
CHAPTER 14: Mad Goddess


  “We can’t just kill Thomas off Selene. He is Poseidon's son.” Typhon spoke while Selene paced the floor. She is angry at Thomas for trying to kill Ryder.

  When Ryder sent me away, I came straight here. We have been monitoring Ryder’s situation since last night. I found Selene almost comical as she tried to brainstorm ways to do away with Thomas for what he had done. Just then a messenger walked into the room we were standing in.

  “Zeus has called a meeting in the throne room. All Gods must attend.” Selene and Typhon kept their cool until the messenger left, then Selene seemed as if she was going to have a panic attack.

  “Calm down Selene, we don’t need to jump to conclusions. Maybe this has nothing to do with Ryder.”