
Aliens in the Multiverse

What would happen if you create a world? Well a certain alien did after his death, and because of that he met a god. Now he is put to the task to get powerful and help this god in monitoring and creating worlds. With the power of an alien roulette. ........ This is my first time writing and English is not my first language so please bear with me. First world - My Hero Academia **DISCLAIMER** I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING FEATURED IN THIS FANFIC INCLUDING THE COVER ART IF YOU ARE THE OWNER AND WANT IT TO NOT BE FEATURED IN MY FAN FIC PLEASE MESSAGE ME Below are the sources I got the Aliens from. https://ben10.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Transformations?from=Y https://5yl.fandom.com/wiki/Ben%27s_Arsenal#Original

Helix_Tower · Anime und Comics
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Aliens Roulette A - M


None of the aliens used in this story belong to me and all of the credit goes to their original creators. Below are the sources I got the Aliens from.




I am compiling this list to have an idea of what aliens I am working with and to think of a path for this story because I have no idea what to do. Also I didn't know 5 Years Later was a thing and so it took longer to get this list together but I recommend you look into them if you like Ben 10. If there is any alien that you think should have different abilities, or just want to add a new alien the comment and I will look into it.

In this story the Mc will not be able to get transformations of human mutants or gods since he is both a human and a god and in my opinion an alien is a species completely different from ours. Which in theory it is how it works the actual omnitrix. But if it is not then I don't care bc I don't want the Mc just scanning every human and eventually getting every quirk unconditionally.

This list was divided into two: The normal aliens are already in the roulette divided into two bc it did not let me save it all in one chapter (Too many words). I am also putting Summons / Parasite aliens at the end of this list bc they and the Mc are different entities. Also if the Mc already has the alien his info will be taken out of this list and put into the Current Aliens list.

Aliens in this list may have changes to their abilities to avoid two aliens from doing the same thing and to make them fit into the story better (Since Mc can use multiple powers at the same time). If you have any questions about a specific alien's abilities or changes please leave a comment on the alien's name.

Some alien's weaknesses will be removed because they do not apply in this story. Mainly mental weaknesses but also some physical weakness since Mc does not need to fully transform to use most abilities. Ex. If he wants to use Wildmutt's ability he only needs to transform his neck to have his senses and so he will not be blind.

The list will not include the physical capabilities of the alien unless that's a major part of that alien's ability like Four Arms' strength.

Mc is able to use physical enhancements that aliens have like strength or speed without any changes to his body with the exception of sense enhancements. But if he wants to do things like flying, unless he has an alien that can fly without wings like AmpFibian, he will have to at least partially transform to fly.

The Mc will only get the aliens equipment if god believes the alien needs it for his or others safety. Mc will only get the equipment if he partially or fully transforms into the alien.

I will be using aliens from the Ben 10 series, Non-canon aliens and the 5 years later wiki. I will be putting the image of the alien when the MC gets that alien. Only the aliens name, abilities and weaknesses will be on the list.


Aliens in the Roulette: (Alphabetical order)



Algae Generation- Acidgrime's body contains porous organs, which allows him to generate an acidic algae around his body as a host form.

Organ Throw- Acidgrime is able to throw his organ sacks. The thick sticky membranes of the organs bond to and merge with the object and then, soon after, explode.

Regeneration- The algae on his body is ever-draining and constantly regenerating which gives him the defensive advantage.

Shapeshifting- Acidgrime is able to manipulate the algae on his body into many different shapes.


Extreme Temperatures- Heat turns his skin solid which is like trapping him in stone, while cold makes his Slime Sacks stiff and not able to stretch far or be sticky.

Organs- The less organs he has, the less algae Acidgrime can generate. Without the algae, the more dehydrated he becomes.

Alien X


Omnipotence- Alien X is omnipotent, being able to warp reality, time, and space with ease and at universal level. Even his thoughts can become real. In short, Alien X can do anything in the universe he is in.

Time alteration- Alien X can create time waves to reverse events.

High Durability- Alien X is nearly invulnerable, as he was completely unharmed when the universe around him was destroyed.

Self Alteration- Alien X can self-duplicate, create galaxies to suck in other beings, and travel at high speeds. He also possesses superhuman strength and the ability to grow to a gigantic size. He is skilled at hand-to-hand combat.

Telekinesis- Alien X possesses telekinesis and is capable of deflecting energy attacks.

X-ray Vision- Alien X possesses X-ray vision, meaning he can see through objects such as a mountain. He can also regenerate his limbs should they be severed.


Absorption- Alien X is vulnerable to having his powers absorbed.

Non Permanent Changes- Alien X's actions onto reality can be neutralized and reversed.

No mana control- Alien X cannot manipulate mana directly.

Alien Z


Laser Knifes- Alien Z has laser knifes on the edges of his fins.

Excellent Swimmer- Similar to Earth penguins, Alien Z is an excellent swimmer and can reach fast swimming speeds.

Water Launch- Alien Z can launch himself onto land like a torpedo and slide on his belly.



Chemical Mixing Skill- AllChemist is highly skilled in mixing of chemicals and is highly versatile when it comes to what he can do with small amount of ingredients he always has at his disposal.

Immense Chemical Knowledge- AllChemist's innate knowledge allows him to know what everything around him is composed of.



Electrical control- AmpFibian can absorb electrical energy, such as lightning. That energy is then launched out of his tentacles as attacks.

Levitation- AmpFibian can fly and is agile enough to dodge attacks while flying.

Under water breathing- AmpFibian can breathe underwater, the latter of which allows him to swim at superhuman speeds. He can also discharge electricity underwater.

Stretchable Limbs- AmpFibian's tentacles can extend multiple times their length.

Light Generation- AmpFibian can generate light from his body like a lantern.


Limited electricity- Is not able to generate electricity and so is prone to run out of it.

Absorption- AmpFibian is weak against enemies who can drain electricity.

Self Harm- Despite being able to use his electricity underwater, AmpFibian can accidentally shock himself if he is entering or partially in water.



Gravity control- Possesses the ability to alter gravity's effect on himself and objects he touches.


Touch- Antigravitesla is unable to use his powers unless he touches what he wants to affect.



Flight- Archeagle can fly great distances.

Healing- Archeagle can heal most physical injuries, as well as sicknesses. It works in long distances, but is more effective if the target is in contact.

Boosting- Archeagle can temporarily increase strength and speed of his allies, more effectively on mana-wielding allies. Can also be used offensively to charge up opponents to the point where they explode or tire out.

Regeneration- Archeagle's body rapidly generates mana, which heals him every time he gets injured. This includes lost limbs and damage of vitals organs.


Depleting Mana- Every time Archeagle heals/buffs someone, he uses a bit of mana. This means that if his usage rate is higher than the rate of mana generation, he will eventually tire out, losing all abilities that require energy.



Hellfire- Able to produce, manipulate, and absorb a purple fire that does not go out until it's purpose is fulfilled unless Archfiendzarro absorbs it back.



Ice Breath- Arctiguana is capable of breathing ice and firing a long-range freeze ray that isolates targets in ice. This ice breath is cold enough to freeze large bodies of water and molten lava. His ice is also very slippery.

Ice Constructs- Arctiguana can use his ice breath to create constructs made of ice.

Cold resistance- Arctiguana can survive in environments with sub-freezing temperatures.


Out of Breath- If Arctiguana uses his ice breath too much, he will need to catch his breath before using it again.



Drilling/Digging Abilities- Armodrillo's armor around his hands have built-in drills, which allow him to drill through solid objects or burrow underground quickly.

Tremor Creation- Armodrillo can create tremors by slamming his hands on the ground and pumping the jackhammer pistons on his elbows.

Enhanced Durability- Armodrillo's armor is strong enough to withstand many heavy blows.

Enhanced Jumping- Armodrillo is capable of using is jackhammer arms to propel himself high in the air.


