
Sharpened Claws

When he returned it was late, Miss Vaile left him right away to do what she said what she was going to do and say that he was suspicious to whoever she reported to.

Everyone appreciates a prodigy, so they would not get rid of him that easily.

Caelum had a few things to do before he slept so he jumped right into the chaos that he had to organize.

He had 10 Stat Points, he reached level 5 just moments ago. Caelum also had 1 Leveling Feature Choice to use, a rank to improve - it was 25 fame that was required if he remembered properly.

Caelum would take care of his stats first before focusing on any other matter.

Sticking to his build he spent 4 stat points on strength, 4 stat points on charm and two stat points on constitution.

He received the same reminder from the system that the changes would take effect overnight, it glowed and hovered unchanging before dispersing into nothingness after five seconds of waiting.

He looked at the status that was produced by the system, it was better than before.

[ System User Examination ]

Name: Capto Caelum

Species: Human, Mid-Grade

Level: 5

Current Experience: 0

Required Experience: 400

State: Healthy

Age: 1

Spirit Circuitry: High-Grade, Variant

[ Strength: 11 ]

[ Constitution: 7 ]

[ Agility: 1 ]

[ Perception: 2 ]

[ Intelligence: 9 ]

[ Charm: 14 ]

[ Luck: 7]

[ Stat Rate: 5 SP/LvL ]

[ Qi Affinity: B Grade ]

[ Magic Aptitude Grade: Unknown (?) ]

[ Martial Potential: Unknown (?) ]

[ Physical Limit: Unknown (?) ]

[ (?)To Identify Missing Stats, be examined by a member of their respective profession ]

A stat rate was added to his status, this either was just to remind him how many stat points he received each time that he leveled, or it was a factor that he would be able to change somehow. This leveling upgrade choice could make magic happen and open his eyes to see how.

Caelum firsts try to utilize the Leveling Upgrade Choice was a success.

A new notification was displayed before Caelum in all of its glory.

[You have a choice on how you may upgrade the leveling function of the system, one function enhancement costs 1 choice - choose wisely.]

[Stat Reallocation, Action Growth, Experience Halt, Leveling Stat Rate +1, Experience Storage, Experience Converter, Experience Drain , Experience Infusion, Bonus Experience Multiplier I, Class Subsystem, Leveling Spree, Class Store, Auto Loot, Loot Aura, Character Model, Difficulty subsystem, Task Rating, Stat Focus, Ally Subsystem, Healing Rest, Stat Task Rewards, Healing Food, Live Adaption, Stat Loss from Age Immunity, Appraisal, Experience Bar...

When all of the options showed up he was shocked. It was a lot to digest, for example leveling spree what did that entail? All that he could guess about that one was that it involved levels.

Or, experience infusion? - Would this would that allow him to give other people experience... He did not like that idea that he came up with for what it did, although an options an option.

He could remove the options that were mostly aesthetics, except for the character model. He would keep that option in mind as he looked through all the choices that were laid out before him he never had a chance to see what he looked like. His hair wasn't long enough to see and there were no mirrors.

He could pick only one. Why was this so difficult?

He could always look at his status to see his current experience, he could choose the extra stat point per level that would help Caelum to grow faster. Or, he could ramp up the difficulty - the risk could garner the reward.

He ended up choosing... that which could help him the most right now...

He... chose Action growth!

While lots of the options were awesome - nice to have or look at, increasing his own strength took precedence over anything else.

[The Action Growth Leveling Feature has been installed.]

[Action Growth: Through your actions, by training, you can go against your limitations you exceed limits that had been set by your genetics, by the heavens by that which guides you.]

That was when he realized he did not have anything to train with, Caelum was certain that he could find ways to improve. He could begin with dumbbells, his current strength would be enough to lift them, light ones at least.

He could read to improve his intellect. Examine things to improve his perception. Caelum could run to improve his agility, he could also stretch on top of that if the previous way failed to work.

Luck and charm most likely would not be included in the stats that he could affect.

His last objective for the day was to rank up from a peasant to whatever followed.

Opening his prestige screen he thought of ranking up and he did.

The screen changed before his eyes.

[Prestige Function Menu]

Rank: Gentleman

Fame: 25 (75 Required)

Rank Up Requirements: 100 Fame


Basic II Access to the System, addition of the [Regality] Stat.

Claimable Rewards:

1 Gold Coin Shop Coupon, 100 Experience.

He claimed the rewards and then opened up the shop. He could look at the regality stat later.

A gold coupon icon made itself known as it sat at the top of his current screen with the number 1 next to it.

The system's shop changed its format as if to suit his tastes.

On the side, they were made into tabs, and they too had labels and icons.

Martial Arts, Magic Spells, Cultivation Arts, Vehicles, all sorts of wondrous categories.

He found what he was looking for after twenty minutes of searching, training weights, he also found dumbbells. When he went to check out it would not have costed even half a gold coin had he not checked the box for Weight Adaptation, this meant that the dumbells and weighted clothing would adjust to how much his physical weight so even someone as young as him could lift weights.

He purchased it and all the items fell before him. Caelum required some kind of inventory a storage bag, ring whatever that would be the next item that he would get from the shop.

He struggled to put on the weighted clothing, his bones creaked from the weight.

He had never lifted something so heavy in his life that included his past life.

"Damn, that is fucking heavy!" Caelum breathed, forced to exhale at the same time through his nose and mouth from the strain.

After thirty or so seconds he managed to put it on. He was not going to be able to take it off any time soon, lest he risks fracturing his bones.

He then slid the dumbells under his crib. Luckily for him the blanket almost touched the ground so unless you went on your knees and looked under you could not find his training gear.

As his crib was in a corner he could train without being disturbed, but tonight he desired to sleep crawling under the sheets of his crib he fell asleep his chest slowly rising and sinking as his small body had to work incredibly hard to keep functioning as it did with the training weights on.

Throughout the night, the occasional cough was heard from the same crib.

If he survived his gains the next day would be obvious to the other children, he was a genius. He was here to show them that however suspicious he may be by doing what he had done Caelums potential was monstrous and no one wants to get on the bad side of a monster.

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