
Alpha Cassius Human Mate

"Has she confessed?" I questioned. "She hasn't, but it's only a matter of time. I can make her confess, she's just a weak human!" He said in his deep voice and I spun around. That got me curious. "She's human?" It was supposed to be a get in,get out job for 22 years old Talia Fishers but turns into something more as she gets kidnapped by none other than the Ruthless Alpha of the Moonvalley pack. The plan was to take the money in order to pay for her sister’s surgery. She wasn’t aware that the money belonged to the Ruthless Alpha, Cassius. What’s worse, she finds out that she is his mate. Will Talia be able to successfully break through Cassius’ cold exterior? Or will the shadows of their past consume them all?

Alex_Joe_5448 · Urban
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30 Chs

Chapter Twenty-One

Wake-Up Surprise


My eyelids fluttered open to a blurry shape hovering inches away. I blinked hard, scrubbing the grit of sleep from my vision with the heel of my palm. Ruby's familiar features materialized, those warm hazel eyes alight with a vibrant energy that stole the air from my lungs.

She knelt over me on all fours, mouth stretched in a mischievous grin that creased her cheeks. Not the sickly, pallid form I'd feared taking her final labored breaths upon arrival. This was my baby sister - awake and radiating pure, unrestrained life.

"R-Ruby?" I rasped, hardly daring to believe.

Her grin somehow widened as she bobbed her head in an exaggerated nod. "Well c'mon, lazybones! Rise and shine already!"

I just gaped at her, synapses struggling to reboot. One heartbeat she'd been a hollow husk tethered to machines, the next...this. Restored to her former vibrant self.