
Alan: Tale of Origin Blood

A story of a boy, who tried to find his origins. A tale of worlds giving him more questions than answers. And a path of life that sneered at it. Current world: Witcher. Note: I own only characters and events of my own creation. It is a fan-fic story of HP/Witcher worlds. Chapters mostly 1,5k+. . . . Some facts about MC that confuse people: 1) He is a kid. A real kid and not an adult in child body how someone might think. But he has knowledge about some things. To understand what it all means read auxiliary chapter, Eternal Mind awakening explanation. 2) Amalgal is an AI. He is a program that is strictly regulated by his own creators and thus he is not some helping grandpa. He can't do much. To learn more read auxiliary chapter under category Amalgal.

Greymark · Bücher und Literatur
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181 Chs

Trait and strange old man.

"He is not waking up. A week has gone by already, and he is still a block of wood. Do you take me for a nanny? Or this place is a goddamn orphanage? Do I look like I'm that bored to take care of him?" - raged an old man in doctor attire in front of two middle-aged people, who were trying not to hit the old face.

"Lord Gram, he is a pure-blood with two auror parents from the Reaper team. His potential should be the cream of the crop." - patiently explained Death Eater.

Although they call him 'Lord', but he was not the actual lord of Death Eaters, not even close to that. He was an insane scientist who gave creeps even to them. And he was a very rare asset to their cause to arise again, whom they invited from the side. All because of his work and what he found in one of the expeditions to Egypt.

It was an ancient device of unbelievable complexity and technology. What was even more outstanding, turned out to be a magic language used to create and inscribe spells on it. It is way more advanced and profound in comparison to anything that the current magic society knows.

If they can decipher it, not even Gods will be able to stop Death Eaters and Dark Lord on the path to supremacy.

"And that is the only reason I don't feed him to my precious partner in crime, Nagini, at the very first minute!"

"But he is in current condition because of the artifact of that race you wanted! Who knows what is going on?" - Gram was relentless, but when he was about to harm the boy, a snake slithered inside the room and hissed at him.

"Yes? You think so? Okay, okay, whatever you say." - only then Gram walked out with the snake giving a kid suspicious glance and following suit.

"Damn, that's just sick." - said one of the Death Eaters.

"Whatever." - waved another with his hand. - "What's with the boy, I wonder?"

"Hell if I know." - shrugged the other and offered a cigarette.

"Not near the kid." declined his interlocutor. "I have a daughter of his age myself. I never smoke in front of kids. Bad for health."

"Are you fucking serious?" - scoffed his partner and provocatively took a puff. - "That kid will be thrown inside Soul Extinguisher soon, and you are worrying about cigarette smoke?"

"Go out." - said the man strictly and walked to the door, waving at the man with his free hand.

"Whatever, not like it is the best place to smoke." - they both went out, not registering a slight shiver that ran through Alan.

'Where am I? Who am I? What is happening?'

His body felt lifeless and extremely heavy, almost unfeeling, but his mind was gradually waking up and eyesight coming back. He moaned without control and tried to lift an arm that fell powerlessly after just an inch of movement.

Everything took a severe turn for the worse when a new layer of memories and knowledge flooded like a broken dam.

'This is unscientific, but it has to be the Harry Potter world. A world that just killed my new parents. Damn. I didn't think it will hurt so much. I couldn't withstand it easily as I thought. Why can't I even think properly remembering it? I want to stop. I want to forget and make it less painful but it all doesn't work at all. Thoughts drift back to their lifeless bodies on their own, and heart just bleeds with pain. But why can't I remember anything else? What is wrong with me? I seem to recall a vast amount of information, but not personal things! I can't remember their faces at all!'

Alan couldn't see tears streaming down his cheeks. His body was trembling as if trying to just curl up in some corner but couldn't. All he was capable of is just this pathetic tears of pain and guilt.

A kid with a grown-up young man inside, even with all his smarts, what could he have done back then? And now, he didn't have even that. The truth is so trivial it's almost laughable. Everything was beyond his control. He was bound to lose them from the very beginning, and this hurt him even more.

Only now, after the tragic death of his parents, he understood how much he loved them.

How much he wanted to go back and behave better.

How much he wanted to spend more time with them instead of doing his things.

'Why do this to me? Why? I thought the worst thing that can happen to a person to be an orphan I was in my previous life. But now I know. When you don't know what you lost you take it easy. Why do I have to transmigrate here and finally find out the warmth of loving family just to being deprived of it... deprived to even remember their faces... why did I forget, but still know? How is it possible to have such selective memory?'

