

"HOW COULD YOU JUST SAY THAT, DO YOU THINK I W...." Emerald was not able to complete her sentence as Alex's lips smashed into hers, shutting her up. "What should I do about the crown prince?" Emerald asked once she was free from Alex's embrace. "Marry him." came the response from Alex that made Emerald mad. 'How could he say such things to her after bonding her to him.' She thought. "WHAT DO YOU TAKE M...." Emerald tried to say but was again silenced when Alex kissed her again. Emerald's eyes widened. 'How can someone be a pervert to that degree?' she inwardly questioned. Emerald did not want to admit it but she loved it when she was silenced like this. Alex on the other hand, thought it was time for him to reveal himself to her. He concentrated on removing the spell that hid his true appearance. Blue lights began to circulate around Alex. His blonde hair began to change back to its original colour, black. Whilst his formerly black irisis began to go back to his usual eye colour, gold. Feeling the kiss was lasting too long, Emerald opened her eyes to meet a pair of golden eyes starring at her. Only one group of people have that eye colour, The royal family of Hansonia! pushing back from Alex's embrace, Emerald saw the Crown Prince of Hansonia smile at her. Come witness the journey of two people. Join them as they both uncover the Mistry that surrounds them. Watch as their love grow into something powerful.

Tech_King · Fantasie
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14 Chs


one of the two people was none other than the disguised Crown Prince of Hansonia.

' Who was that girl beside Prince Alex?' questioned Nick.

Alex sensed Nick's presence and turn to him.

"Nick! Have you seen John?"

"Yes, he said he was going for a walk," Nick replied.

His stomach was starting to growl. He looked at Alex, his face pleading for attention.

"Would you like to have some grilled fish? It is ta...." Before Alex could invite Nick, Nick started to nod like a rattle.

Emerald stood up to serve the handsome guest that had popped up. Not that Alex or John was not handsome, it was just that having three handsome men at one place with her being the only female was just something.

Nick didn't know this girl, but he was starting to like her. Well, Nick liked anyone who gave him food. Not that Nick was a foodie, it was just that he appreciated thighs in this world, and food happened to be one of them.

Nick's facial expression was priceless as the burst of flavors in his mouth marveled at him.

'How could someone make such a delicacy with just fish.'

Nick couldn't help but look at Emerald with a new light in his eyes.

Nick starred at Emerald for a while before he felt chills run down his spine. His survival instinct was on, indicating danger.

Confused, Nick scans the area looking for any danger. He stopped when he noticed the prince glancing daggers at him.

[Nick: What's going on? Why does he look like he wanted to kill me?

TK: Being my good self, I will update you about things that happened with only three words. THAT'S HIS GIRL.]


Nick's brain exploded with a bang. So I was trying to get the attention of a girl the Crown Prince liked.

Wasn't t that digging your own grave? Nick quickly averted his gaze and started to whistle nervously.

Emerald subconsciously hugged herself because of the drop in temperature. Nick noticed it, so did Alex. The previously cold room abruptly warmed up as if it wasn't freezing a minute ago.


So one simple gesture was enough to make Alexander's killing aura disappear and become all sunshine and rainbow.

'This guy' Nick internally said. He didn't dare make any noise, afraid of getting the attention of the prince. Right now Nick was regretting his decision of not following John. 'Where are you master?' Nick internally cried.

Thankfully, John came after a few minutes. Like a puppy that was seeking solace from his master after almost being eaten, Nick quickly run and hid behind John.

John looked at Nick's expression and he connected the dots. 'So you dared to go close to Alex's girl. Seems like I would be losing one of my men. Sigh such talent getting wasted' John telepathically told John. This was possible because of the bond they shared.


If his master was already canceling his name from the list of living soldiers then it only meant that the prince liked this girl. 'Oh God if mercy '

Without a second thought, Nick dashed out of the cottage. He ran like crazy until he reached a place the prince couldn't find him. It was a cave, a dark and deep one. Nick just sat at the entrance to catch his breath.

