
Against the World: The last Monapart

No one with the name Monapart could ever use magic. But no Monapart ever cared about it. They were always the strongest of them all. Each one stronger than the last. The world couldn't accept their existence. When the strongest Monapart died, they swore to never let another one get stronger again. Every human, beast, and demon would be killed at the mere mention of the name... But time passes, and soon, they forgot. "Curses...Curses... The fucking curses! They were the rage, the fear, and the embodiment of someone's will, so why?! Why all of them are made to kill everything?!" Said the first Monapart. But the curse in front of him didn't answer, it just stared at him smiling like always. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- When he was born, he didn't cry, nor made any kind of sound in the process, but no one cared for him enough to notice. After just two days of life, he opened his eyes. An unusual thing as babies usually need at least a month to do so. His green eyes moved wildly looking at every corner of his room with deep curiosity, but not understanding anything in his view. He still couldn't understand the concept of 'thing' yet, but that changed after one month of life. After one month, he understood he was alive and most of the things in the room weren't. He still couldn't put it in words but he clearly knew that he was way different than the chair next to him. The speed of his understanding was outstanding. Sadly, in his sixth month of life, while he was asleep, flames covered his entire room and himself. It didn't take even a second and all the room turned into ashes. The baby didn't die as expected, but he was no longer in the dark room. [ Curse received: Heart offering ] . . [ Heart offering: Once per day the curse bearer will lose one of his five senses until he loses everything or dies ] . . [ Heart offering is taking effect ] . . [ Sense of hearing lost] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -At least one chapter of 1000 words a day -If you don't like the start, I guess chapter 21 is a good one to jump to but you will still feel a little lost -If you find any error, please comment on it and I will fix it -I hope you like it

ALittleSickMan · Fantasie
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63 Chs

Training and Drowning aren't the same thing!

Waking up, I gazed at Evan playing chess by himself at the border of the lake. He seemed pretty concentrated. I became curious about the match and went close to him to see the board.

There wasn't anything complicated about it, just that playing against himself was very difficult for him. He wanted to win but didn't want to lose either, so he constantly tried to tie the game.

Then he stopped playing and stared at me. "Hey little brother, did you have a good sleep? We are starting the training today. Let's decorate one of the rooms in the dungeon into a training room. It will be easier to get used to it in a proper place" Then we went to the temple.

"Okay, no one ever taught me before. All I know is what I created myself. Let's start with breathing. You will change the way you breathe"

"Why? I thought we would train how to fight, not breathe"

"I don't like explaining, so I will just show you why. Start running here at the fastest speed you can in circles until you can't do it anymore. I will run with you to give you some mental health support"

We started to run in circles, the room was big. After running for a whole hour, I started feeling nauseous, and my head started spinning. When I was at the edge of throwing up, my legs gave up, and I fell on the floor.

Evan walked to my side. He was not even sweating even while running faster than me the whole time.

"This is the difference between the way we breathe. My body has much more energy than yours, so it recovers and heals faster"


"Your body kinda transforms air into energy, but it has a specific amount that it can transform. So you have to learn how much your body can absorb and breathe. Not too much and not too little..."

"So if I breathe too much air, my body has to waste energy removing it?"

"Something like that, now sit and cross your legs. I will teach you what I can"


"The most complicated part is that our bodies are constantly changing, growing, so the amount of air you can absorb is increasing each second"

"How can I do it then?"

"Every morning when you wake up, you will do the breathing process that I will teach you so you can find the right amount of air your body can absorb that day. But that would only be the case if you didn't have that weird skill of yours. You just have to regulate your breathing once a year"

Then we sat on the ground, and Evan began to explain how to regulate my breathing. We spent so much time on the ground that my legs started to become numb. Around three hours passed.

"Now gather all the air in your lungs and breathe it all at once"

After some seconds. "I did it. What now?"

"Strange... You should have choked with that one"

"Are you trying to choke me?!"

"A little, but don't worry, just a few people had died doing it"

"People died doing what I just did?!!"

"Yea Just two, nothing to worry about"

"How many people tried it?"

Then he started to count his fingers.


"Why did you stop at four?"

"Because four people tried it?-Duh! You should use your head a little more" He said while looking at me with a disapproving face.

"Who tested it?!!" I asked, annoyed and angry.

"Calm down, you don't need to get jealous. I taught other people too. It was just me, you, and more two people that tested it"

'That is not the problem!'

"..." I was speechless. I didn't even know what to think about it.

*Sigh* I was at so much risk of dying, and I didn't even know about it.

"Now that your useless questions are finished. I know what your problem is. For some reason, your lungs are too weak for your body. Your body is too strong for them"

"So I need to change my lungs?" I remembered how the Doctor changed some of my organs before.

"No need to be so extreme. We only need to exercise it a little"


"Swimming!" he sounded excited.


Two hours later. I was drowning in the lake with my arms and legs tied with a rope.

"Go!! You can do it little brother!!" He was cheering for me at the border of the lake while holding a giant white flag he found around the corpses.

My body was crazily moving up and down, trying to make enough force to stay outside the water. My mouth was constantly looking for air, my heart beating wildly and my mind blurring because of the lack of air.

Then when I was a the edge of fainting, Evan pulled me out of the water.

"Haha! You did it! You lasted five seconds more than last time!"

"Hah!-.Hah!-.Hah!-.." I opened my mouth sucking as much air as I could. I was so tired, that I tough fainting sounded like a good idea.

"You can rest for five minutes, and we will try again later. But don't worry, this time I will go with you" He said smiling.

'Why?!' I started to recall how I got into this situation.

( "Swimming!" )

( "Wait! Even though I already entered water a couple of times I don't think I can swim for a long time" )

( "What!? That is a huge problem for our training, but don't worry... I will teach you how to swim" )

( "Why am I being tied up, and why are you with that flag?" )

( "Because you are going to swim while tied and the flag is for your mental health, that is important" )

( "How am I supposed to swim tied?!!!" )

( "You are very stupid. Fish doesn't have arms and legs, but it still swims. If the fish can do it, why can't you?" )

( Without giving me the chance to retort, he pushed me to the lake )


'I remember now, so that was how it happened. It seems my memory was being affected by the lack of air'

After four hours of almost drowning, we stopped the training. Evan carried me to the cave and left me in my improvised bed.

It didn't take half-second for me to fall asleep. For some reason, Evan knew exactly when I couldn't handle it anymore, so he constantly removed me from the water at the almost fainting time and forced my body to the limit.

I had never been so tired in all my life.