

One thousand years ago, in the_ back then_ small City of Belmont which was led by the brave soldier Lady Selina Lawson, the neighbouring City_Kroatia_ waged war against Belmont, but Selina was not ready to loose her City or afraid. She gathered her little but strong soldiers and they headed to Kristina to warn the ruler to withdraw the war, but he refused, then a war broke out.

Selina and her little soldiers fought with all their strength and might, and they conquered the City of Kristina and possessed the City. The god of Belmont City_Dionysus_was pleased with her, so he blessed her and her generation, by giving them special powers and extending their lifespan. He said to her

DIONYSUS: There is something about the tenth.

Till date no one understands what he meant by that. All these happened on the 10th day of the 10th month, one thousand years ago.


(In the cemetery of Coddington Village_one of the villages in Belmont City_a girl with white hair tied in a ponytail that reached her waist, who wore a black gown stood under the heavy pouring rain, in front of a grave which had the name: Commander George Connor on it. She stood under the rain with tears in her beautiful eyes that was hard to identify because of the rain that poured on her.

ALLISON: (In tears) Papa (she whispered) Papa can you hear me?, if you can, please come back to me. I can't even start imagining life without you in it. Please come back (she bent down with her knees towards her body, not minding if her gown will get muddy, and started crying. Today was her father's funeral, others has gone home, but she stayed, because no one was as close to her father, like she was. Her father was someone who always made her smile, even if she was a child who rarely smiled. He always spent time with her even if he was the Chief Commander of the royal soldiers, she wasn't ready to accept the fact that, the one man who made her smile was gone.

After crying her eyes out, she headed to her mansion which was the biggest in the whole village, because of her late father's reputation and humility. Approaching the mansion, she could tell they were still people in the mansion, because if the noise that came from it. Immediately she opened the door and walked inside, the house turned quiet, but there was a man who was laughing heartily as he didn't notice her entry due to the heated conversation he was having. Allison walked to the man, when he saw her, he wanted to say something, then she quickly held his neck with the intention of inflicting pain on him, everyone was shocked, he tried to struggle his way out but her grip on him was very strong).

ALLISON:(To the man) Are you mourning or celebrating? (He couldn't say anything because she tightened her grip on his neck).

LADY MATHILDA: Allison!, you're killing him, let him go!! (Allison looked at her mother who said that to her, then she freed the man)

ALLISON: Funeral's over, everyone should leave (She said calmly. Immediately she said those words, everyone started leaving, no one dared to stay, or else they wanted to meet their graves. As she said that, she went to her room. Immediately she entered her room, she removed her wet gown and was only on her under garment, she removed the black ribbon she used to tie her hair and let it fall, the length of her hair was beneath get bottom, she removed her shoe and was only with her black under garment and socks. She walked to the bed, sat on it, dragged her knee to her body and started crying, then she heard a knock, she quickly wiped her tears and cleared her throat because she didn't like people seeing her cry.

ALLISON: Come in (she said wiping her face with her palm. Her younger sister, Alexandra and best friend Laura walked in. Alexandra sat opposite her in the bed, while Laura sat on a small stool close to the bed).

ALEXANDRA:(Worried) Are you okay?(Alexandra's eyes were swollen due to the crying).

ALLISON: I'm okay.

ALEXANDRA: You don't look like you are (Tears falls from her eyes) I know how attached you were with papa, I know you miss him, we also miss him, but come in. Papa's death was heartbreaking (starts crying) but seeing you like this breaks me even more.


ALEXANDRA:He would have wished for something worse than death if he saw you this way (The tears Allison has been holding, made their way out).

LAURA: (In tears) You don't eat, you don't sleep, you stay under the rain, you hurt yourself, all these could harm you, if something happens to you...(pauses) what do you think will happen to us.

ALEXANDRA: Stop harming yourself Allison, papa is gone, we don't want to loose you too Allison. This person you have turned into is not my sister, I want my sister back.

LAURA: You've abandoned the school, you workeded so hard to build. This is not you, it's been up to a month now and you haven't gone to the school. These children mean a lot to you, that's what you told me, please come back, please.....

ALEXANDRA:(Wipes her tears) Promise us, that you'll be the Allison we know, the Allison who never gives up and never backs down, promise us.

ALLISON: ((Wipes the tears from her eyes) I promise (Allison has never cried this much for the twenty two years she has lived in earth, now she promises herself that this will be the last time she cry. Time to be the Allison she used to be).

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