

I'm just an ordinary student in the day, living my life as what my parents expected me to do. A normal student, classmate, friend and a daughter but no one knows when the night come. I live my life into another world. A life I never expected that will flip up my entire world into another realm. I know it clearly, I'm just dreaming. simply I'm inside my dream world and yet here I am standing into the unknown reality. A place I never knew existed and beings I never knew if they are real or not. This is not an ordinary dream and it was all because of him, the man that became the key to my sealed doors, he is Almos. *** “Who are you?” I asked him but instead of answering my question he suddenly grabs my hand and pulls me for a run. I don’t know where he will bring me but to my surprised, I let him. We run away from something I don’t know. I just know that there is something that was pulling me through a deep unknown darkness. But he was there and now we are running away. I don’t know who he is yet I trusted him with all my life. For that instant, I knew my heart belongs to him. *** “I didn’t mean to love you yet I love you so much I cannot hold you so tight.” I said those words and I couldn’t stop myself not to feel the bitterness of the truth we are going to face. But still, I hold her hand even though I know that it isn’t right. We run and I save her. Yet, I don’t know it was the beginning and I don’t want to find out the ending. Still, the end is near and I cannot hold her even though my heart already belongs to her.

JZea · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
70 Chs




The last thing I don't want to do, is to sleep but what else can I do if I already feel so sleepy and I'm alone in my house…?




No! I wanted to scream but I cannot open my eyes no matter what I choose to watch or do, I still feel so sleepy and tired. And before I knew it, I fall asleep.



"Finally, I found you."


"Huh!" I quickly turned around and feel at ease when I saw Dione. "Oh, God! I'm glad to see you."


"Hey, what's wrong with you?" she replied then ignores it. "Anyway, shall we go to the newly opened café?"




"Yes. Wait, why you look unease? Is there a problem?"


"I…" I look around.


"Who are you looking for?"


"N-no one!" I hurriedly answered that made her laugh.


"What was that reaction? As if, you were guilty or something?" she joked.


I laugh trying to hide all my fear of being known. "So sorry I'm just a little bit flustered." I replied. "Anyway, let's go before we run out of seats because definitely there are lots of people going to visit it." I said as I try my best to calm myself as much as I need.





When we got to the newly opened café, I couldn't hide my smile as I reassure when I didn't see Almos anywhere. So I was able to move freely and for a moment I completely forget about him until we noticed it's already late.


"Oh, it's already dark." one of our classmate announced.


"Yeah! We didn't even notice that it's already dark outside." The other one answered.


"Well, we just enjoy our time besides tomorrow is Saturday so, we can sleep late tonight." Dione said that I agreed in silence. "Though, we still need to go home."


"You were right." we all agreed together and we all get ready ourselves and was about to leave when I suddenly stops when I sense something from the outside. I don't know but it's not about 'Almos' but it's something else.


"Anne, what are you still doing there? Let's go." Dione called out that interrupts me.


"Huh! Oh, sorry, let's go!"


As soon as we came out of the Café, we walk back home while we continue chatting and laughing at the same time. Not even knowing that there is something going on around us. Or should I say, only around me and when I notice it, it was too late.


Darkness suddenly surrounds the entire road and the entire sky. I was stop when I notice it and quickly look around but when I look back to my classmate they were all gone not only them but the entire people around us was all gone.


"What! Hello!" I called out loud but silence answered me.


A silence that gives me creep and even the air that I breathe suddenly stop yet cold embraces my whole being. That scared me and I quickly look around to see if there's someone left around but I see no one that really scared me more.


Until… those dark creatures that float suddenly emerge out the dark and they're all going towards my direction. I didn't know what to do or to react, I just suddenly freeze. I couldn't do any single move to get out of that place and all I can do is to watch them coming over me while the darkness grows more and more.



Darkness, that gives chills deep into my bones which freezes me and made me numb and no matter what I think right, my whole body is out of my control. I'm losing all my senses and it was only my eyes left to move. Which all I can do is, close my eyes tightly and let those creatures come towards me.


"Darn it! What are you doing?!" suddenly I heard that voice once again, and hearing 'his' voice made my eyes open and without even thinking of the situation, I hug him so tight that my body couldn't stop trembling once I feel the warm of his body. I suddenly escape the chilling coldness that freezes me to move after hearing and seeing Almos at my front. I just quickly seize the moment and tightly hug him.



I don't know how long I cling to Almos but that is the only best way for me to feel safe, to be in his arms… to feel his warm.


"Jeanne!" he called me again and pushed me but I still hold him tighter.


"Please!" I begged for a reason I couldn't speak off.


"Calm down first and listen to me."


"I-I can't." I answered with my tremble voice with my eyes close tightly. "Th-those cr-creatures! I… I am scared."


"Yes I know but I cannot save you if you hold me this tight. So, please calm down."


Tears begin to fall out of my eyes as I try to do what he said but my calmness never came and all I did is cry through his shoulder. I just couldn't stop it even though it looks so embarrassing, I really don't care.


"Almos." I called out his name as I cry until I suddenly felt light as if, I'm being lift up to the sky.


Yet, it doesn't matter because all that matters is I'm safe as long as I'm with him. Even though I tried to avoid him, he still came at the time I really needed him most. And I feel so guilty about what I did still, I'm very thankful that he came to rescue me.


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'Long ago there is a man that fall in love with this beautiful woman. A woman that shines so bright, that gives hope and happiness not knowing her, herself will not experience hope and happiness. Instead she was blessed with sadness and tragedy. And love is her greatest tragedy that she cannot avoid. While the man that fall in love with her will be her greatest salvation.'


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