Electricity- Armodrillo can be knocked out by electricity or can be stopped from moving.

Acid- Armodrillo's armor can be corroded by acids.



Flight - Astrodactyl can fly at high speeds using a combination of his wings and a combustible gastrointestinal fluid he ignites in his stomach and then vents out of his lower back.

Combustible Gastrointestinal Fluid Ignition - Astrodactyl's combustible gastrointestinal fluid can be solidified through the venting out of his lower back, wrist ports, and mouth to manipulate them for attacks such as energy whips and propulsion blasts.

Prehensile Feet- Astrodactyl is able to carry items and living beings while in flight without much problem as long as they don't exceed his weight limit.


Fuel Overuse- Astrodactyl can run out of his fuel if his generation cannot keep up with his usage.



Nucleokinesis- Atomix can generate and manipulate nuclear energy using his hands, which can do an extensive quantity of destruction to its surroundings.

Heat Generation- Atomix is able to melt nearby objects using the heat from his nuclear energy.


Containment Suit- Atomix wears an advanced containment suit that protects others from his body.

Enhanced Physicality- Due to his advanced and heavily built containment suit Atomix's strength, and durability are vastly enhanced.


Overexertion- If Atomix uses too much of his energy, he will grow tired.

Absorption- Atomix is weak against enemies that are able to absorb nuclear energy.



High Pressure Water Blasts- Backwash can ingest and blast water at a high pressure from his mouth or tail. He can also use it to swim underwater.

Underwater Breathing- Backwash can breathe underwater as well as on land.


Liquid Dependency- Backwash is powerless without water.

Intense Heat / Cold- Water Blasts can be evaporated or frozen, which will make his attacks useless.

Ball Weevil


Plasma Generation- Ball Weevil can generate a sticky plasma that he can morph into a ball. With any object it comes into contact with or any form of energy it absorbs it grows larger. Once at a desired size, Ball Weevil can let it go and it will explode once it comes into contact with something. The explosion can vary depending on the size of the ball.

Plasma Imprisonment- Ball Weevil is capable of trapping objects or beings inside his plasma balls, he can use this ability to recue other beings or imprisoning them.

Wall Crawling- Ball Weevil can stick and climb up walls.

Enhanced Agility- Due to his enhanced agility, Ball Weevil is capable to perform relatively high jumps and other impressive moves. This also allows him to balance or walk on bigger plasma balls.


Plasma Vulnerability- Ball Weevil's plasma can affect him either from it being incomplete or him getting stuck in it.



Metal Generation- Bashmouth can metal from various parts of his body, like generating scaled armor plates from his forearms, or through his sharp teeth, which can crunch through concrete.


Electricity- Bashmouth can be heavily harmed by electricity when he has metal on his body.

Metal Contact- Bashmouth's metal is a part of his body and so he cannot separate from it.



Hypnotic Singing- Bathoven can utilize music to influence the minds of others.

Flight- Bathoven's wings allow him to fly.

Echolocation- Like Earth bats, Bathoven can emit high-frequency sound waves to detect objects and people and navigate his surroundings.

Voice Mimicry- Bathoven can imitate the sounds of others with great accuracy.


Low Frequency Sounds- Low frequency sounds will give Bathoven painful headaches, incapacitating him.

Big Chill


Flight- Big Chill's wings allow him to fly great distances without exhaustion.

Cryokinesis- Big Chill has the ability to shoot ice beams out of his hands.

Freeze Touch- Big Chill is capable of freezing objects by touching them.

Sharp Claws- Big Chill has claws capable of ripping through meat and metal easily.

Prehensile Feet- Big Chill can use his feet to hold objects or people with ease.

Temperature Resistance- Big Chill is immune to extreme temperatures, both hot and cold.

Oxygen Unneeded- Big Chill can survive in areas without oxygen.


Heated Enemies- Big Chill's freeze breath does not work on enemies with a high internal or external temperature.

High-Pitched Sounds- Big Chill is sensitive to high-pitched sounds.



Sonic Howl- Benwolf can emit a powerful ultrasonic howl by separating his jaw into four. This can also be used to reflect incoming projectiles and can even be used to propel himself upwards as a form of propulsion. It's strong enough to break rocks or metal.

Enhanced Biology- Benwolf possesses enhanced physical characteristics such as enhanced strength, speed, agility, and durability that far outclass those of a human.

Strong Bite- Benwolf has strong jaws that can deliver a powerful bite force.

Enhanced Senses- Benwolf possesses an incredible sense of smell and hearing.

Night Vision - Benwolf has extraordinary night vision.

Sharp Claws- Benwolf's claws are strong enough to scratch metal.

Prehensile Claws- Benwolf possesses claws that are prehensile.


Sensitive Hearing- Benwolf's enhanced sense of hearing makes him highly susceptible to loud sounds.

Detained Snout- Benwolf cannot use his sonic howl if his jaws have been forcibly shut.



Blood Absorption- Bloodbite possesses a powerful bite that can drain the blood of the target.

Blood Empowerment- Bloodbite can gain various physical enhancements, depending on the ability of the person he absorbs has.

Blood Manipulation- Bloodbite can manipulate the blood in a variety of ways from the ports/vents located on his body. He can shape the blood into wips or other simple shapes but he can't solidify them.

Multiple Limbs- Bloodbite has four arms.


Blood Loss- Although Bloodbite can utilize his blood manipulation abilities without the need of taking blood from another, enough usage will result in confusion, dizziness, and other common side effects of blood loss.

Solid / Contained Blood- Bloodbite is not able to manipulate blood that is solid or contained.



Blood Harden- Bloodline is able to shape and harden the blood in his body to use as weapons that are stronger than steel weapons.

Blood Absorption- Bloodline can absorb blood upon contact with his body for future use.

Enhanced Flexibility- Bloodline can twist and contort his body in a multitude of ways.


Limited Blood Control- Bloodline is not able to manipulate blood that is not in his body.

Limited Blood- Over use of his ability without stored blood will result in confusion, dizziness, and other common side effects of blood loss.

Bob the Blob


Glue- Bob the Blob is made up of a glue like substance that he's is able to generate and control the viscosity of.

Projectile / Absorption- Bob the Blob is able to throw and absorb the glue generated from his body.

Multiple brains- Bob the Blob has two brains making his thoughts faster and the ability to use parallel thought easier.


Liquids- Bob the Blob's glue is unable to stick to an opponent as easily if they are wet.



Shapeshifting: Bouldercrash can manipulate his fluid-like body at will, being capable of stretching his body to reach for materials to disassemble and make into armor or ammunition.

Adhesive Skin: Bouldercrash can make his body adhesive at will, allowing the raw materials that he has scavenged to adhere to his body.

Enhanced Durability: Bouldercrash is capable of mining materials around him to create highly resilient armor from the environment around him.

Projectiles: Bouldercrash is able to launch the materials he has harvested through a cannon positioned on his right arm. He proceeds to fire the harvested material at its target with great force.

Camouflage: Bouldercrash is capable of camouflaging into his surroundings by positioning his armor to act as a shell, helping him blend in with the environment.


Durability: Bouldercrash's body, when not protected by his armor, isn't very durable, being highly susceptible to damage.

Environment: Due to Bouldercrash's armor needing to be mined from the surrounding environment, Bouldercrash is dependent on the environment possessing materials that he can mine armor and other materials from. If none exists, he is at a significant disadvantage.



High Intellect- Brainstorm has one of the highest IQ's in the galaxy, inferior to nothing but a Galvan. His brain is more strategic than others, allowing him to quickly determine how to defeat his foes.

Electricity Generation- Brainstorm's brain can generate enough electricity to be utilized as a strong attack.

Electromagnetic Levitation- Using electrical currents, Brainstorm can levitate and gain the higher ground against an opponent.

Electric Telekinesis- Brainstorm is capable of lifting objects using electrokinesis; he can also control technology using this ability.