Nick saw a deer eating some grass. Very carefully he went to it and started to pet it. Nick was really good with animals, but that did not mean he disliked meat. In fact, he loved them.

As Nick continued to pet the deer, he felt the presence of another being. What Nick law when he turned made him freeze. Time seemed to have stopped as Nick and the deer watched a lion approaches. The lion was huge and looked tough.

"Come on! Why me?. Ok, lion you can have him. I know I look delicious but I'm sure you would also love deer meat."

Deer:(Looks left and then right) Don't get me involved.

The deer was quick to hurry off, leaving Nick and the lion.

"Damn it!"

[Deer: Apologies, I would have stayed but I have important matters to attend to.]

Nick looked at the lion before him and sighed. So is this how he was going to die.

'Why me. I'm too young to die. I haven't even gotten a girlfriend yet. So would I die as a lonely dude that has never kissed a girl before.' wailed Nick. This was not how he pictured his end.

[Mr. lion: Now that's just sad, but I'm still hungry so just standstill It would be quick.

Nick: Shut up! I don't need your sympathy. I need you to leave

Mr. lion: No can do]

Nick shook his head.No, he wasn't going to die here. Not when he had never kissed a girl before and not now that he had found the best cook. Nick's eyes blazed with determination. A sword appeared in his hand. He charged towards the lion at full speed.


Nick starred at the lion he had successfully killed. He watched the scratches he had obtained and heaved a sigh of relief.

"No missing parts. You" Nick pointed to the dead lion.

"You would make a great mat" Nick continued. He then carried the lion and started his journey back.

Back at the cottage, Alex was staring at Emerald as she placed the flowers she had plugged.

" They are beautiful," Emerald said, referring to the roses she held.

"Not as beautiful as you are." came Alexander's sincere response. To him, she was the most beautiful thing he had ever laid his eyes on. Alex wasn't exaggerating, Emerald was indeed beautiful. Her smooth and fair skin was so tempting that Alex couldn't help but marvel. Her striking green eyes were so fascinating that unless she closed them, one cannot sturdy other features like her straight nose, slightly plump cheeks, and kissable lips.

[Alex: Did you have to go into details. I don't want any competition.


Alex turned to look at Nick who had a lion on his shoulder.

" You go for a walk and you bring back a lion, I wonder what you would bring when you go for another walk." Alex teased Nick. Nick just ignored the prince's words and dropped the lion.

" We would have to throw the leftovers away," Emerald announced. Nick's eyes widened. Why would she throw food away? That was a taboo ( To Nick of course)

Despite feeling weak from the fight earlier, Nick ran towards Emerald at an unbelievable speed.

' What the heck! Was it this guy that was limping moments ago'

"Wait. Don't throw them away. I would take them with me." Nick panted as he spoke. Emerald gladly gave him the fishes they were not able to eat.

Alex's face grew grim as John reminded him it was time to go.

That is is what Alex has been avoiding. Saying goodbyes was something he never liked.

"Emerald, we have to get going, Alex noticed that the light in her eyes dimmed when he told her he was leaving.

"Okay" Emerald tried to mask her sadness with a smile, but she was very bad at it.

Alex pulled Emerald into his embrace before his lips smashed into hers.

Nick was quick to cover his eyes with his hands. He carefully peeked from the spaces between his fingers. He never knew that this prince was so shameless. Did he forget that people were here or something?

Alex broke the kiss, but his face was still close to hers. Their nose would have scratched each other if they were to move a little.

"This isn't a goodbye kiss okay. It's a see you later kiss understand?" Alex asked for Emerald to nod. She was glad that she would get to see Alex again.

"Here." Alex removed the hairpin he had bought.

"Let me help you" Alex then helped put the hairpin in Alex's hair.

"It is lovely, must have cost you a lot."

"No, it wasn't that much.'"

For the first time, Nick saw his master's eyes widen. John was shocked to oOoOO. core. So 150000000 bronze coins were nothing to Alex.

After exchanging some words before he finally left Emerald staring at his retreating back.