Einar Fenrir is a wolf faunas and hunter-in-training with a troubled past. The question is when will it catch up to him? Updates: Random I Only Own My Oc's.
(Song Of The Chapter: Itteki No Eikyou - English dub By NateWantsToBattle)
He was just walking down the street minding his own business. *Boomboom SFX* 'Let's not get invol-' As he was thinking about not getting involved he saw multiple white cloaked men get thrown out of a window. 'FOR FUCKS SAKE!' Then he saw her, she was wearing a red cloak her hair red and black. The most notable thing for him though- her eyes, silver like his. 'Don't be a hero- Dont be a hero- Don't be a hero' Then he heard it, the music he was listening to ended and another song started. | If you can forgive Maybe you can forget Let grudges fade Or they'll eat at you Maybe if I just take all the blame | 'FUCK YOU NATE!' He got ready for combat, it was his jam that just came on. If he was a betting person, he definitely was, then he'd say this was fate. He drew Hel and Heim. Hel in pistol form, Heim in Short sword mode. "Yo so why did a bom-" then he saw that smug ginger. 'God damnit it's Roman mutherfooking torchbitch' While he might have left the white fang years ago he still kept tabs on their businesses, he knew this bowler hat wearing, white jacket pedo looking, lung cancer having, smug ginger. Whilst he was taking this all in the red-black haired girl was fighting off the white fang members. Seeing this he also joined the frey. He didn't use any powers, yet he still steadily made his way through the members. If one looked at this scene from the outside then no matter how young this man might've looked in appearance it was as if he fought for millennia on a constant battlefield. After maybe seemingly ten years of quipping of Roman to 'little red'.
Roman saw him. His wolf ears high up the touch of white fur at the top a very large give away to hid identity. What might've been more telling was his tail, his tail was wagging up a fucking storm its white tip moving from side to side in happiness. While his face said he was only begrudgingly fighting, his tail told another story. He loved combat. When Roman took all this in his face might've dropped a few shades "And here Adam sai-" before roman could finish his murmuring he got shot. "Awh Fuck" (can't believe you done this) was all Roman said before he started running away. "You stay here wouldn't want a pretty young thing to get hurt" Was all Einar said to the girl before he started after Roman.
She of course didn't listen to this `well meaning young gentleman` and followed after him after asking the shop-keep if it was alright. When she got there she saw a fullout gunfight. Einar duel wielding Hel and Heim in pistol modes with multiple `bad guys` shooting back at him. She was taking in the situation when a large amount of fire came from the helicopter. She wanted to scream at the `well meaning young gentleman` to get away from the fire but, A. Didn't know his name, B. Before she could a blonde haired- uhm 'WAIT IS THAT A HUNTRESS?!' said huntress used an ability to block the fire then shot back at the helicopter making it flee.
"What the hell were you thinking?!"......
To Be Continued