

Footsteps hurried through the night as countless creatures flew on broomsticks. Their target ran as fast as she could with her heart pounding heavily. She has no idea for how long she's been running, but the adrenaline made her continue despite the tiredness. Stopping now will be a death sentence. With her mind solely on escaping, she failed to notice the twig on the way and she tripped. Manipulating the wind, she is able to stop her fall, but she has already been cut up by her pursuers.

"Girl, come back," came the sinister voice of the leader, "you know you have nowhere to go."

"I am not going back to that place" she gritted her teeth. She is not going to let them win again. Enough is enough! She's been confined, locked up, shut out from the world since when? Since the day she'd been able to tell left from right. Now she wants to be free. Series of evil laughter broke out from them,

"You know you can't turn against us, you powerless witch." One of the witches said with a smirk.

This time, it is her turn to smirk at them. Powerless huh? This was her secret, she's been able to break through the spells that bonded her powers the moment she was ten years old and now, she knows how her powers work and they are going to have a taste of it. "I'm not going anywhere," she said firmly.

The witches were about to laugh when they felt the change in the atmosphere. Before they could brace themselves, they've been blown by a huge wave of wind which tossed them to different parts of the forest. The moment they were attacked by the wind, she resumed running before they could stand up.

She ran as fast as she could, trying to put much distance between her and the witches. She could not use her teleportation magic because she has no idea where to go. This is the first time she's seeing the outside world in reality and nothing can make her go back to the prison she escaped from.

After ensuring that she is safe for the night, the girl spotted a cave and decided to spend the night there. As she was about to head towards it, she heard a whimper. Startled she went on a defensive mode; ready to attack whoever was there.

Moving towards the direction of the sound, she spotted a female covered in blood lying on the ground. She knew at once that the female is a were-wolf, a pregnant one at that.

Her mother had taught her all that she needed to know and understand about the outside world and all other creatures, especially the wolves.

"Mother, how can I save her?" A shadow appeared and slowly morphed into a young beautiful woman with white-silver hair and emerald green eyes. "Her pregnancy is not right. She brought this on herself trying to bear an alpha's child when she is not his fated mate." She went on to tell the girl about what the girl had done: It turned out that she had used the help of some witches to make the alpha of her pack mate and mark her. Although the Alpha hated her, he could not reject her since he'd marked her. The woman was arrogant and vicious. She treated everyone like slaves and eventually got herself in trouble through her disobedience.

"This pregnancy is yours honey," her mother said

"Mine?" she asked in confusion

"Yes dear. You can't save her but you can save her pregnancy by transferring it to yourself."

She vanished, leaving the girl to make a decision. Of course she wouldn't leave the innocent babies to die. Placing her hand on the female's abdomen, she chanted a spell and began to feel a sting in her. Although it was painful, she bore it and continued chanting until the transfer was complete and the female wolf took her last breadth. The girl sighed, stood up and burnt the body with flames conjured from her hands. Then, she headed towards the cave and sat down completely exhausted; not only from the escape but from the fact that her body is starting to adjust to its new condition.