
Always and Only You

Kissimiluv · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Chapter 13


Sitting at a table in a room I've never been to before, the council and my family wait for me to speak. I don't know what to say or where to begin. I just want to run away from the pain and memories. Memories of Ca-... Him race through my mind. I push them away. I can't think of him right now. I have to focus on the words I must say, the story I must tell. I knew it was coming, yet I am unprepared. Unprepared for the pain, unprepared for the looks that will come to their faces. I am glad, though, that I can start with the least painful part of my story. The part where I still had a whole heart, even if it was bruised.

I find my voice and begin to speak.

"I really don't remember much of my early life. As far as I can remember, I was always in the same orphanage. Different girls came and went. The days were much the same, and blurred together." I feel a peace coursing through me. It surprises me. "One of the most remarkable days, one that marked a change in my life, was the day Nicholas came.  I was eleven at the time that Nicholas adopted me. He, in the three years I was with him, trained me in many arts" Tears begin to roll down my face as memories pass through my mind. "But most importantly, he taught me love, and compassion. He showed me that no matter how poor and insignificant I am, I am still loved. He was my best friend, my brother, my caretaker, anything I needed. He listened to me, and I to him. I thought I was going to live there forever. I wanted to, I was happy. Until..." I shudder. I don't want to remember this part. "Until he came. The assassin. The man who brutally killed Nicholas. I tried to fight him, but I was not trained to fight a skilled assassin." I am coming close to sobbing now. Robert, who is sitting to my right, places his hand on mine in attempt to comfort me. "I was sent back to the orphanage. Once again, the days blurred, girls came and went. One thing was different. They were all filled with anger. Every day, I became more and more angry with myself. Until yet another person came along and changed my life.

His name-" Just as I was about to tell them, the door was pushed open. At first all I can see is two figures, but even in the dim light I recognize one face. "Cahalle" I breath out, shocked. He found me...


I keep the horse at a walk in the busy streets of the town. Michael keeps quiet, he and I both ran out of stories. I know from the direction I started out, that I am in the kingdom of Andria. I had heard whispers of the princess returning. I am on my way to congratulate them.

I can't seem to understand this feeling of anticipation. I have seen the king, and the prince both. I know Robert personally. He is like a brother to me. I have never seen the queen, nor have I seen the princess, but that is no reason to be feeling what I am feeling. The anticipation grows as I make my way further up the winding path towards the castle. We are past the busy part of town now, so I urge my horse to a trot. Still, I do not understand this impatience, this anxiety. It's almost as if she is here. But I know that cannot be. I know I will never find her. There is no chance that she will ever return to me. I lost my love. All because I was too much of a coward to tell her how I feel.

I push the thoughts away. We have arrived at the gate. The guards recognize me, and open it, bowing. I click my tongue at my horse, signaling the black stallion to move forward.

Arriving at the stables, Michael and I dismount. The stable boy takes the horse. A guard takes me and Michael down hall after hall until we reach a door. I can hear a voice on the other side. No words, but a voice. A voice forever burned into my memory.

I push the door open. There is a moment of silence.

"Cahalle" She breathes out. I found her! I found my love!

I stand still, frozen, my heart soaring. My Cecilia, sitting right in front of me. I bow my head in respect to the King, Queen, and council. Robert, who is sitting by Cecilia, stands.

"Cahalle." He says tightly. It's not his usual greeting. I wonder what is wrong.

"Robert." I greet just as coolly. I turn my head to Cecilia, my sweet Cecilia. I see tears falling down her freckled cheeks.

"Excuse me." She barely whispers, before rushing out. I give one look at the King. He nods his head as if to say 'Go after her' so I run after her, leaving Michael standing there.


I hear him running after me, so I run faster.

"Cecilia!" He calls. I nearly spin around and run into his arms. Instead I push myself faster, farther away. I don't want to be hurt again. I run to my one place of solitude-the library. I run to the darkest corner, Cahalle following. I fall into sitting position and wrap my arms around my knees, putting my face on my arms. I hear him slow down and stand in front of me. All those times I had hoped he might find me, I dreamed I would be happy. I was so wrong. This is more painful than having him far away. I hear him kneel. "Cecilia..." He says more gently, stroking my hair. A shiver goes up my spine. I resist the urge to hug him like a child and bury my head in his shoulder. I curl into a tighter ball. "Cecilia, why?" I can hear the pain in his voice. I want so badly to comfort him. "Why did you run from home?" This makes me mad. I lift my head and glare at him.

"Home? What home?" I sneer. "Do you mean that place where my heart was broken? That's not home." I see the hurt flash across his face. I regret my words, but can't stop myself from continuing. "I don't even know why you are here. Isn't Anastasia waiting for you?" He looks briefly confused, and then surprises me by laughing.

"Cecilia, did you think I loved her?" I glare at him again.

"I know. I don't just think it. I know." His eyes gentle.

"You are one silly little girl Cecilia." He says affectionately. "I love you. I never loved Anastasia." I look deep into his eyes. There is no lie. All I see is the same burning love that I feel, reflected back at me. I uncurl from the tight ball I'm in. Cahalle leans in. I close my eyes, just as he presses his lips to mine. His hand moves to cup my cheek. My arms wrap around his neck. "I love you Cecilia, only you." I smile. He leans in again, pressing his lips against mine so gently.

"And I love you Cahalle. Always, and only, You."