Force-Field Generation- Brainstorm can create a protective barrier made of electricity.

Underwater and Land Survivability- Brainstorm can breath underwater because he has gills, but he can survive on land because his gills keep him moist when on land.

Sharp Pincers- Brainstorm's pincers are strong enough to pierce metal.

Wall Scaling- Brainstorm is able to climb walls with his crab-like legs.


Electrical generation limit- Brainstorm can run out of electricity if it is overused.

Concentration- Concentration is required for him to use his electricity.



Light Speed- Brightspeed can move at the speed of light leaving a trail of neon light and phosphorus gas in his path. He can turn his cells into into rays of light for better maneuverability.

Neon Manipulation- Brightspeed possesses a great degree of control over neon, which he can use in a variety of ways.

Neon Constructs- Can manipulate neon into various small constructs.

Photon Blasts- Can fire bolts of neon energy.

Drain Neon- Can drain sources of neon to replenish power.

Sharp Talons- Brightspeed possesses razor-sharp claws on his hands and feet.


Energy Limit- Brightspeed requires phosphorus and neon light as a form of a power source; without a way to replenish himself he will be drained and powerless.

Buck Wild


Enhanced Speed- Buck Wild is incredibly fast.

Enhanced hearing- Due to being a rabbit Buck Wild's ears are able to hear better than human's.


Momentum- The faster Buck Wild goes the less control has when turning or stopping.



Enhanced Agility- Buglizard has enhanced reflexes and agility.

Acid Fog- Buglizard is capable of spraying a yellow acid fog that can disintegrate adhesive fluids.

Prehensile Tail- Buglizard's tail can be used to wrap asound and trap opponents.

Sharp Tail / Claws- Buglizard has sharp tail and claws that can tear through metal.



Prehensile Tongue- Bullfrag has a long and sticky prehensile tongue with high tensile strength.

Enhanced Jumping- Bullfrag is capable to jump several meters of the ground due to his frog like biology.

Chest Inflation- Bullfrag can inflate his chest to repel enemies or for gaining momentum to jump.


Strong Smells- Bullfrag is weak to strong smells.

Stretched Tongue- Bullfrag's tongue hurts if it is stretched too far.

Vulnerable Tongue- If Bullfrag's tongue is caught it will put him in a unfavorable position.



Exoskeletal Structure- Bullwark has a titanium-grade, hardened keratin exoskeleton encompassing his arms.

Force Negation- Bullwark is able to shield himself and others from virtually any physical force below 30,000 Newtons.


Decreased Speed and Agility- Bullwark's exoskeleton makes him slow and reduces his ability to move easily.

Bungee Sponge


Bungee Jump- Having bungee cable-like arms on his back Bungee Sponge can use them to lunch himself long distances by slingshotting himself.

Blunt Damage Durability- Due to his elasticity, Bungee Sponge is able to withstand blunt impacts for an extended period without much damage.

Fluid Absorption- Bungee Sponge can absorb fluids to a limited amount.


Cuts- Bungee Sponge's body although elastic can still be cut by sharp enough objects.



Electrokinesis- Buzzshock is able to release electricity from his body, as well as absorb it from outer sources.

Electrical Teleportation- He can travel through electrical power lines for light speed transport.

Technopathy- Buzzshock can inhabit electrical devices and control them from the inside or have them malfunction and fry when he passes through them.

Duplication- Buzzshock can duplicate himself after absorbing enough energy.


Limited Energy- Buzzshock can tire out after using too much energy.

Absorption- Buzzshock's energy can be absorbed.



Enhanced Strength- Callus possesses immense strength.

Rapid Regeneration- Callus can constantly regenerate his skin after sustaining damage.

Complete Muscle Control- Callus has complete control over his muscles, allowing him to freely manipulate and alter his muscle tissue.

Density Bulking- Callus can use his thick, dense muscles as armor and even bounce back attacks.


Heavy Breathing- His body has a low level of oxygenated blood, but due to being mostly muscle, he needs to be constantly breathing heavily to get enough oxygen.



Sticky Adhesive Generation- Candystain can generate a sticky adhesive from any part of his body. He can use this adhesive to trap enemies, climb walls, and stick objects together.

Alluring Smell- Certain creatures are attracted to the red parts on Candystain's body, that produce a sweet scent.


Fragile Body- Candystain's body is very weak. If he is hit hard enough, he will crack.



Defensive Curl- Cannonbolt can curl himself into a ball with his armored plating surrounding him, making him nearly impenetrable.

Rolling- Cannonbolt can roll at high speeds while in his defensive curl, making him able to collide with things with a ton of force.

Magnetic Sensing- Cannonbolt is able to sense where he is going while rolling using the magnetic field of the planet he is currently on.

Enhanced Ricocheting- Cannonbolt is capable of bouncing off surfaces like a pinball, suffering little to no damage.

Enhanced Durability- Cannonbolt's durability allows him to take the impact of even reentry to the Earth's orbit without damage.


Momentum- Cannonbolt is subjected to the physical laws of reflection and conservation of momentum, meaning that he has difficulty stopping or controlling his direction if he picks up speed.

Sticky Surface- Cannonbolt can be held in place by sticky surfaces.



Camouflage- Chamalien is able to blend into the color of his surroundings. Effectively making him appear invisible.

Retractable Barb- Chamalien has a retractable barb at the end of his tail.

Enhanced Reflexes- Chamalien's reflexes are far beyond a Human's, being able to dodge and counter attacks with quick speed.

Smooth Skin- Chamalien's skin is very smooth and slippery, making him very difficult to grab.

Wall Climbing- Chamalien is able to stick and climb on flat surfaces.


Shadow- Chamalien's shadow can still be seen when camouflaged.

Tracking- Chamalien can be tracked by smell, sound, footprints, and mana.

Baggage- Chamalien is only able to camouflage himself so anything he is carrying will be visible.



Enhanced Agility- ChemiKill's lean and flexible build allows him to perform highly agile maneuvers.

Elbow Blades- ChemiKill has very sharp, large blades on his elbows.

Poison Immunity- ChemiKill is immune to the effects of most poisons and toxins.

Radiation Immunity- ChemiKill is immune to the harmful effects of radiation.


Blunt Damage- ChemiKill's bones will break easily with blunt attacks.



Elasticity- Chompvine can stretch his body to fit through tight areas.

Matter Ingestion- Chompvine can eat almost anything and spit it back out.

Thorn Projectiles- Chompvine can shoot variously sized thorns with sleep or paralyzing effect.


Fire- Chompvine is vulnerable to heat and fire.

Dehydration- Chompvine cannot survive long without water.



Energy Absorption- Chromastone is able to absorb energy to a limited extent.

Ultraviolet Beams- Chromastone is able to expel absorbed energy from his body in a form of ultraviolet beams.

Intensity Control- Chromastone can control the intensity of his energy attacks, and the amount of power his ultraviolet beams have depends on how powerful the energy from an opponent's attack is.

Energy Manipulation- Chromastone can manipulate energy he absorbs into a shield, storing them in his fist, or project them in a 360-degree radius.

Energy Attacks Invulnerability- Chromastone is able to allow energy attacks to simply bounce off his body instead of absorbing them.


Absorption Limit- There is a limit to the amount of energy Chromastone can absorb.

Energy Generation- Chromastone is unable to generate his own energy to use and so it is limited to the amount absorbed.

Cinder Snake


Ash Manipulation- Cinder Snake can shoot balls of burned ash from his mouth as well as clouds of a toxic smoke.

Body Manipulation- Because of his ash like body he can slip through tight space.

Regeneration- He can pull his body back together if dispersed.


Unstable Anatomy- Because of his ash like body high winds can easily disperse his form and water can seriously hurt him.



Time Touch- Clockwork can reverse or accelerate the time of any object he is touching living or non-living to the extent that he can reverse time until inexistence, or aging to dust.

