
Alex Wayne arrives at Marvel

English translation of the original alle94 fanfic: "Álex Wayne llega a Marvel fan-fic " 21 year old Alex Wayne wakes up in Marvel as an agent of SHIELD. Be aware: Each chapter is very short. First chapters very shorts. Then between 400-600 words per chapter. After chapter 337, 900-1100 words. I don't own nothing and autor allen94 just own his OC

LeonToralla · Anime und Comics
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514 Chs

Annihilus Part 3


An extremely powerful reddish energy surrounded Franklin and Ahura.

The two children were not disturbed and remained calm.

It seemed that instinctively they both knew there was no danger.

Wanda calmly controlled the energy and compressed it into two small crosses that entered the bodies of the two children.

Alex, who watched the entire process, had a serious expression.

Although the spell caught his attention, what put a serious expression on his face was Wanda's power.

Alex felt that Wanda's power surpassed that of her counterpart from the movies.

He felt that if Wanda wanted, her power could completely affect a country and if she works hard, the entire world.

Seeing that, Alex thought of the demonic God of Dark and Chaos Magic.


If his influence begins to affect Wanda, Alex has no problem killing him, especially with the new trick he has mastered.

At that moment, Alex remembered that he had previously asked Wanda about that topic.

But to his surprise, she had told him that before her pregnancy she had felt that her power didn't belong to her, but now she doesn't have that problem.

That confused Alex, since he was currently sure that the magic in front of him was really chaos magic and a very powerful one.

And then, Alex also thought of another nosy demon.


That guy was always doing something in the shadows.

Thinking of those two dimensional beings causing trouble, Alex's face turned cold.


If that two dimensional beings heard Alex's thoughts and that they were already on his black list, it would make these two die of anger.

Mephisto didn't dare come close to Earth, much less mess with Alex Wayne.

Especially when he knows that his powers are useless against him.

Even though Mephisto cannot physically appear on Earth, he has avatars all over the world that keep him informed.

And he knows very well how terrifying Alex Wayne's power is.

And even though he had intentions with Wanda before, he has already put that aside, at least until he finds a way to deal with Alex.

As for Chthon, he was the most miserable. Because since Wanda became pregnant, he lost control over the energy he left in her, and after an investigation he was horrified to discover that this energy had recognized Wanda as its master and, due to Wanda's new body, the energy was stronger, but no longer under his influence.

It's as if Wanda is a little Chthon.

In other words, Wanda now had the potential to become the next demonic Goddess of Chaos and Dark Magic, without losing herself in it.

And to Chthon's despair, he can only watch her grow, unable to stop her.

After all, that woman's husband is his Nemesis.

No matter how powerful he is in his dimension, even if he manages to go to Earth with his true body, one touch from that man with his power will kill him.

Even his reality altering wouldn't affect him.


After the two children received their protections.

They all returned to their respective rooms.


The Negative Zone

It is a dimension connected to Earth.

It is a desolate space that is surrounded by different types of energy and extraordinary mineral resources.

In that place an insect-like looking creature rules.

His name is Annihilus.

That being has great knowledge in advanced technologies and owns the Cosmic Control Rod.

He also has a legion of strange creatures under his command.

Currently, Annihilus was recovering from his battle against the Fantastic Four, when he kidnapped Franklin Richards.

Their battle took them all the way to Earth.

Unfortunately when he tried to kill them, he was thrown back into the Negative Zone by Reed Richards.

And to top it off, his Cosmic Control Rod had been damaged.

Though he was frustrated at not completing his revenge, he was calmed by remembering little Franklin Richards.

There was an uncontrollable emotion on his face knowing that this child was a perfect evolution.

Only by gaining his genes and powers will Annihilus be able to reach new heights.

Luckily he had been monitoring the child's movements on Earth, using his technology.

Thus he knew that the child was in Genosha.

Unfortunately, he could not break the security of that country to continue his surveillance, but that did not worry him since knowing that he is in that place is enough for him.

But that also posed another problem.


The Mutant Country, a place where beings of great power live.

And there is also the ruler of that place.

Alex Wayne.

After a good investigation, he knows how dangerous that man is.

He defeated the Devourer of Worlds.

Although there were more exploits on his part, that alone made him feel danger from that man.

But Annihilus believed that if he made a good plan of attack, he could be victorious.

Besides, he was also interested in that man, since he was completely sure that Alex Wayne was a mortal.

Not a Mutant, not an Inhuman, not an Eternal, not a Superhuman, not even a Demigod.

Alex Wayne was 100% mortal.

Only that somehow, he broke the limits of his physique and started to evolve.

That form of evolution was something Annihilus also wanted as it didn't alter your base but rather upgraded it to reach higher levels.

Even to challenge the gods and cosmic beings.

And Annihilus will get that secret.

After all, he doesn't need to confront Alex, he just needs to capture one of his children.

And by capturing Franklin Richards he will gain great powers.

And then, discovering the secret of Alex Wayne's body, he will have the perfect body.

Just thinking about it made Annihilus very excited.

So he decided to move forward with all his plans in order to achieve what he most desires.

Thus, a new threat was coming towards Genosha.

But, will Genosha be the center of that battle?