
Room of Requirement

"So you think Snape is trying to get the Stone from the 3rd floor?"

"Yes it makes sense" said Harry

"I saw him cursing Harry's Broom during his quidditch match" Hermione stated

"And he had a cut on his leg when they found us with the troll. I bet Fluffy bit him" Harry said to add onto their point.

Hm now that I think about it I have no idea what happened to Fluffy after the first year. Maybe I should take him as well. I feel like I am becoming a kleptomaniac with how my thoughts keep going to stealing things lately.

"Plus he is a total git towards Harry" Ron includes and then gets scolded by Hermione for his language towards a professor. It's actually funny. Here they are accusing a professor of wanting to steal but at the same time she still tells Ron he needs to respect said professor

"Well with that evidence it must be Snape" I say sarcastically

"See even your brother agrees Harry!" Ron said. I could only look at him with an 'Are you serious' look on my face

"Well let's say you are correct and he is trying to take it. That still leaves the issue of him not being able to get past Fluffy and if he did have a way you couldn't stop him if you don't know when he is going to do it. No adult here would believe one of their fellow teachers would steal it"

"But if you did find out the when then the simplest thing to do would be to tell McGonagall you overheard the twins talking about releasing Fluffy as a prank. It would be believable and you would have the teachers up to the corridor asap. You just have to ask the twins to hide for a little while for a prank to make it more believable."

{In Raptor by sakurademonalchemist Harry does that to foil Quirrels attempt on the stone.}

Hermione began to argue about lying to the teachers while Harry and Ron agreed that it would be a good solution.


I managed to talk Amorta into coming with me instead of staying in the Chamber. Currently she is in my farm space in her own perfect habitat provided by said space. She has only been in there for a few weeks and has already grown longer and thicker than she was due to the farm always bringing out the maximum potential of all the things inside it.

I also managed to copy and remove all the things from Salazars Room. It still amazes me that two witches and two wizards managed to make all of Hogwarts by themselves. Wizards and witches today are definitely not capable of something like that in the amount of time the founders took. In fact according to what I have read so far wizards and witches are actually growing weaker with each generation.

I do have theories about why that is. Mainly lost knowledge and inbreeding. Squib births are higher now than they were 100 years ago. One thing the pure bloods ignore is that only pure bloods produce squibs. A wizard or witch partnered with a muggle born has never produced a squib.

Instead of finding fault in themselves the purebloods supremacist have convinced themselves that somehow muggles are stealing magic. A completely idiotic thing to think considering only the darkest of rituals allow one to steal magic. To steal magic is a crime against nature itself and those who have done so do not have good endings.

Now here I stand before a portrait of a wizard trying to teach trolls to dance in pink tutus. I walk back and forth three times while thinking 'I need the room of lost things' and a door appears leading into the Room of Requirement. Entering inside I can see what looks like hills upon hills of discarded and lost items.

"Wow, I best get started. Room can you sort these by those that can still work, those that are broken, books, jewelry, swords and armors all in different piles" I watched in amazement as all the items began resorting themselves into various piles "Can you also show me Ravenclaws Diadem. I want to cleanse it." The room responds by shining a light down on the diadem.

I release a few dozen golems to start going through the items as I go to the Horcrux. I notice that the closer I get the clearer a voice was telling me to put it on, that I would gain power if I just put it on "I am not going to listen to some idiot who thought splitting his soul into pieces was a great idea you damn bargain bin lich"

I wave my hand over the Diadem to reveal the soul to my eyes "Man you are latched on there good aren't you."

"Whooo are you to mock Lord Voldemort" the voice spoke

"I'm Johann Gambolputty de von Ausfern-schplenden-schlitter-crasscrenbon-fried-digger-dingle-dangle-dongle-dungle-burstein-von-knacker-thrasher-apple-banger-horowitz-ticolensic-grander-knotty-spelltinkle-grandlich-grumblemeyer-spelterwasser-kurstlich-himbleeisen-bahnwagen-gutenabend-bitte-ein-nürnburger-bratwustle-gerspurten-mitzweimache-luber-hundsfut-gumberaber-shönendanker-kalbsfleisch-mittler-aucher von Hautkopft of Ulm"

"You lie!!!"

"Of course I do Lord Poodle Snort"

"Lord Voldemort!"

"That's what I said Spuddle Mart"


"Whatever. Now this won't hurt me a bit" I say placing my right hand on the soul and pushing it inside. The first thing I take from him is all his magical knowledge. Pulling it out and placing it in myself before putting my hand back on the soul

"Please forgive me Mother Magic but this spirit is using your gift to disrupt the natural order." I say a small prayer to Mother Magic, the very sentience within all magic in this world. I then pull the very magic away from the soul shard causing it to scream in pain. As I drag it out the shard gets dimmer, letting out a horrific shriek before breaking like glass as I finally withdraw my hand fully. I release the magic causing it to dissipate back into the ether. As I do so I can feel a warmth in my core, Magic is pleased.

"So I was right. A horcrux uses the very magic in it's soul to cling to this world. Without that magic it can't stay." I still cast a few spells to clean and check the diadem to make sure all is ok before putting it on my head. Holy shit! My mind is moving like a super computer! I am processing thoughts so fast it is like time is no longer moving. I quickly take the diadem off "Whoa, trippy"

I look around at the piles and piles of things around me and I know even with my golems this will take quite some time. "Hey Sys. Is there anyway I can just use the auto loot function of Gamers Loot on all this?"

[Answering Host] the system went silent for a few seconds [It has been decided that Host may use auto loot to collect everything]

'Decided? Who decided? Well I can question my existence being the amusement of a higher being later. For now' "Please loot everything Sys"

Soon everything in the piles began to vanish into my inventory. Within a minute everything was gone even my golems "That was really fast. Hey Room can you show me all the books that have passed through Hogwarts." I was then surrounded by rows and rows of bookshelves completely piled with books of various sizes, shapes, and colors.

I spent the next few hours just running around touching every single book I could see, and one I couldn't 'The Invisible Book of Invisibility'. I now have every single book that has come into Hogwarts since its founding and that makes me really happy.

Using a tempus spell I see I still have an hour till I need to be in the dorms. So I let the Room produce a nice comfy chair for me to sit in then I dived into my Library where I spent the next hour reading everything I could for two and a half days Library time. Even with my speed reading spell I have not made a dent in the amount of books I now have in my library. But I know when I master all this knowledge I will be the greatest wizard in this world.

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