Timeline- Clockwork can go to any timeline that he wishes by rotating the key on his body.

Time Slow- Clockwork can slow down time around himself, making it look like to others that Clockwork is moving at very high speeds.

Projection- Clockwork can create hologram-like projections of what happened in the past.

Chronopathy- Clockwork possesses chronopathy, which grants him a fine-tuned sense of precise time and determines the exact time an event has taken or will take place and for how long.


Key- If something hits Clockwork's head key, he can be badly stunned.

Ageless- Clockwork's time touch is ineffective against anything does not age such as diamonds.

Time ripples- The use of Clockwork's time powers creates a ripple effect in time that can be sensed or reversed.

EMP- Clockwork's ability can be temporarily disabled if he is exposed to a large electromagnetic pulse.



Magma Generation- Coretoise is able to produce magma-like substance and either spit it or erupt from his shell.

Rolling- Coretoise can pull himself into his shell and roll around, scorching the ground.


Vulnerability to Water- Coretoise can be harmed or even killed by being poured with water.



Enhanced Durability- Due to having a body made out of rocks Crabdozer's body can easily withstand heavy blows.

Charge- Crabdozer is surprisingly fast when running in one direction.

Horn- Crabdozer's horn is able to easily punch a hole through metal.

Heat Resistance- Crabdozer is able to swim through lava if he wants to.



Enhanced Jumping- Crashhopper is able to jump extremely long distances, leaving behind a shock wave.

Wall Hopping- Crashhopper can propel himself forward by pushing himself off walls, effectively jumping off walls.

Powerful legs- His legs can kick with considerable force, making them offensive weapons in close-quarters.

Thick Skull- Crashhopper's skull is hard as steel, and he is full of shock absorbing viscous matter that cushion the impact on his internal organs.

Wall Crawling- The claws on his arms and legs can dig into hard surfaces, allowing Crashhopper to scale walls and other tall structures.


High Altitudes- Crashhopper is unable to jump from high Altitudes.

Weak Body- Aside from his head Crashhopper's body is not able to take much damage.



Burrowing- Using his claws, CraterFace can quickly shovel through dirt and terrain.

Consumable Composite Camo- By consuming a material like dirt or rock from his current terrain, his top epidermis mimics the terrain that he consumed. This allows him to blend into his surroundings when burrowed akin to a trapdoor spider.


Large Size- His large, bulky body makes him slow and immobile. In addition, his large size can cause unintentional destruction.



Pheromone Release- Crazyvulgar can release a special pheromone that "awakens" the inner lust within his opponent. When effected by the pheromone, his enemies perceive Crazyvulgar under a form that corresponds to their deepest desire.



Freezing Cry- Cryonyx howl can both disorient enemies and freeze nearby bodies of water instantly.

Freeze Breath- Cryonyx breath can freeze objects almost instantaneously.

Demonsion (I decided to change this alien's abilities bc there are other aliens with warping abilities and only two with fire type abilities and I didn't want Heatblast to have full control over fire. I was thinking of just adding another alien that does not exist but I thought this alien fit a fyre type alien)


Pyrokinesis- Demonsion is able to manipulate heat and fire with just a thought.

Fire Immunity- Demonsion is immune to flames, magma, and other forms of heat.

Sharp Tail- Demonsion has a bladed tail in the shape of a scythe.

Acrobatics- Demonsion can perform fantastic acrobatic feats.


Heat Generation- Demonsion is unable to generate fire on his own and relies on the heat and fire in the environment around him.

Dental Dam


Sharp Teeth- Dental Dam possesses extendable steel-dentin compound incisors. Their sharpness rating is comparable to a fully sharpened broadsword.

Steel-Dentin Compound Spikes- He has sharp spikes made of the same materials located on his back, hands, feet, and tail.

Strong Tail- Dental Dam can use the force of his tail to propel himself off surfaces and swim at high speeds.

Heightened Senses- Dental Dam possesses heightened reaction times, as well as an enhanced sense of smell and hearing.


Broken Teeth- His incisors can grow back, but it takes time for them to regrow.

Heightened Senses- Loud noises and strong smells can distract and impair his combat abilities.



Crystal Projectiles- Diamondhead can generate and rapidly shoot crystal projectiles out of his hands, all while not losing body mass or structure.

Crystallokinesis- Diamondhead can reshape his arms into various weapons. He can also extend his crystals into the ground to make large crystal structures.

Regeneration- Diamondhead can regenerate parts of his body if they are severed but to a limit extent.

Rapid Aging Immunity- Diamondhead is immune to time and aging rays because he's made of organic crystals, which don't age.

Enhanced Durability- Diamondhead's crystal body is incredibly durable, able to take extremely powerful close and far range attacks without damage.

Fire Resistance- Diamondhead's crystalline body is highly resistant to fire and heat.

Acid Immunity- Diamondhead's crystalline body is very immune to acid.


Regeneration Limit- Diamondhead has a limit to how much he can regenerate.

Scatterable Body- Diamondhead might shatter if hit with enough force or with sonic waves.



Self-Duplication- Ditto is capable of duplicating himself over and over a seemingly-unlimited amount of times.

Revert- Ditto and the clones created can revert back to Ben at will.

Telepathy (Clones)- Ditto has the ability to telepathically communicate with his clones.

Sensory Web- Ditto has a sensory web that connected all of Ditto's clones. The sensory web allow clones to share senses and physical sensations, such as pain.

Underwater Breathing- Ditto can breathe underwater.

Improved Digging- Ditto can dig into the ground and come out like a mole.


Linked Nervous System- If one Ditto gets hurt or killed, all of them do.



Eggs Bombs- Divebomb is able to generate eggs from his flippers or just lay them. These eggs serve as bombs, with a single egg being capable of destroying a three-story building.


Destruction- Divebomb needs to be extremely careful with his eggs bcause he can easily damage things he does not wish to.



Solid Matter Ingestion- Eatle has the ability to eat various materials.

Laser Beams- Once Eatle has consumed matter, he can burn that matter within his stomach. The energy from the reaction is then stored in his horn and can be expelled in the form of a green laser beam.

Strong Horn- Eatle's horn can be used as a very effective battering ram.

Sharp Claws- Eatle possesses claws sharp enough to cause a considerable amount of damage.

Sharp Teeth- Eatle's teeth are sharp enough to bite through substances such as metal.

Flight- Eatle can fly using the wings located in his rear shell.


Limited Matter Ingestion- There's a limit to how much matter Eatle can ingest at a time.

Radiation- Eatle can't eat certain minerals due to their radiation.

Echo Echo


Ultrasonic Screams- Echo Echo can scream at ultrasonic frequencies, and the wind and sound released can bring most beings to their knees.

Self-Duplication- Echo Echo can clone himself multiple times by splitting apart the sound wave energy that make up his body and forming a new suit around them.

Echolocation- Echo Echo can locate people or objects using his sonic waves.

Sound Transition- Echo Echo can transmit sound waves through speakers, such as phones.

Force Field- Echo Echo can use his sonic screams to create a force field.


Containment Suit- Echo Echo's outer body is actually a containment suit, while is inner body is made of living sound waves.


Frail Body- Echo Echo has a fragile body and can be destroyed easily.



Unbreakable Skin- Elimigator has a thick hide of scales, making him incredibly durable and able to withstand powerful attacks.

Enhanced Strength- Elimigator has immense strength allowing him to lift objects several times his own weight.

Strong Bite Force- Elmigator has a very high bite force, allowing him to tear through metal.

Amphibian Capabilities- Elimigator can breathe on land as well as underwater.


Water- Despite being a natural swimmer, Elmigator's skin becomes soft and flimsy after contact with water; this puts him at a disadvantage in battle.



Lava Barf- Eruptile's stomach creates lava with rocks and minerals consumed . He can barf it out to melt objects.

