
Chapter 8

TW in this chapter is just a small bit of fluff. don't get ur hopes up :P

We're about halfway through the movie, and George is curled up next to me, shaking. I didn't realise he would be this scared. He also might be shaking because he's cold. My house is generally cold. I just never realise. I decide to break the barrier in-between us and pull him closer to me.

"Oh uh- hey?" He looks up to me, confused.

"I thought you were cold cause you were shaking so much." He punches me playfully.

"You made me watch a scary movie when you know I hate scary movies. And why is your house so cold?" Just as I thought. I wrap my arms around him to his surprise.

"I'm warm and you're cold. Hug." He giggles and snuggles into my arm, resting his head on my chest. A warm feeling of happiness flows over me as he does this, making me smile. The hug sadly lasts for a few minutes.

"Hey Clay, can I ask you something?" He grabs the remote and moves away from my warm embrace.

"What is it?" He sits back down on the couch, pausing the movie. He turns slightly so now we are face to face, preparing us both for his question.

"How long have you been this broken? I've been thinking and I never heard any sadness when you've talked to me. It's making me nervous," His voice is wobbly again.

"I don't know, Its probably been the worst these past few years, but has always been a thing in my life. Ya know, constantly hearing my fighting parents, annoying siblings, always being told i needed to do better, those kind of things." I look down again. He pulls my chin upward, making us stare into each other's eyes again. His touch sends fire through my nerves. He looks hurt by my words, but in a sympathetic way.

"What's made it worse? Please don't say it's me." He feels it's his fault. How could I do this to him?

"Er- well how do I explain this. Let's just say there's an annoying voice in my head. And you have actually made life easier, if I do say so myself." He smiles slightly and a light shade of pink shows on his cheeks. The same happens for me.

"That's good. Have you ever went to therapy? Like do you have a strategy to calm down?" His words are soft and sweet, careful not to scare me like i'm a cat. I think about his words for a minute, and memories flood my brain of when I was young. Therapy every week with the same grumpy women; Alice, my old therapist and my worst enemy as a child. She was the worst.

"Yah. I have, almost my entire life," my voice get quieter on the last words.

"Did you hate it?"

"Yes. Alice, my therapist, was the worst thing in my life." I clench my fists when saying her name. More bad memories trickle in, and tears start to trickle out of my eyes.

"How bad was it? If you don't mind me asking. I know this can be hard for you. My sister goes through things like this."

Glad to know he isn't completely confused about what i'm going through.

Hello Clay.

Oh god you're back? Please don't.

Maybe I won't, maybe I will.

"Shut up."


George's face looks hurt again. I realise what I just said and mentally punch myself.

"Nononononono that wasn't to you. The voice is back. I need to somehow get that little shit out of my head." George giggles. It sounds so cute.

"Yeah he must be a little shit." He's laughing now.

"I'm having a sad moment and you're laughing cause I called the voice in my head a little shit! HE IS! What is wrong with you?!" A snort escapes my mouth causing George to fall onto me, laughing even harder.

"It's hilarious! You need an actual name for that!" We're both wheezing now.

"You're such an idiot," I say in-between wheezes.

"Oh am I now," He sits up to fall back down again.

"Well if it needs a name, what should I call it?" It's a genuine question.

"Well it seems like a he, and like the opposite of you, so I think you should call him Nightmare cause that's the opposite of dream." I think about this for a second, and it actually sounds like a good name.

"Hey, that's actually a good idea! Thank you!" I hug him quickly.

Nightmare? Oh that catches on I like that thank you very much.

"Oh damn he likes it."

"Maybe you should try to be friends with him?" George suggests.

"He's the opposite from me. You think that's gonna work out?" I chuckle.

"You both hate each other?" He's trying not to laugh. I give him a glare.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I was joking!"

"Ya know, that's actually really mean! Why would you say that?" I playfully punch him in his arm softly. He fakes being hurt.


"Owie? Seriously?" I smile at him.

mHMm. Watcha doin there?

Smiling at my friend cause he's being an idiot. Fuck off.

And why should I?

"George. He's annoying me again. What do i do?" His face goes serious for a second, and then he looks like he's thinking. The only problem is that he's staring straight into my eyes. I can't take it.

"Well, you could just say fuck off, or there's something else..." He looks down to my lips for a second.

He wouldn't. Not after I rejected him earlier.

*author here, the song i'm listening to is Earth by Sleeping At Last, and you need to go there rn and go to 3:14 and then continue reading.

George leans closer, our foreheads touching.

"Is it okay?" He says softly.


He closes the distance, giving me a soft, caring kiss. His lips are so soft, and I melt into the kiss.


How would he "not like me" if he was the one to kiss me? He cares about me. You obviously don't.

I push Nightmare away, and return to Earth here with George. The kiss is different than earlier. It has a different meaning; certainty. I never want it to end, but it does. George pulls away from the short kiss that felt like years. His hand slowly brushes my cheek, and then he rests it on my shoulder, squeezing slightly for reassurance.

"I will do my very best to help you. Even if it means having you waking me up at 4 in the morning to talk, I will do it," He says softly. His voice is soothing.

"W-why did you kiss me? I mean I didn't mind it, but why?" My face turns red. He looks away quickly, embarrassed.

"Um, well, i- i kinda," He looks up to me again to immediately look down to the couch. He continues.

"Like you." It hits me like a truck though it's not that much of a surprise. Nightmare tricked me into believing George hated me, throwing away the fact that George kissed me earlier and, well, moaned when I kissed back.

"I know," I say quickly. He's surprised by my response.

"Y-you do?" He stutters. "I thought you didn't, other than when you kissed back earlier. Sorry about that. I was impulse." He starts fidgeting. I wish he didn't get nervous when talking to me. I wish I didn't get nervous when talking to him.

"I've had a crush on you since I met you." I smile slightly, face reddening more.

"I have too," He smiles back.

Oh god do I love when he smiles.

He crawls over and wraps his arms around me tightly. I rest my head on his, and wrap my arms around his small body. He is cold, so I grab a blanket and wrap it around us. We sit like this for a few minutes, snuggling close to each other for warmth.

Word count: 1357

Omg. that was A LOT of dialogue. like i need to learn how to write something other than dialogue. i shall do that next chapter. Also somehow i manage to switch the emotions VERY quick. And of course while writing sadder bits in this MOTHER FUCKING TALK DIRTY DECIDES TO PLAY. Like why spotify?

Other than that, as I said in my conversation tab, I will be taking a week or more (maybe less idk i need time) to work on my grades in school, and work on my mental health. I've been having lots of anxiety and while writing my story, even though i love writing it, the sadder parts are starting to affect me. Its starting to reflect my life, and that ain't ok.

Anyway, I will post soon, and I hope you all have a good day/night.
