
Alexander, the shadow of death

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What is Alexander, the shadow of death

Lesen Sie den Roman Alexander, the shadow of death des Autors Princess_Charlotte, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel....


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Plot self destructed everyday

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*THIS NOVEL CONTAINS MATURE CONTENT* No RAPE. She is his light. He is her darkness. Both exist for each other. But what happens when one loses the other? … Medea is a knight princess, born between a human and a beastkin. All her life, she suppressed her beast side and pretended to be a human while exceeding everyone's expectations of her. She eventually became her father's most prized daughter. However, things took a drastic change when everyone found out what she really is. The people who adored her and said that they will always be there for her turned their backs. Now, they looked at her with contempt in their eyes. Her father slapped her and ordered her execution. In a twist of fate, Medea returned to the past when she only reached her 18th year birthday and when her secret still wasn't revealed to everyone. This time, she promised to screw everyone's lives just as they did to her in her past life and make them pay a thousand times. Enter Lucian Valois, a prince held hostage in the Kingdom of Ellesmere. Both of them suffered under the same people and wanted revenge. Thus, Medea decided to help him merely for her own goals. But who knew that Lucian will never let her go even after their goals were achieved. … Excerpt: "Where are you going this time, My little wolf?" Lucian's voice rang behind her. "Are you planning to run to Findara this time? Or perhaps, you'll go back to Ellesmere?" Medea turned around and bit her lips. She was unable to answer because she already knew the outcome if she told him the truth. "I'm not going anywhere." She finally said after much thought. Lucian raised an eyebrow as he smirked. He stalked towards her and raised his hand to touch one side of her face. His cold hand created a shiver from the top back of her neck down to her spine. Then, she heard him say: "That's the exact same words you told me when you run away last time." "But don't worry. This time, I will make sure to chain you in my bed and keep you in my eyes all the time so you won't think of running away again." He whispered. --- This novel is a SLOW BURN novel.

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Latest Update
Volumen 1 :Alexander's beginning


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