Digging- Eruptile's species are natural burrowers allowing them to tunnel through the ground, even through solid stone.

Enhanced Durability- Due to his species' hostile living situation, Eruptile has incredibly thick and dense skin.


Overeating- Eruptile can become incredibly sick if he consumes too many rocks and minerals.

Eye Guy


Omnidirectional Vision- Eye Guy is able to see in every direction around him thanks to his many eyes.

Eye Manipulation- Eye Guy can relocate his eyes and merge them together.

Chest Eye- By merging all of his eyes into one, Eye Guy can expose the gigantic eye in his chest and use it to fire his most powerful attack.

Solar Energy Absorption- Eye Guy absorbs solar radiation and converts said energy into solar beams he can fire from his eyes.

Enhanced Hearing- Eye Guy is able to sense sound not only with his ears, but with his hands and feet as well.


Eye Irritation- Eye Guy's eyes can be irritated or damaged, which can leave him powerless and vulnerable.

Sensitive Hearing- Eye Guy's ears make him very susceptible to loud sounds.



Enhanced Speed- Fasttrack is able to run at extreme speeds.

Enhanced Sensory Receptor- Fasttrack has powerful hearing and smell, and can see with little-to-no light.

Enhanced Jumping- Fasttrack can jump at heights while still running, increasing speed and distance.

Enhanced Reflexes- Fasttrack has fast, cat-like reflexes.

Dexterity- Fasttrack has enhanced dexterity

Direction Sense- Fasttrack has an enhanced sense of direction


Momentum- If Fasttrack runs too fast, he will have trouble stopping and turning.



Energy Absorption- Feedback can absorb various types of energy from the holes in his fingers to a limited extent.

Energy Release- Feedback can release energy stored in his body from the plug-like tendrils on his body.

Physical Ability Booster- Although Feedback already has enhanced physical abilities, he can improve all of his physical abilities by choosing to constantly absorb energy.

Enhanced agility- Feedback has enhanced agility, reflexes and jumping abilities, and possesses enhanced speed but only while running quickly on electrical power lines.

Electrical Charges- Feedback is able to release electrical charges in the form of ranged attacks or to empower his punches.

Elastic Tendrils- Feedback is capable of stretching the tendrils in his shoulders for more range.


Limited Energy- Feedback does not have limitless energy, in which case he will have to recharge because the energy within him will deplete with use.

Energy Absorption Limit- Feedback has a limit to how much energy he can hold at once. Absorbing more energy past this limit requires him to discharge some energy first.

Vulnerable Tendrils- Feedback's tendrils can be easily pulled on, causing him great discomfort and leaving him stuck in place.

Absorption- Feedback's attacks are ineffective if the opponent can absorb energy.



Oxygen Absorption- Fishstick has various adhesive gelatinous sacs across his body. They can be used to absorb and store oxygen from air and water sources, and are incredibly sticky.

Pressure Propulsion- Fishstick can propel himself through the water by firing stored pressurized oxygen from the sacs. He can also use it to fly through the air, but this method lacks precision compared to using it in the water. The bursts of pressurized air can also be fired on his hands to enhance the speed and strength of his punches.

Enhanced Sight- Fishstick is able to see through dark and muddy waters using his merged eye.

Enhanced Swimming- Fishstick has enhanced swimming and can swim fast underwater.

Underwater Breathing- Fishstick can breathe underwater.


Lack of Oxygen- Fishstick is unable to utilize his propulsion abilities if no water or air source to absorb oxygen from is present.

Dehydrated Gel Pods- Fishstick's gelatinous sacs are vulnerable to being dehydrated at high temperatures. They will lose their stickiness and become unable to absorb oxygen until he comes in contact with a source of moisture.

Pressure Limit- While Fishstick is highly resistant to underwater pressures, he does not possess complete immunity to them, and can suffer from their effects if he stays under them for long periods of time.

Unintentional Stickiness- Random objects can unintentionally stick to Fishstick's gelatinous sacs if not careful.

Floam Rubber


Kinetic Nullifier- Floam Rubber is able to redirect kinetic energy and physical attacks due to his foam and rubber-like body.

Regeneration- Floam Rubber can regenerate his foam bits.

Enhanced Durability- His body is nearly indestructible.


Absorption Limit- Floam Rubber has a limit to how much kinetic energy he can absorb and redirect.



Draining Touch- Floof can absorb and store the life force of other beings, draining them of their stamina, vitality, and strength via physical contact. He can even absorb Mana from those that possess it in large amounts.

Energy Storage- With the stored "energy" Floof can energize his own body.


Draining Limit- If the life force is too immense Floof will no be able to drain it safely.

Extensive Draining- Floof's life force draining ability is dangerous, as it can not be turned off and causes those that are being drained to wither and decay, potentially destroying others if he stayed in physical contact for too long.



Weather Manipulation- Forecaster can create and control all types of weather. When he uses his abilities, his tattoos change color depending on what aspect of the weather he is manipulating:

Orange- Body generates intense heat of the sun.

Blue- Generates rain clouds.

White- Generates icy snow and hail.

Purple- Blow gusts of wind and generate tornadoes.

Yellow- Generate lightning strikes.

Flight- Forecaster is able to fly either by turning his legs into a tornado, granting him flight capabilities, or by forming clouds which he can ride.


Limited Element Control- Although Forecaster can control the weather, he does not have control over elements such as fire and water. He can also only control one aspect of the weather at a time.

Power Loss- Forecaster's powers rely on clouds or other masses of condensed air. If he keeps using his abilities without a source, he can temporarily lose them.

Four Arms


Four Arms - Not much to explain here.

Enhanced Strength - Four Arms has immense strength that he can lift objects several times his weight.



Enhanced Strength- Frankenstrike possesses enough physical strength to punch clean through metal.

Electrokinesis- Frankenstrike can manipulate lightning bolts using the two Tesla coils on his back.

Electromagnetism- Frankenstrike can magnetize his body to attach to metal structures.

High Intellect- Frankenstrike possesses a high amount of synaptic activity, granting him higher intelligence and understanding


Generation Inability- Frankenstrike is unable to generate his own lightning and so it is possible to be left without lighting to manipulate.

Electricity Absorption- Frankenstrike's electricity is stored in his Tesla coils; and can be absorbed by others.



Laughing Pores- Funguy is able to secrete incapacitating laughing gas from the pores on his body.

Regeneration- Funguy's body will regrow severed or damaged limbs instantly.


Water - Funguy's spores can easily be washed off by water getting rid of the hallucinations.

Fire and Ice- Due to his plant physiology, Funguy is extremely weak to fire and ice.



Internal Gas Manipulation- Gastral's body is made up of a gas that he can change the density of. The denser the gas the darker his skin gets. At his Heavy form, he gains strength and weight. At his Light form, he lighter than air.

Jelly Physiology- Gastral can be squished and stretched without any harm to him. This ability also allows him to regenerate.


Water- Water can break down Gastral's body into sludge. While he can evaporate water, Gastral cannot evaporate the water if he's fully submerged.

Dispersion- Gastral can be dispersed, but the regeneration process is slow.



Explosive Mucus- Gelignite can use a bio-electric charge on its mucus and cause the mucus to explode.

Electricity Absorption- Any electricity that runs through his mucus, will be absorbed into the Gelignite's body for later use.

Enhanced Swimming- When in water, Gelignite's body becomes long and tubular, allowing him to swim faster.


Sticky Mucus- His mucus is dense and sticky, and if stuck to something it will not assimilate back into the main source.



Intangibility- Ghostfreak can turn his molecules intangible and phase through objects.

Levitation- Ghostfreak can move about without needing to touch the ground, and can float as high as he chooses.

Possession- Ghostfreak can phase into anyone's nervous system and control their actions.

Tentacles- Ghostfreak can peel back the skin on his stomach and use his tentacles to scare his opponents.

