was also a beautiful girl. Though the Asian girl across from her was beautiful, her figure and appearance were incomparable to Candice's.

With men and women, conflicts, and the narrative of an underdog's comeback, the scene became even more intriguing, attracting a group of eager onlookers.

And seeing Candice and Jin Muchen's intimate appearance, Malin couldn't help but feel a sudden pang of pain. Can one truly move on after over a year of affection?

Realizing Malin's lingering feelings for that guy, and seeing him with a stunning Western beauty, Sean felt his stomach twist with jealousy.

The nerve of this guy! How can a penniless loser like him dare to stage a comeback? Why does he get to have all these beauties flocking around him?

Matt, who had been discreetly observing Sean all along, felt it was time to act. Better to curry favor with this Chinese rich kid than be exploited by Helen.

"Don't worry, Sean. I'll help you vent later," Matt whispered to Sean, nudging him with his elbow.

Meanwhile, Jin Muchen looked at Candice with a hint of surprise. Just as Candice turned her head and caught his eye, they exchanged a glance, and Candice playfully winked at him.

"You supported me earlier, now it's my turn to support you!" Instantly, a warm feeling welled up in Jin Muchen's heart...

Just then, the Columbus Hall rang with a chime. Everyone turned to see Helen, who had somehow appeared on the stage, ringing the clock beside it.

"Alright, everyone, the climax of tonight has arrived. Let's raise our glasses!"

As the excited female students clapped their hands, the male students howled like wolves. Weekend parties among American college students were known as wild parties because everyone let loose, things got wild, and some activities sounded scandalous, but to these hormone-fueled students, it was all just normal.

As for the climax, it was decided by the sorority here, and Helen happened to be the president of this term's sorority, so she was in charge of tonight's climax.

"Tonight's challenge consists of two parts: the Yellow Submarine and mud wrestling..."

The female students' excited applause drowned out her voice, and the male students joined in with their howls.