
Akagi-sama: War is love

Akagi Shinomiya is the youngest child of the incredibly prestigious Shinomiya group, asserting his position as genius among geniuses. All the time he spend on top of financial and immense wealth and his obsession in nationalistic idea has develop feelings for the old glory days! War is love, and their battle to make the other nation kneel begins now! Seriously, this is my first writing. The world is a blend mix of others fandom like most non-dimensional travelling system fic. Maybe later. Also warning to those who had sensitive political leaning since I'll mention it a lot here. Otherwise, please do enjoy. Grammar and quality might be terrible in exchange of fast update rate, and if you want to sue me for ownership or other things, please don't bother, I barely able to afford monthly bill as it is.

Stalkah · Anime und Comics
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37 Chs

The Shinomiya wants to hide-and-seek

I dragged him to the kitchen area that's now been abandoned. I don't have much time lest people start to probe around.

I gutted him to the face, it's not like I'm slacking behind my desk all day. The force was enough to propel his head backward, earning him millions of stars that orbited around him.

"Answer me if you don't want to die! WHO.THE.FUCK.SEND.YOU!!"

He muttered gibberish, still not conscious or just trying to pull the wools on my eyes. I racked the slide of the pistol; the sounds were audible enough for him to realize the situation he was in.


Again, he mumbled crap, shite he's testing my patience. I shoved the muzzle down to his crotch.

"In 3 seconds, you need to answer or else I'll keep you alive but without your bird intact, now answer me YOU FUCK!"

"O-O-"The man sweated profusely, eyes darted on all places. I shoved the muzzle deeper, shite, this is disgusting.


"IT'S O-OKO-SAMA!! P-P-Pls I beg you don't kill me. He's waiting in a bar down to the Ochiai-" He spouted some more information, the exact location of that half-shite brother of mine.

"Good." I let go of him.

"T-Than -BANG! -AGH-AH-AGHHH!!!"

I shot one to his crotch, then two to his knees. Bloody shite. Don't ever mess with me. I walked out of the kitchen, past Belfast who had been watching the entire time.

"Finish him Belfast. This is the man who intentionally injured your master. No need to hesitate."


I left her alone before I could hear a shot being fired inside. Belfast quivered but she maintained her composure. She fell in line and walked behind me.

Navigating through the debris, I finally breathed some fresh air. Some of those curious were shocked once two figures came out of the half torn down building. Police officers surrounded the area, and I could see Hayasaka amongst them.


"No need Hayasaka. Drive me to this location, or else." I'm angry enough to shut her up promptly, this is no joking matter.


"Then mind to explain me what's this buffoonery is about."

The police didn't stop us after seeing Hayasaka, and we drove down to the suburban area.

"I don't exactly know Akagi-sama. All the bodyguard is selected then approved by Gan'an-sama himself."

So, it's not her either. Why father would do this. Can't he plan something so straightforward for once? This makes my head hurt. Unless he had a bad oversight, which is unlikely, but of course the old fart had gone senile.

The bodyguard was likely sent by my older brother for which purpose I can only guess, but he's manipulative snake just alright. If he's there, expecting me gagged and tied up, then the information is true, unless the father purposely edges us together which is, ironically, a plausible scenario.

Even then, I'll come out on top with this. The competition will become fiercer once I grow older and posses' credible threat to all of the competitors, including my brothers and even Kaguya Nee-sama.

Getting rid of the biggest head of the snake this early on probably would shift the balance, but who cares? Shite will go down one way or another.

I should probably send a gift to my father after handing me such an opportunity. I never liked that baldening old shite I once called my brother anyway.

The neighborhood looks nice, a quiet place. Perfect to go all out. Hayasaka stopped in front of what is seemingly an ordinary establishment. A small pub near the junction, the location is not very strategic but probably they only serve a certain class of people here.

I walked to the door. Belfast followed me and so did Hayasaka.

"Are you sure, Akagi-sama? We don't know what will happen from now on."

I scoffed, "Here I thought after all those, you would trust me at least a little bit. My judgment is perhaps wrong. No matter, the one who will suffer is not you, perhaps not today."

I unholstered the handgun, the FN Five Seven fit quite comfortably in my hand. I had difficulty in handling the recoil but thanks to the apparatus I was able to scrounge a few points on my STR.

I checked the chamber, making sure nothing can go wrong while I splattered someone's brain matter out. I quietly manifested another pistol in my pocket, and threw it to Hayasaka.

"Use this. Be useful at least once."

"Where did you get all of this, Akagi-sama!?"

"None of your business." Blackmarket, of course, isn't that obvious. Japan has strict gun control. There's no place you can buy firearms bar those old bolt-action rifles used in hunting.

"Y-Yes. As long as you use it wisely."

"I'm just about to show you how wise I can use it."

I barged the door, and pointed the muzzles to the bouncer on side of the door. Belfast did the same to the other staff, and Nao seemed hesitant before she raised her. "No single movement or voice. Now you'll be a good dog, and take me to that baldy."

"Who are you talking about!?" Shouted one of the staff, the one who tended the bar. I merely grinned, and brandished the pistol muzzle at him, right between his temple.

"Oko Shinomiya isn't he, I couldn't quite remember the bastard's name. NOW TAKE ME TO HIM!"

"You will regret messing with him!"