Space Survivability- Ghostfreak can survive in the vacuum of space because he's alive in a more unconventional sense.

Sharp Claws- Ghostfreak's fingers are razor-sharp bones protruding out of his skin.

Invisibility- Ghostfreak can cloak himself to be undetectable by the naked eye.

Protective and Removable Skin- Ghostfreak can peel back his skin and show his true appearance underneath.


Brainless Opponents- Ghostfreak cannot possess bodies without a brain.

Intense Light- If his inner layer of skin is exposed, he can be killed by intense light.

Intangible Opponents- If a foe turns intangible, they can touch Ghostfreak while he is intangible.



Astral Projection- GiAnt can project anything that he desires. His astral projections are stronger the better the immage he has.

Enhanced Senses- GiAnt possesses heightened senses more advanced than those of a human.

Extrasensory Precognition- GiAnt can sense incoming danger.



Shapeshifting- Since Goop is made of a liquid substance, he is able to change his shape to whatever he needs it to be.

Slime Generation- Goop can produce mass amounts of slime to shoot at his opponents; he can also make this slime either sticky to keep his enemies in place or acidic for offense.

Indestructibility- Goop is virtually indestructible, making him very hard to defeat.

Density Control- Goop can change his density depending on his desire. (Slime only)

Flight- Since Goop has an Anti-Gravity Projector, he has a limited flight capability due to his anti-gravity projector being able to lift him off the ground.

Regeneration- Due to his liquid body, Goop can reform and does not react to most physical attacks.

Slime Entrapment- Goop is capable of holding objects inside his slime body; he can also do this with people to protect them.

Heat Resistance- Goop can survive in intense heat


Anti-Gravity Projector- Goop's anti-gravity projector lets him change his shape, length, width, and height at will. It can also give Goop the ability to temporarily fly and levitate.


Lack of Anti-Gravity Projector- If Goop's Anti-Gravity Projector is out of range, his body will collapse into a helpless pile of goo.



Personal Orbit- Due to Gravattack's gravitational core, Gravattack has an orbit surrounding him at all times. This orbit is rather small if he is traversing on planets, but he is able to extend this orbit when he feels that it is needed, and can orbit enemies and enemy projectiles around himself.

Gravikinesis- With help from his gravitational core, Gravattack can manipulate the gravitational force of himself or others in a radius of 10 meters. He can push and pull opponents with just his thoughts, and he can levitate.

Spheroid Form- Gravattack can pull his limbs around his core and transform into a floating sphere, appearing like an actual planet.

Force Field Generation- Gravattack is able to put objects into an orbital track, causing them to fly around at various speeds, with this Gravattack is capable of forming walls, barriers and domes.

Space Survivability- Because he's a living planet, Gravattack can survive in the vacuum of space.

Black Hole Generation- Through extremely strenuous effort, he can create black holes. However, this is significantly more dangerous than it is useful.


Exploiting Powers- If not carefully articulated, Gravattack can accidentally create a black hole and he can't undo it despite his impressive ability to create it.

Mass Changes- Sudden changes of mass can throw off Gravattack's orbit.

Extreme Speed- If someone or something is fast enough Gravattack's gravity may pull them towards him instead of around him.

Energy attacks- Energy attacks will ignore Gravattack's gravity and hit him.

Green Needle


Needle Manipulation- Green Needle can control the needles in his body with expert leveled skills. He can fire them off as if they were projectiles and extend them to protect his body or to use them as blades. His needles are strong enough to puncture steel.

Nectar Production- Green Needle's body can brew a special nectar with healing properties by drinking water. This nectar can heal disease, repair wounds, and meld broken bones. He can even use the nectar to heal himself.



Enhanced Biology- Gremlynx possesses enhanced physical characteristics such as enhanced strength, durability, stamina, agility, dexterity, and endurance that far surpass those of a human.

Enhanced Senses- Gremlynx possesses an enhanced sense of smell, hearing, balance, and vision.

Night Vision- His eyes can see in low-light conditions.

Organic Metal Scales- Gremlynx's body has patches of organic metal plating that while malleable, is incredibly durable. This allows him to shrug off most slashing and piercing attacks.

Metal Skeleton- Gremlynx possesses a durable, yet malleable organic metal skeleton for internal reinforcement.

Retractable Claws- Much like Earth felines, Gremlynx possesses razor-sharp, retractable claws in his fingers.

Prehensile Tail- Gremlynx has a completely prehensile tail, allowing him to coil his tail around opponents like a boa constrictor.


Magnets- Having metallic scales and skeleton Gremlynx is susceptible to being pulled by strong magnets or controlled by beings with the ability of magno-telekinesis.



Explosive Fluid- Grenadier possesses highly volatile bodily fluids in his blood, sweat, and tears and can detonate this fluid at will.


Explosions- Grenadier's explosions can crack his bones, until they shatter entirely.



Paralyzing Stings- Gunstinger can fire paralyzing stings from his claws that immobilizes his target for about five minutes.

Poisonous Stings- Gunstinger can fire poisonous stings from the appendages that can extend outward on his crown.

Precision Aiming- Gunstinger possesses unerring accuracy due to his advanced eye structure. His aim can even be used for trick shots or chain reactions.

Enhanced Durability- Gunstinger has a durable exoskeleton that can withstand significant impacts.

Heat Resistance- Gunstinger can survive in extremely warm temperatures and climates.


Crown Appendage- The appendage on his crown, is a weak point. If he is struck on the appendage, he will become temporarily unconscious. However, he can close it up to negate this weakness.

Cold Temperatures- Gunstinger is highly susceptible to cold temperatures.



Nausea Breath- Gourge breath is capable of inducing weapons grade nausea into enemies that are within 1 meter in front of him.

Prehensile Tongue- Gourge has a strong and long tongue that he can use to grab enemies and bring them near him. The tongue can extend up to 5 meters in front of him.



Chemokinesis- Gutrot's innards contain various chemical compounds and elements, allowing him to create nearly any compound.

Gas Emission- Gutrot can expel the compounds he creates in a gaseous form from the various nozzles located across his body.

Chemistry Proficiency- Gutrot possesses vast knowledge in the scientific field of chemistry, allowing him to more efficiently utilize his chemokinesis and immediately identify nearly any chemical.


Helmet- Gutrot's bubble helmet serves as an extra safety precaution, to test out gases before expelling them, in the case that it is too dangerous to vent out into the air.


Heavy Winds- Winds can pick up and move around the expelled gases, potentially endangering bystanders should the chemical compound be dangerous enough.

Fire- Some of Gutrot's gases are extremely flammable. If any of these gases ignite, it can cause an explosion in and outside of Gutrot.

Haphazard (This alien's abilities were changed bc there was no other aliens that has the ability to manipulate threads and thought this alien fit the bill for that. His initial ability was fate minor manipulation which I thought was a bit too op.)


Enhanced Agility- Haphazard has a very wiry form and fast reflexes, making him efficient at dodging attacks and maneuvering quickly.

Arachnid Physiology- Haphazard has spider-like physical features such as a durable exoskeleton, powerful claws, and extra legs that allow him to climb any surface.

Psychic Energy Threads- Haphazard can create psionic threads that are barely visible by the naked eye. He is able to manipulate these threads in whatever way he likes.


Thread Limit- Haphazard's psionic threads are produced as part of a natural bodily function and thus requires stamina and nutrients to be used.

Head Chef


Chef Senses- Head Chef's sense of sight, smell, taste, and touch have become extremely developed in order to allow him to discern the best composition of ingredients in order to make extremely delicious dishes.

Instinctive Tool Use- Head Chef can instinctively use the most basic tools, primarily his cooking implements. He could also use other tools (like wrenches, drills, etc.) if he had to.

Prehensile Tail- Head Chef's tail tip can transform into different tools to help him multi task.

Enhanced Speed- While wielding his cooking implements, his arms are able to move extremely fast.



