
Against The Paradox

KingJet · Ost
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19 Chs

Chapter 7: Learning New Techniques and Lightning Array

Arc 1: The System Of Unlimited Cunning

Chapter 7: Learning New Techniques and Lightning Array

After leaving the hall, Jett returns to Jang-mi's house. Upon arrival, he finds Jack and Jang-mi sitting and waiting for him.

"How did it go, Jett?" Jack asked.

"It went fine. Some stuff happened, but I do have good news," Jett replied, then continued, "I am currently a guest member of the Speed Clan. If I pass a test in one month, I will be able to become a full member."

"Nice job. I'll ask Father later to see if you can go to the school and train in our techniques and use the school facilities," Jack replied.

"Thanks, that would be helpful," Jett said.

They all got up and walked into the kitchen. Jack and Jett sat down while Jang-mi cooked some fish. After the meal, Jack left and said he would be back in the morning. Jett went up to his room and went to sleep. The next morning, Jett woke up and had breakfast with Jang-mi. Jack arrived soon after with some news. "My father has allowed you to go to the school to learn techniques and use its facilities."

"Nice, we should go now. I only have a month to learn and get back into shape," Jett replied. Jack agreed, and after Jett got ready, they both left the house.

While Jett was following Jack to the school, Jack brought up something that made Jett look away. "I heard that you have feelings for my sister. Just so you know, my sister also has feelings for you. I think you guys would make a good couple."

"I... I can't. Please don't say anything," Jett pleaded.

"Why not? You both like each other. Why do you have to be like that?"

"I have things I need to do. I had planned long before I met you. I can't just abandon them now... I also don't know if I can come back."

"Jett, please..." Jack said before getting cut off by Jett. "Please don't say anything to Jang-mi. I don't want to hurt her feelings even more."

"Alright, but I will hold you accountable if you never come back. Don't assume Jang-mi will just wait for you until you do return," Jack said with a stern face.

Along the way, Jack showed Jett all the stores and places where he could find jobs to make money and buy the things he needed, including weapons, clothes, and pills. After an hour of walking, they arrived at the school. The school was much larger than Jett had anticipated for a small clan.

Upon entering, Jack first guided Jett to the library and then took him to the training area. To Jett's surprise, there was only one piece of training equipment – a wrist and ankle weight. What surprised him even more was that it could be adjusted in weight by channeling Qi into it.

"If you want, you can take a set to wear all the time. Just channel a certain amount of Qi into it," Jack said.

Jett decided to grab a set and put them on. He infused Qi into the weights until he could no longer walk, then lessened the amount. He handed one to an instructor nearby and asked about its weight. The instructor informed Jett that each should be around 50kg. So, he was now carrying an extra 200kg. Given his cultivation level, he should have been able to handle more, but due to his current condition, it was sufficient. It would help him regain lost muscle.

After leaving the training area, Jack took him to a small tower, that was five floors tall. Upon entering, the area was crowded with people. Each floor had twelve doors, while the fifth floor had 13.

"What is behind the doors?" Jett asked.

"Each door has an array for cultivation. The first and second floors are dedicated to cultivation. Each room's array gathers Qi using Spirit stones. Moving on, the third floor features arrays that generate lightning for people to absorb, although this lightning is much weaker than the tribulation thunder you absorbed previously. The arrays on the fourth level create strong winds for people to absorb. Finally, on the top floor, each room is equipped with all three arrays, although in a more potent form. You can also turn arrays off and on if you don't want all three on. While it's rare for people to cultivate all three simultaneously, it offers significantly greater benefits," Jack explained.

"However, there's one thing you should be aware of; it's first-come, first-served, at least for the lower levels. As you progress higher, it'll cost you Spirit Stones to use," Jack added, then retrieved a bag from his waist. "My father is providing you with these Spirit Stones for your use. Since you don't need the Qi right now, you require the lightning and wind more than the Qi."

Jett grabbed the bag from Jack and opened it. Inside, he found around 100 spirit stones. Jett wasn't sure of their value, but it couldn't be insignificant if Jong had given them to him for the next month. They both left the tower and soon arrived back at the school's gate. Jack went off to do his own thing. Jett returned to the library to search for the manuals he wanted.

Upon arriving, Jett began browsing from one bookshelf to another, reading the titles of the manuals. Many of them were duplicates, allowing multiple people to access them. For instance, the two techniques he had already seen had two dedicated bookshelves each.

After some time, Jett found the first technique he was looking for. It wasn't particularly advanced, just a technique for training the body with weights. A few minutes later, he discovered another body technique, of which there was only one copy. This technique focused on tempering the body with lightning. Jett was intrigued, as it could potentially enhance his ability to absorb even more powerful lightning.

Taking it, Jett went in search of one last technique. He still wanted to find a sword technique, though he wasn't looking for anything particularly advanced at the moment. There might be ones designed for the clan that utilized lightning or wind as their foundation. For now, he simply aimed to find a basic manual. Venturing to the back of the library, Jett began perusing manuals that appeared to have been neglected.

The back of the library was tidy, but the manuals were disorganized and haphazardly placed on the shelves. Jett picked up each one and neatly arranged them. Finally, he found the manual he was seeking, simply titled <Basic Sword Arts>. He understood that all sword art originated from a few fundamental techniques. He had already intended to acquire several basic manuals for each style, enabling him to combine techniques and create even more potent forms.

However, that was a concern for later. For now, he simply wanted techniques to strengthen himself enough to survive. After obtaining this final technique, Jett checked them out. When the instructor saw the <Basic Sword Arts>, he gave Jett a puzzled look and warned him not to use it. Jett assured the instructor that he only wanted to learn how to wield a sword, alleviating the instructor's concerns. The instructor took the <Body Training Art> without much fuss, as it was commonly checked out. However, the next one he picked up changed his expression. Taking the <Lightning Temper Art>, the instructor looked at Jett.

"You can't check this out. This technique can be lethal, as it requires the user to be struck by lightning without any protection."

"It's fine. I've been struck by tribulation thunder before, so it shouldn't be too bad with just normal lightning," Jett replied.

The instructor looked at Jett, then nodded and said, "Then keep it. No one wants it anyway. It might help you with your test in a month."

"You knew?" Jett asked, surprised.

"Of course, almost everyone already knew about you. Some details were kept secret, but the fact that you wanted to be a member and had to take a test was common knowledge," the instructor replied, handing the three manuals to Jett.

Jett took the manuals and offered a small bow before leaving the school grounds and returning to Jang-mi's house. He needed to read and learn from them. Upon arrival, Jett greeted Jang-mi and went upstairs to read. After a few hours, Jang-mi brought Jett some dinner so he wouldn't have to leave his room, but Jett declined and chose to eat with her. Only after finishing the meal did he return to his room to complete reading each manual.

Given that it was the only technique he could practice at the moment, he began training in the <Body Training Art>.

If you want to contact me for any reason please contact me at kingjetsoar@gmail.com