
Amazon Rainforest Jungle

A girl who is lost in an Amazon Rainforest Jungle needs to find her way home while finding about her past life,the cause of her being lost here and her biological mother's death. Will she able to do so?

Minahil_Shah · realistisch
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5 Chs

Deep Sleep

At dawn: (around 5 to 6)

As I woke up from my deep slumber, I saw a beautiful scenery filled with the silhouettes of many long trees . Ahhh~ my head hurts - I said as I rubbed my head.

I saw the tips of my fingers covered in blood. This sight sent shivers down my spine. I realized that I don't remember anything.I don't even remember my name.

I panicked as I looked around. I could feel my heartbeat becoming more fast. I tried to concentrate and remember how I ended up being here.Suddenly, I felt cold and dizzy,and then I passed out...

I woke up to see that it was almost evening. I scratched my head again and saw that the bleeding had stopped and the blood on my head was now dry.I felt something on my leg. FUCK!!! I said as I realized that there was a trantula on my leg.I screamed my lungs out while shaking my leg as hard as possible to get the trantula off.....

I stood up and ran as fast as I could. I realized I had peed my pants, but I didn't care. I'm sure you wouldn't either if you were in my position!. I was so terrified that I didn't even see the rock that was in my path ahead. I slammed my foot and fell down.....

My foot started to bleed.Immediately, I remembered something from my past. I saw a little girl playing with her parents, they were all very happy and looked like a very perfect family. But then suddenly her mother suddenly receives a call and her mother hurriedly gets out of the house.

That was the last time she saw her mother. She always questioned her father about where her mother went but her father never answered. But she knew that her mother was researching on something in the Amazon Rainforest Jungle, and this was related to it.

Being shocked I said, that girl! Was that me?....

I hope you liked this first chapter!. Please support me with all your heart as this is my first novel.

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