Pyrokinesis- Heatblast has the ability to produce and blast intense heat and fire from his body. He can form fire into any shape that he chooses with his hands, commonly fireballs.

Fire Immunity- Being made of fire and hot rocks, Heatblast is immune to flames, magma, and other forms of heat.

Ice Immunity- Heatblast is also cold resistant and ice proof thanks to the heat he generates.

Heat Absorption- Heatblast can absorb fire or heat that comes in contact with him.


Extinguishment- When exposed to a substance that can extinguish fire, his fire abilities are suppressed.

Control- Heatblast is unable to control fire once it is not in contact with his body.



Density Alteration- Hippopotamass is able to alter density using yellow energy that he projects from his hands. He is able to make objects or even himself light enough to float.


Movement- Hippopotamass is only able to alter the mass of something and not move them without touching them.

Hive Mind


Flight- Hive Mind can fly with incredible agility and speed.

Sharp Limbs- His eight limbs are very sharp and can be used for slashing and stabbing foes.

Stinger- Hive Mind has a massive stinger at the end of his abdomen that injects a powerful venom, causing immense pain to whoever he stings for up to several hours before wavering.

Insect Manipulation- Hive Mind is able to control all manner of insects within a mile radius.


Frail Limbs- His arms and legs are rather fragile, making him struggle in close quarters combat.

Honey Trap


Limited Shapeshifting- Honey Trap can stretch, bend, and squash his body in various ways. In addition, he can form simple objects from his goo and throw his goo at enemies.

Limited Invulnerability- His gooey body is difficult to damage.

Honeycomb Armor- His honeycomb-like armor provides him substantial protection against harm.

Sticky Body- Honey Trap can stick to most surfaces and objects.


Extreme Temperatures- Extremely warm or cold temperatures and environments can cause him extreme harm.

Fluids- Sticky fluids such as mud or oil, can make him sick if they get into his body.



Sleep Hypnosis - Howl can put anyone who makes eye contact with him for more than a second sleep for a desired amount of time.

Flight - Howl's wings allow him to glide great distances.

Sonic Screech - Howl can emit a powerful ultrasonic screech by opening his beak.

Night Vision - Howl can see clearly in the dark and has enhanced vision.


Bright Lights- Howl has sensitive eyes. Because of this, he can be blinded and disoriented by any light that is suddenly shined into his eyes.



Size Alteration- Humungousaur is able to grow up to 18 meters tall, gaining bigger muscles and thicker skin.

Enhanced Strength- Humungousaur has incredible strength, being able to lift a large ship at his normal size.

Enhanced Durability- Humungousaur's skin is thick enough to withstand the force of several thousand pounds of metal at full speed.

Strong Tail- Humungosaur's tail is strong enough to break through metal, when he increases his size he grows spikes on his tail, increasing his tail damage.



Flight- Hypnotick has insect wings that make him incredibly maneuverable while flying.

Hypnotism- Hypnotick is able to exhale red mist from his nose and mouth that can hypnotize anybody that inhaled it. These hallucinations make them see whatever they most desire.


Wet Wings- If Hypnotick's wings are wet he will not be able to fly.



Subzero Body- Icepick has a body temperature around -100 degrees below Celsius. Anything that gets to close to him will start to freeze over.

Ice Control- Icepick is able to shape ice into anything he wants to as long as he has enough ice.

Ice Touch- Icepick can freeze specific objects or the surrounding area in a thick ice by touching it.


Extreme Heat- Over time, Icepick's body will warm up while in extremely hot temperatures. If the temperature is anything beyond 300 degrees Celsius, Icepick will be unable to survive.



Cell Mutation- By touching someone, Illborn can change their cells into various viruses, sicknesses, or diseases.


Metallic Beings- Illborn can only infect organic beings, not metallic or other non-organic beings.



Enhanced Jumping- Insectaroo's legs allow him to jump tremendous heights.

Enhanced Strength- Insectaroo's legs and tail have a lot of muscle, allowing them to exert a lot of strength in battle.

Shockwaves- Insectaroo can create small tremors in the earth when he lands.

Prehensile Tail- Insectaroo's tail can be used as an additional limb.



Flight- Jetray can extend his arms to allow him to fly, and can do so at great speeds with the help of energy propulsion. At times, Jetray can even hit hyper-speed while flying, but can only do so in space due to the wind resistance of most planets.

Hyperspace Entrance- Jetray's high-speed flight can allow him to go into hyperspace, which means he can travel across interstellar distances in moments.

Underwater and Land Survivability- Jetray has the ability to breathe underwater and on land.

Neuroshock Blasts- Jetray can shoot Neuroshock beams from his eyes and his tail.

Prehensile Feet and Tail- Jetray can use these limbs to grab objects or people with ease.


Neuroshock Beam Reflection- Jetray can be damaged by his own Neuroshock blasts.

Strong Winds- Jetray is vulnerable to strong winds.

Non-Living- Neuroshock blasts are useless against certain non-living targets.



Disassembling Machinery- Juryrigg is able to rapidly disassemble any type of machinery.

Assembling Machinery- Likewise, Juryrigg can also construct complex machinery or items within seconds.

Technological Expertise- Juryrigg is naturally intelligent and does not require any previous knowledge of technology to know how it works.

Technological Modification- Juryrigg is able to modify and improve already existing machinery.


Lack Of Materials- If Juryrigg doesn't have any machines or material to work with, he will be rendered powerless.

Kickin Hawk


Sharp Claws / Blades- Kickin Hawk has retractable talons on his fingers and scythe-like blades on his elbows which he can use to cut objects with.

Physical Enhancement- He has enhanced strength, durability, agility and reflexes.

Prehensile Legs- Kickin Hawk's legs have surprising flexibility and dexterity, as he is able to use them to reach out and grab objects much like an arm.

Enhanced Kicks- Kickin Hawk's kicks can generate powerful shockwaves that send his enemies flying. He is also able to kick an object with enough force equivalent to a cannonball.



Kinetic Energy Manipulation- Kineticrush can absorb, redirect, nullify, and manipulate all forms of kinetic energy with nearly absolute precision.

Self Sustenance- Kineticrush does not need food to sustain himself. Instead, he can survive solely off of the kinetic energy surrounding him.

Hardened Skin- Kineticrush's skin appears to be stone like, though it is capable of becoming soft in order to move acting similar to a non-Newtonian fluid. It is normally dense and highly durable, making it resistant to impacts. When moving it becomes softer and malleable.

Large Size- Kineticrush's colossal size (6 Meters) grants him tremendous strength.


Crystal Core- Kineticrush's core contains all of their stored kinetic energy. If it is damaged, all of that stored energy could potentially be released with explosive force in all directions.

Klean Kut


Blade Protrusion- Klean Kut is able to morph his hands and protrude them as large, very sharp blades.

Metallic Exoskeleton- Klean Kut possesses a very durable exoskeleton.

Enhanced Strength- Klean Kut can deliver strong blows even when not using his blade.


Impaired Speed- Klean Kut's exoskeleton is heavy, making him unable to move quickly.



Enhanced Strength- Kleaver has increased physical strength.

Sharp Blades- The sharp blades that adorn Kleaver's body can cut through almost anything.

Kinetic Absorption and Redirection- For anything Kleaver cuts through, his blades charge up with kinetic energy, which he can redistribute in a slashing, wave-like projectile. These blasts can be more concentrated by striking his blades against each other.


Kinetic Absorption Limit- Kleaver has a limit to how much kinetic energy he can hold.



Arm Inflation- Krush is able to inflate his arms up to several times their initial size. When he does this he increases his arms strength and durability.

Underwater Breathing- Krush is able to breathe underwater.

Enhanced Reflexes- Krush is able to see speeds that would be impossible to detect by the human eye.


Dehydration- Krush requires a relatively moist environment, as he would rapidly deteriorate in dry climates.

