40 Life

Many describe their journey to the afterlife as a light they felt destined to follow. The media decided that right before you die, images of your life flash in front of your mind.

But standing on a motorway bridge and looking down at grey cars and even greyer asphalt? This version is completely new to him.

Cameron's hands are resting in the pockets of his black windbreaker and his eyes wander all the way to the horizon. The cars passing behind him create a pleasant backdrop of sound.

Something consistent to fight be silence.

He knows this highway well. Sonny and him had spent most of the ride on the 101 on their trip to Pismo Beach. A lot of grey and some green until you finally reach the exit and drive right towards the sea.

So what is he doing here? The last thing he remembers was...

Cameron frowns.

His mom made lasagna which he usually would be obsessed about. But not that night. All the flavor had dissolved berore the fork could even reach his mouth.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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