
Alien Invasion of Another World

Unqestionably ruling their galaxy for two thousand years, the Selenian Empire stands united and proud under the unchallanged rule of the Supreme Overlord, feared and revered by all those living in it's domain. The time of peace however ends, when a scientific breakthrough reveals the existence of another world, where space is still a virgin territory, and the day is ruled by magic, swords, and sorcery. Intrigued by this discovery, the Overlord decides to subjugate not just it's people, but also the powers coarsing through the stars of this new frontier. Yet instead of system destroying weapons or innumerable armadas, the first traveler of this new world will be an explorer vessel and it's ragtag crew, tasked with breaking a path before the real invasion can began.

Imperial_Guard_42 · Fantasie
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21 Chs

A new ally

The proposal caught everyone truly offguard. The most shocked was the captain, who already scrambled to came up with an answer. On one hand the girl might just want to hinder thier efforts from the inside by gaining thier trust, then exposing or sabotaging the whole operation. On the other hand she is a local, meaning that help could be invaluable to them, and could make blending in and completing thier mission easier. It was a scenario, that Natra never thought would come. Still he had a choice to make.

-Definitely interesting proposal - said the captain - but why would you want to join us? I already told you, why we are here. Are you not concerned about this?

-Under normal circumstances I would - answered Erina - however this is definitely not normal. I mean you guys came from outside of the planet! From space! Who wouldn't want to become a part of this? And besides, you healed me. I can finally leave my boring old job behind, and become an active adventurer again!

-You know, if you just left the ship, you could go out the same as before. Your shoulder will remain healed, no matter what. We don't want to force you to do anything.

-Look, I want to become a part of this. My destiny is not sitting behind a desk, listening to other adventurers bragging about thier deeds, but to create my own stories. I was forced into an early retirement, but thanks to you now I have a chance to pick up, where i left off.

-But - interjected Kryolis - the invasion...

-Invasion? Look if what you said is true, then I don't have to worry about it, since it won't happen any time soom. Besides, with a force like yours it should be over very quick, without any major conflict. So, please let me be a part of this. If trust is what your problem, then I swear to the goddess Mythara, that I won't betray you. Opportunities like this are one in a lifetime, and I would be foolish wasting it. Besides I don't have anyone waiting for me back home. My parents died, my old party scattered to the wind, and I never had time for romance. This "spaceship", as Helena called it, is my chance to experience or re-experience these feelings.

Please, let me join you. You are new here, meaning you don't know much about this world. I can help with that, but only if you trust me. Besides, I could be an asset in your mission.

The captain looked at Helena, nodded, then stood up.

-I might be the captain, but this is a matter, that will affect everyone on this ship. - said Natra as both he and Kryolis left the room - The decision isn't mine alone.


A few hours later the crew was assembled in the "war council", as the half-level sandwiched between the bridge and observatory was nicknamed. It was accessible from the bridge via a pair of stairs, and was also connected to the captain's quarter.

They sat around a large table, shaped like a half circle, located in the middle of the room. From the thirteen chairs only three of them were currently occupied, including the noticably larger at the furthest point of the table, used by the commander of the ship. This place served as a meeting point for the officers, when they needed to discuss important matters. Today's topic was the recruitment of Erina, the woman they met just a day ago.

From his point, the captain already made his decision, yet still held it back, until he heard the opinions of the others.

-So ladies - asked he - if I understand it correctly, both of you managed to come to an agreement. Please then, share it with me.

Both of them looked at each other, then Kryolis stood up from her chair.

-What the prisoner said is true - she began - we are in complete darkness, when it comes to this world. In the absence of reliable information, we cannot formulate any plans, should the need arise. Our current task is getting accoustumed to this world, yet this is impossible with our current know-

ledge, and the situation is only going to worsen, when our first real order arrives.

The risk is high, however this is something that should worth the trouble. By recruiting her, not just our current problem will be solved, but using her influence to tap into the extensive network that is the Adventurer's Guild, we can always obtain the most up to date information.

So it is our decision is to allow her into the crew. Also, I'm ready to accept and deal with any consequences her future actions might pose.

-Then it is decided! - declared Natra - From this point forward, Erina will be part of not just our crew, but our mission too!