BANG! The man fell, whimping pathetically on the floor, trying to grasp and ease the pain from the loss of his precious pearls. Blood pooled on the wooden floor. There's nothing more humiliating and painful than losing your vital identity.

I turned around. "Who else!"

Practically everyone except the female who merely cried, clutched their balls in shared pain. Everyone was frozen to fear, but I had none of the patience to let them recover. I blasted one of the bastard's head so they could wake up.

Bloody shite.

"I-I'll take him to you s-s-sir!" The man was quite young, he wore what was apparently a valet outfit. Obviously, a part timer here. "Good, now chop chop before I perform a gender reassignment to you."

He stumbled on his walk as we navigated the corridor, leaving the bar area alone. I wanted to kill them all honestly, but there's bystander around who has nothing to do with my business.

The valet takes us to a large door with two fronts. "They usually lock it from the inside. Also, I heard it's soundproof so they might not have heard anything from before."

Heh, I like this guy already. I reached into my pocket, and gave him a few thousand-yen check, "Don't spend it in one place."

"Yes sir! Thank you very much!" The man bowed deeply before scurrying off somewhere. I also materialized flash and smoke grenades out of my pocket. I handed the smoke grenade to Belfast, as she and I took position between two sides of the door. Hayasaka is behind her.

"Ready Belfast, Hayasaka!"


"Yes, master!"

The door should be simple enough, I shot at the handle, then kicked at it. I threw the grenade inside the room.



In a quick practice motion, I spotted two men coughing from the smoke, then I pulled the trigger. Two others were dispatched by Belfast, and one by Hayasaka. Belfast been progressing nicely despite only recently using the pistol in her hand.

There I saw the bastard, wheezing on the floor. Coughing like no ends. I didn't have the rage I was feeling earlier, but rather an elation. Elated that the one who brought me nothing but trouble lies helplessly beneath my feet.

I kicked his gut. "Belfast bring me a chair!"

"Yes, master."

Despite the size differences, I lifted him up rather easily, then threw him to the chair. I tied him up with the TV cord I plugged from the TV in the corner.

"Wakey, Wakey, you bald shite."

"Cough… Cough… Akagi-! What are you doing here!"

"What else?" I smiled. Circling behind him until I can see his ugly face again, "I heard you've wanted to meet your dearest cute brother. You can even go as far as sending those gentlemen after me."

I saw the moment his eyes widened but it disappeared just as fast before being replaced by confused look. I can hear his heart beat faster.

"It's father! I won't send anyone after you!"

"Hoh, but their mouths said otherwise."

"Fool, it's a plant from father! He wanted us to fall into infighting! The one who benefitted from all this is father!"

"That may be true, but give me one reason to trust you. I saw you betray many of your colleagues, friends, even lovers. I know it all, that's why I distanced myself from you. And yet, you had the gall to reach me, to force me under your subservience or worse! I KNOW YOUR PLAN YOU SHITHEAD!!"

"Please Akagi be reasonable! You wouldn't hurt your brother would you!?"

"I'm reasonable, but someone, somewhere, had to decide to step out of their fucking bound!" I shouted at his face. "Don't worry I won't hurt you, because I'm reasonable after all." I walked out from him, then took a seat across.

"Hayasaka, you should hold a grudge on him, shouldn't you?"


"I know. The bald planted you on my other half-brother. You were his pawn until father took you. Then there's Ai with Kaguya."

The reason why I can't do anything until now is mostly because of him. I was lucky enough that mother had still some assets behind her. Anything else would be fined with objection because the bald arse orbited around father.

"But that's…" I saw her hesitating again, despite being perfect at almost anything, she still has her own fault. Well, not being trained in combat is a shame too. I should teach Belfast sometimes so she doesn't become the wreck of failure that is Hayasaka who can't fight against blackmail attempt.

"If you don't want to, that's fine. Belfast will do it for me."

"Yes, master." Her voice has no hesitation, only unflinching and unbridled loyalty towards me.

"Let me do it Akagi-sama."

Oh, a change of mind, that's fine. I didn't voice out my thought but she should know I gave her the chance. The older woman brings up the guard and muzzles against his head.

"WAIT AKAGI! Don't do this, please, I swear I won't bother you anymore! Just please!" He begged, trashing the chair no matter how futile he is.

"That's up to Hayasaka. I held no decision on this matter." I merely smirked, taking satisfaction of despair painted all over his pathetic face.

Two rounds were fired, smoke oozing out of the gun barrel. "AGH- AU- AGHHH"

Hehehe. I chuckled, leaning my hand towards my cheek. It's just Hayasaka decided to prolong his suffering. She shot him to the two of his knees which writhing burned flesh is exposed now.

The baldy whimpered endlessly, his wail fueled my sadistic sides to laugh on more.

He's trashing like a worm whose tail had been cut, and wiggling around. HAHAHAHA. I can't help but laugh at the comparison.

"This is enough Akagi-sama. Furthermore, we only bring troubles to ourselves."

"Fine." I relented before kicking him again to the stomach. His leg should be crippled for the rest of his pathetic life. At the time, I was only thinking about paying retribution to sate my base desire. However, I can't leave now, not when I have to incur the cost to cover this all.

It was only when I threatened the baldy again that I was able to make him agree to "gift" all his assets to me. He now valued his life more than ever knowing he almost joined our ancestor in hell. He would announce retirement soon.

All in all, while there's bump on the side, it's a good day.