'Why, for goodness' sake, it hurts so much!?'

"There is no reason, my boy. Just a sequence of constantly changing events. Just a flow of cause and result. Nothing more... yet, nothing less." - came the answer that made Alan tremble. Emotionless, but a benevolent voice made him tremble. - "Oh, your magic core has awakened in such a tender age. That is good." - he snapped with his fingers.

A round ball deep within Alan's magic space trembled and opened like a lotus flower, producing purple-gold liquid. Drop after drop, it entered into his bloodstream, changing the very core of his being into something else and granting him the unique power of unknown lineage. Or, to be more precise, awakening it. His bloodlines all merged with zero conflict, creating a new one with multiple colors, but the boy in question can't see it.

"Hm... this adaptivity is very surprising, you are by no means a regular human being. Oh... this... I see."

'Who are you?'

"Good question with no proper answer. My name is hollow in meaning and history. I lived so long ago that even if my existence once shook the world, the consequences of it are long gone in the rivers of time. But I'm not the God, for I'm just a man who died. Just like anyone else had and will be. In death we all are equal." - answered the figure.

'I don't understand...'

"...too many things, yes. For now. Let us take the first step, shall we?" - he asked and Alan found himself inside a white room, standing in front of an old man in strange clothes.

They looked both magical and high end in technology. A broad belt held unknown insignia, and a cape went over one of his shoulders, covering the arm. His mantle fell in patches of clothes only below his waist. Above it was something like metal armor. It portrayed an image of muscles, covered with a layer of plating, outlining the natural structure of a body. He was wearing a strange helmet in the form of an eagle head, created from smooth unknown metal. He took it down after turning around to greet Alan with a kind smile and shining golden eyes.

"My name is Amalgal, albeit I have many other names, but that one is the first. I'm one of the Three. I'm not here to give you a task or a mission. I'm here to ensure that the legacy of my race will go on. And that you, His very son by the bloodline power, will have a chance to follow his footsteps. So what I will do is teach you our knowledge in magic and our way of magi. As for his way, that you will need to find on your own later when you can wield the power properly. As the core of it lies beyond this place." - he said patiently. - "For now, we will talk. We will converse on the language of true magic. You already have all information about it. As the heir to my mantle, you received Eye of Eternium. Ah, but your condition is worsening. Go back. It seems something wrong is going on with your body."

'Wait... who is He you were talking about?'

"For now, remember only the name that hardly will give you anything. Violergos." - said old man while fading away.

"Aahhh!" - Alan woke up to the tremendous feeling of pain.

"Remarkable!" - sounded a voice from afar. - "Look! He seems in pain, but fine. Good! He will survive on the ejection of Trophic Potion for three more days for sure. Haha! Continue!"

"Every time I see this magic array, it gives me creeps..." - one of the Death Eaters commented when Gram walked away.

"I don't care. I don't want to be the one there. Well, you know, to rip your soul apart to make it stronger is just sick, right? Who can stay sane after it?"

"Let's just guard it and later have a drink. I liked staying here while it works and listening to all that screaming for the first hour. But after so much time, it became blunt. Always the same. Can't they shut up for a change?" - complained the guard about his life, while playing with his wand. He was young, unnaturally young at that, no more than fifteen. Yet even at that age, his cruelty was a sight to behold and remember.

Alan was inside a shining circle, chained to the rough stone floor. The pain was simply out of this world. It made him lose himself in agony. The deadliest part of it – he passed out several times, yet magic array sent a healing spell to immediately wake him up and continue the torture.

His thoughts were chaotic. A random mess of fact was mended chaotically and became his memories. Most of the time, people turned out to be unfamiliar, or emotions were misplaced. All this made him extremely confused, and soon his persona changed and was influenced too.

What came inside was madness.

Then it all stopped for a slight moment. He only perceived a needle and a liquid pouring inside his vein giving nutrients to the body.

"Okay, engage the second circle. While we strengthen his mind, use the lightning spell array to exercise his muscles. Then after three sessions acid splash spell array will help with hardening skin and bone-crusher with healing spells with bones." - Alan albeit heard it understood barely one-tenth.

But then something inside his soul shined. It was always there, from the very birth in his first life and that thing, no, more accurately it should be called trait, was the reason for Alan being able to bear the information influx of Amalgal inheritance.

And also a reason he forgot most things aside from naked information.

Eternal Mind.