
Cradle-Snatcher or Pedophile

(This man has a pit on his brain)... looking at that smiling face she got goosebumps all over her body she step back...ha ha ha… (😱 run… this guy is not normal)…"bye" and turned around and planned to ran but the man suddenly re-appeared in front of her still have that annoying smile.

"Where are you going Ms. Get lost?"

"To catch –up with my playmates" 😅 and turn in the other side to escape, but he re-appeared again.

"Oh!" Wave his hand and a sound of agonizing cries was heard in every part of the mansion.


"Don't worry they are not dead ….yet" folded his hands in front of him "So, shall I walk you home?"

"Walk me home???... why walk me home? (??Δ??)

"To meet your parents" the man spoke with elegance, his voice oozing with magnetism which could swoon any woman who heard him, too bad such charisma was lost on her.

(©_©)…(meet my parents?)…"Why" she was confused looking at the man (😨 "Pedophile !!!") "lub-DUB, lub-DUB, lub-DUB" heart beating so fast that it making her deaf.

"Why!! Won't you introduce me as their future son-in-law" the way he looked at her was too scary, she felt her scalp turn numb from cold.

"ha ha ha"…she faked a laugh "I did not know that mister like to joke" she look at the window and an idea was form.

" Hmmmm…. I am not joking" his eyes glinted "I am serious"

"Y-you can't act shamelessly like this" she step backwards away from him "What son-in-law, I am only five years old for heaven's sake"

"Time is not a problem for us vampire" and he smirked at her with twinkle in his eyes "I can raise you up and fatten you before….." and he trailed off and looking at her mischievously.

She turned to face the window in panic and jumped out taking with her a few pieces of glass while escaping the situation. Went she landed she automatically tried to cast an spell formation to buy some time, the spell was successful the magic dispersing device did not cover the outside of the mansion and dashed back to the basement to free the victims,

"Kuu hahaha..KUUuuuhaha..Kuhahaha"...the three stage laugh filled the hall way, he was even bending down holding his stomach. He cannot hold his laughter, the child reaction was priceless. It was a payback time from the previous grievances.

"Your Highness please think about your image" Aldrin appeared, holding the fainted James.

"Aldrin did you see the unruly child reactions? It was so funny that I was having a hard time suppressing my laughter" Hahahahah… hahhaha…. "she even a casted spell formation for me"

"Your Highness, what your plan for this man " Aldrin was holding James on his collar and he dangled it in front of his lord.

"Bring him to the mining along with his men, let them suffer while serving us vampire, dare to touched my girl"

"As you wish your highness" (" My lord after a million years of abstinence he falls for a cheeky brat, my lord is a Cradle-Snatcher..(T_T)

("Little thing we meet again") the Man was surprised by her decisiveness, at the age of five she is too ruthless to herself ("hmmm… is she really five?) she was too mature for her age and it made him more interested in her. It's been four years the last time they met, he dispatched is men to gather information regarding her but failed. Now that he faces her again, the little thing, he will not let her escape, all his men are scattered and cutting all escape routes, by hook or by crook he will enlist her to his team, train her to be one of the best in his team a special forces exclusively belong to him.

So the little thing morphed into smoke and slowly go inside the dark basement, entered her previous cage and fainted. She return to her original size and her clothes turn white. And a few minutes later the door of the basement was suddenly destroyed and light was lighted Romanov and his mean appeared.

What was revealed are children's of nobles and commoner held in captivity, cages of cages of young and beautiful girls, hanging in the ceiling, tie-up in the wall and even in the floor. They even discovered a rooms of naked girls sexually abused by noble old men's of higher ranks in human society and a room full of dead girl's age varying from five years old to ten.

The Cruelty is unforgiving, Romanov and his men looked around in the basement, fear grasped his heart for his only cherish daughter, if Anina met with a mishap… Heaven help him, but he would bury the entire human royalties and all the criminals with her, he will hunt them down till the world is free of their cruelties.

"Uncle Romanov" he turn his head to the approaching Ruminah, she was holding a unconscious girl in white. Romanov have a sigh of relief when he saw her, it was Anina his lovely daughter but ('why is she unconscious") He was trembling in anger, eyes slitting "Uncle calm down, she just fainted, I already check her, she is fine" Romanov calmed his nerves and removed is cape and Ruminah put Azul in Romanov arms while the other covered the sleeping girl, double checking for serious injuries.

"Peter, Parker and Miley gather all the alive children and bring them to the Basilica, feed and clean them up, I will ask Margaret if they know of a way to heal them" he started barking commands "Michelangelo and Donatello investigate the bloody nobles who patronized this organization and wipe them all up…NO… send them to the mining for punishment. "Raphaello look at the information of the dead girls and inform their family, Cyrus give a proper burial to all girls without families" the madness in him is trying to escape from his control he want to murder each every member of the organization. "Wayne and Bruce clean up this whole damned mansion and burn it to ashes" and he turn to his general "Leonardo wipe out all the bloody organization in every nook and cranny around our thrift and acquire the ownership of their land and send the perpetrators in the mining every single one of them women, men and old. The younger one's try to educated them regarding humanity"

As his subordinates obeyed his every command and left, Him, Ruminah and Azul are left in the basement when a sound of "Clap" was heard, they turn to look at the source and find a duo of vampires standing at the wrecked door "Speak like a true leader" if Azul was awake she will recognized the duo.

(⁰Δ⁰)…." You-r

"Romanov cut it out will yha… 🤨 and folded his arms.

Ruminah elegantly curtsies "This humble lady gre-" she was cut by the man.

"Lady Ruminah no need for that, so you had awaken it's been a long time"

Aldrin just shook his head in his lord antics.

"So what brought you two here?" Romanov inquire to Aldrin

"Investigating the missing children issues and while we're at it we heard a horrible scream in this mansion" Aldrin eyes land on the covered sleeping girl in Romanov arm" your daughter I presume" and his lord was observing the sleeping girl, a strand of gold hair was showing.

Romanov hug his daughter tenderly "She was abducted and put in cage like the rest of the children"

"She is too weak for a vampire" the lord commented " she is more human, you better have her train in her mother craft and self defends or have a guard guarding her" "now a days the human are getting greedy and greedy for power and indulged their self in pleasure and lust" and suddenly the lord stop talking as if he remember something or someone " by the way did you see a five years old vampire girl in black dress?" and he look around and stride at every cage to have a check.

Romanov and Ruminah has a confused face

"A five years old vampire girl?'… Romanov asked "Why are you looking for her in here? Vampire cannot be caged even if that vampire is a child the dissimilar in strength between human is greater she can even demolish the entire room.

"Hmmmm…. My girl is different" the lord answer matter-of-factly.

"Your girl?" Romanov

"Yes! my girl" 😁

"How old?"..."

"She said she's five years old" 😁

😐…..( Cradle-Snatcher)

😐….( Pedophile) Ruminah

😐….Aldrin(My lord your image)

😏…. The Lord

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