
The Beginning Of The End

May 12 , 2016

20 days before outbreak

911 What's your emergency?

Help my son just started seezing!

what's your address Ma'am?

301 West avenue HURRY!

An ambulance is on it's way.

Hospital room 17

Honey please wake up. I need you to be okay. Doctor~ ma'am visiting hours are over please go home. Okay.

3 days later / 17 days before the outbreak

TV _ news anchor~ A mysterious descease is killing people at an alarming rate we advise you to stay indoors. The People don't just die they come back but they come back as monsters there skin is rotting but they move with incredible speed. please don't go outside I repeat Do Not Go OU....AHHHH!!!

day of completion/ almost everyone is either dead or one of those things

What the , mom where am I what happened?~Rai Rai gets out of bed and unplugs all the machines that are connected to him. He is in total disarray. Where is everyone. Rai goes to the door and hollars for a nurse but no one answers so he walks out of the room but what he finds shocks him body's and blood splattered everywhere. He slowly walks down the hallway to the nearest exit he sees someone. Heyyy can you help me? Rai screams the man looks at Rai and runs toward him. We need to get inside now! Says the man in a frantic voice. Rai starts walking towards the front door of the hospital but looks behind him to see the man running to get inside. In a blink of an eye the man is on the ground being torn apart by some big rotting creature. It has big white eyes that look empty it isn't even human like. Rai can't move his body is shaking. the creature doesn't notice him it just keeps tearing apart that man. Rai quickly runs inside and locks himself in a random room. Did I die and go to hell? He asks himself. What the fuck is happening! He pinches himself to make sure it's not a dream. His skin is now purple but he's still locked in a room. He's not even scared any more he's just pissed. How could this happen what are those things!? Before he can say another word he hears a huge bang on the outside of the door. Hello? Rai asks not expecting an answer. Hello can you help me those things are trying to get in I have a child with me!? A small woman's voice asks. Rai opens the door to find a small younge woman with a little girl and baby. Rai gestures for her to come in but before he says it the women runs through the door. Oh thank you sir! The woman says with a grateful smile. I'm hema and these are my children Icha and Nya. Nya Is the little girl and Icha is the baby. The woman seems so proud to show off her kids. Do you know what is going on? Rai asks. No I was here visiting my sick father my daughter wanted a snack so I took her to get one. When I was heading back I heard screams and saw blood everywhere. The women says with a ill sounding voice. As soon as he was about to apologise another loud bang comes from outside the door this time it's not a person at least not a living one.

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