Laugh Bandit


Pain Insensitivity- Laugh Bandit cannot feel pain.

Enhanced Smell- He has a strong nose like most canine species.


Pain Insensitivity- Although he cannot feel pain, he still takes physical damage which can prove deadly as he cannot know his current physical limitations due to his pain insensitivity.

Sensitive Senses- Laugh Bandit is sensitive to strong smells.



Magnetokinesis- Lodestar can manipulate the magnetic field around him, allowing him to manipulate the movement of nearby metal as an attack.

Magnetic Force Field Generation- Lodestar is capable of generating a green magnetic force field that protects him from most attacks.

Magnetic Regeneration- Since Lodestar's body is made up of magnets, he can reassemble himself if severed or blown to pieces.

Compass- Lodestar can act as a compass.


Non-Magnetic Objects- Lodestar cannot move objects that are not magnetic.

Low Crawl


Self Compression- Low Crawl is able to compress any part of his body.

Release- Once Low Crawl's compressed part is released it will act like a spring and release its tension in an instant.



Electrokinesis- Mantabolt is able to discharge electricity in lightning arcs and streams from his hands and tail.

Absorption- Mantabolt is able to absorb electricity.

Underwater Survivability- Mantabolt is able to breathe underwater.

Enhanced Swimming- When underwater, Mantabolt can swim at high speeds.


Electrocution- Mantabolt can electrocute himself if he uses his abilities in excess underwater.

Insulation- Mantabolt cannot use his electrokinetic/magnetic abilities if he is insulated.

Head Tentacle- If Mantabolt's head tentacle is grasped, he will be unable to use his abilities and rendered useless.

High Temperatures- Mantabolt is highly vulnerable to intense heat or fire.

Electricity Limit- Mantabolt is unable to generate electricity and so can run out of it.



Near Invulnerability - Marshmellow's body is gelatinous and takes no damage from physical impacts and can even be morphed or squished without discomfort.

Limited Regeneration - Marshmellow's body can be ripped apart, but even so, he can reassemble from the torn pieces or heal if needed. But if he needs to heal, it takes a very long time.

Immunity to Electricity - Lightning and other electrical sources have no effect on Marshmellow.


Acidic Substances- Marshmellow's body can be broken down by strong acids to a point where he can't regenerate.

Freezing- His body can be frozen, making it easy to smash him apart into tiny pieces. This would take a long time to reassemble after thawing out.

Melting- His body can be melted into a puddle and later resolidify after several hours. This also takes a long time.



High Speed Swimming- Melosea can achieve great speeds underwater.

Underwater Radar- Melosea is able to sense incoming objects due to enhanced hearing in water.

Versatile Tongue- Melosea can use its elastic tongue to move around. It also secretes a neurotoxin.

Musical Mastery- Melosea instinctively knows how to use any instrument he finds.

Vocal Powers- Melosea can use his voice to dissociate enemies or create a powerful scream.

Aquatic Features- Melosea is able to breathe and see underwater.

Retractable Dorsal Fins- Melosea has dorsal fins that he can extend from his forearms, thighs, cheeks, and sides for increased defense and durability. As well as improve his ability to travel in stronger currents.


Land Mobility- Melosea is not very mobile outside of water.



Telekinesis- Mentacle has telekinetic abilities allowing him to move objects with his minds.

Flight- Mentacle can use telekinesis to fly.

Prehensile Tail- Mentacle's tail can be used to grab onto things.

Prehensile Tongue- Mentacle has a long, forked tongue that he can use pick up small objects.

Multiple Brains- The trio of brains Mentacle has gives him good reflexes and heightened mental prowess. Parallel thinking will become easier

Sharp Claws- Mentacle has sharp claws that can easily cut through glass.


Vulnerable Tail- If Mentacle's tail is caught it will put him at a major disadvantage.



Sharp Tail- Mimicstein can use his scorpion-like tail as a sharp weapon.

Power Mimicry- Mimicstein is able to mimic physical powers of any living being he can see. His body will morph in order to best utilize the gained abilities.


Imperfect Mimicry- He cannot always perfectly mimic another's power. He can also only mimic physical enhancements.

Mimicry Limit- Any mimicked abilities will only last a few minutes if the mimicked person is not in Mimicstein's line of sight.



Telepathy- Mindwipe has incredibly powerful telepathic abilities. He can project his thoughts and read minds, as well as using his abilities to create a way of harm called "Brain blasts."

Elasticity- Mindwipe has great elasticity, he can shift, contort, and bend to great lengths.

Mister Ninja


Mist Generation- Mister Ninja is able to expel a thick mist from the gill-like organs all over his body to hide in. His large eyes are uniquely evolved to see through the mist with ease.

Enhanced Reflexes- Mister Ninja has enhanced reflexes, allowing him to react much faster than most other species.

Adaptive Combat- Mister Ninja's instinctive combat prowess makes him extremely adaptable in just about any fight. He can change up his fighting style with a moments notice.

Weak Point Detection- Mister Ninja has the ability to identify all pressure points on any living being within about a minute of looking. This helps him in a fight and makes it pretty easy for him to end a fight quickly.


Mist Control- His mist can easily be dispelled by strong wind, and he must rest if he makes too much of it at once.

Mix Master


Transmutation- Mix Master can transmute matter by reshaping an of inanimate object's molecular formula from one elemental material to another by transferring body energy into entity through touch and focus.

Shape Manipulation- Mix Master can also reshape structure of inanimate objects on a molecular level to physically mold entity into different shapes.

Chemistry Proficiency- Mix Master possesses vast knowledge in the scientific field of chemistry, allowing him to more efficiently utilize his transmutation abilities and immediately identify nearly any chemical.


Equivalent Exchange Limits- All alchemical abilities must always follow the law and limitations of the concept Equivalent Exchange, which infers that in order to obtain or create something, something of equal value must be lost or destroyed.

Conservation Of Mass'- Physical structure reshaping must follow the laws of Conservation of Mass; If made longer and/or wider than original entity, product entity will possess reduced density and weight.

States Of Matter- Transmutation can only occur from one element to another in the same state of matter; Solid cannot be transmuted to liquid, but Solid can be transmuted to another solid.



Hair Control- Mole-Stache is able to grow, and manipulate, the hair on his body. With enough hair he is able to lift a truck.

Reverse- Mole-Stache is able to make his hair go back to the state it was before it was grown.

Regeneration- Mole-Stache's hair is able to regrow nearly instantly after it has been cut or shaved off at will.

Dig- Mole-Stache can dig into hard surfaces, much like a real mole.


Hair Weakness- Mole-Stache's hair can be entangled, burned which will make restrict him, or wet which will make it harder for him to control.

Instability- Even if Mole-Stache is able to lift heavy objects if he does not have the body strength to support it he may fall.



Enhanced Durability- Moosetracks can thrive in cold climates and high altitudes.

Enhanced Stamina- Moosetracks can perform incredible tasks without tiring.

Extendable Antlers- Moosetracks antlers can grow in size similarly to tree limbs to the size of a bus.

Smell Vision- Moosetracks can visualize scents he is smelling.


Very Potent Smells- Very potent smells can send Moosetracks into a shock.

Antler Damage- If Moosetracks antlers were to break he would feel immense pain. However, they will regrow after an hour.



Silk Creation- Moppet can produce an incredibly strong silk string that he can use to create traps.

Puppetry- By wrapping his silk around the limbs of another, he can control their movements like a puppeteer to a puppet.

Voice Mimicry- Moppet is able to mimic the voices of others.


Flammable String- His string is extremely flammable.

Water Weight- When he gets wet, he's weighed down and his movement is significantly impaired.



Enhanced Durability- Mucilator is immensely durable, able to take repeated blunt attacks without damage.

Adhesive Patches- Mucilator has purple patches on his body that are extremely adhesive.


Patches Mobility- Mucilator is not able to change where the purple patches are on his body.