
1. Stay in my rented room

"I'm Titi and nice to meet you!"

"he is Evan, is the one I was talking about, Ti. We've only been dating for a month." said Meta

"Wow, congrats, Met."

"Thanks, Ti. You're the first person I told, so I thought I'd treat you. Consider it a 'newly dating' tax, my dear."

That was the first time Mela introduced Evan to Titi.

Their first meeting was quite ordinary. Titi also maintained her image, but not really.

"Wow, it's so spicy. My stomach hurts. I'll be right back, honey." Meta said to Evan.

"I'll come with you." Titi said.

"Sure, Ti."

Drrrttr ..

"Hey, wait Met, my mom's calling." Titi said.

"Oh, it's okay. I'll go to the restroom by myself."

"Okay, Met."

Meta went to the restroom.

and Evan started using his phone.

Titi kept glancing at Evan's handsome face, combined with the latest iPhone. she glanced at the keys on the table too. I wonder what kind of car Evan drives, Titi thought while sipping her drink and chatting on the phone, surely Meta wouldn't settle for anything cheap, considering Meta comes from a well-off family, unlike Titi.

"Yeah, Mom, just a moment. I'll come home this weekend and buy some fruits..." said Titi on the phone.


"Ah..." Titi's straw fell onto her clothes. "Oh, it's wet now."

"What happened?" Evan asked.

"Oh, it's nothing. Something just fell." Titi said.

Evan and Titi both looked under the table at the same time.

They accidentally made eye contact.

"Uh, Van..." Titi whispered under the table.

"Yes?" Evan acknowledged that Titi had a well-endowed chest, especially since she was leaning forward, making it quite noticeable. Evan, in a normal situation, had to swallow his saliva.

"That," Titi pointed to her lips.


Titi licked her lips and smiled. "There's chocolate on your lips."

"Oh..." Evan wiped his lips and stood up, feeling embarrassed. He wiped them, but there was still a trace of chocolate.

Titi immediately stood up. "Sorry, Van, I was just helping you wipe it off." Titi said, pulling out a tissue and wiping Evan's lips.

Evan felt even more awkward. Bruk! Evan accidentally bumped the drink.

Byurrrr... It spilled onto Titi's pants.

"Oh no, it's wet.." Titi said.

"Oh my goodness, Ti, I'm really sorry..." Evan was getting more panicked.

"It's okay, Van, I'll just head home. Tell Meta okay."

"But Ti, I feel bad,"

"It's really okay, Van, just relax." Titi said.

Titi said her goodbyes and left.

Meta returned to the table.

"Hey, where is Titi? and Why is my drink gone?"

"Sorry, I accidentally spilled the drink and it got on Titi's clothes."

"Oh no, at least we should find her some replacement clothes." Meta said.

"I didn't even think about that." Evan said.

"I'll text Titi first."

"Sorry about this, honey. I didn't mean to do it." Evan kept thinking about Titi.

"Why are you apologizing to me? You should apologize to Titi." Meta said.

"How should I apologize? Titi might not want to see me again. I'm so embarrassed around Titi."

"Why do I feel embarrassed too? It's your fault. Just apologize directly. Let me send you Titi's number."

"How should I say it then?" Evan asked.

"Just say, 'Hi, this is Evan. I want to apologize to you, Ti. Let me handle your laundry as compensation.'"

"You can text her for me please honey."

"Come on, you're so akh!Let me type it on your phone!"


That's how communication started.

It's been 3 days, and Titi hasn't replied to Evan's messages.

"Van, why are you so restless?" Evan's friend asked.

"I feel bad about my girlfriend's friend. Yesterday, I accidentally spilled a drink on her."

"Is she pretty?"

"Why are you asking if she's pretty?"

"Hahaha... Sorry, you should just go and talk to her if she's not replying to your messages. Use your charm!"

"I'm not sure. She's so calm. Usually, girls like her are hard to get a reaction from."

"Come on, just give it a try! Need me to help?"

"No, no. You'll only make things more chaotic."


Outside Titi's boarding house.

"Who could it be?" Titi wondered.

Evan got out of his car. "Sorry, Ti."

"What? Evan??" Titi was surprised by the unexpected visitor. "Why did you come here?"

"Sorry for disturbing you. I didn't know what else to do." Evan leaned against his car. Titi approached him.

"What's wrong, Van? Is there a problem with Meta?"

"No, Ti, we're fine. But I never properly apologized to you for yesterday."


A car honked from behind Evan's car.

"Van, sorry, there's a car behind you. Can you just park your car? Come inside."

"Oh, sure. Give me a moment."

Evan hurried back to his car and parked it.

"Come inside," Titi said, entering her room. She was wearing shorts and hadn't expected any guests for the weekend.

Evan became even more flustered. He sat down but felt uncomfortable waiting for Titi.

Titi came out of the bathroom, probably after brushing her teeth, since her shirt collar was wet and her breasts were visible.

"eum then what do you want, Van?" Titi asked, sitting on the edge of her bed while Evan sat on the only chair in the room.

"Um, I bought you a new outfit and pants, but I'm not sure if Its will fit your size."

"What's that for?"

"I accidentally got your clothes wet yesterday. So I came here to apologize."

"Oh my goodness, Van. It's really fine... Why are you so worried!"

"It's just that I feel bad, Ti. Besides, I messaged you and you didn't reply."

"Sorry, Van. My phone's been in for repairs for a few days."

"Oh, why?"

"I accidentally put it in the washing machine, forgot to take it out."

Evan chuckled.

"Why are you laughing? I'm having a tough time, you know."

"It's just funny. I'm sorry for the inconvenience."

"So you didn't reply because of that. I thought you were mad at me and Meta."

"Well, not really. It's just that."

"I still feel bad, though. Meta and you are close p clothes from my car."

"Oh, there's no need, Van. By the way, what would you like to drink?"

"It's okay no need Ti,"

Just as Evan was about to get up, suddenly there were voices shouting and giggling outside.

"What's that?" Evan asked.

"Oh my, it's my friend, Gadis. She's prone to having fits."

"Huh, fits?"

"Yes. Sorry, Van. Let me check first. She's been depressed, so sometimes she act like this and then faints afterwards. She can't even handle lifting other girls because Gadis is big."

"Oh, I'll help then."

"Seriously? Are you okay with that?"

"Yeah, it's no problem."

Evan and Titi went over to Gadis, accompanied by two other girls.

"How's Gadis?"

"she Fainted, Ti."

"Let's take her to the doctor."

"There's no vehicle here, Ti. Can we ask an taxi driver?"

"We can use my car," Evan said.

In a panicked state, Evan, with Titi's, took Gadis to the doctor.


11 PM.

"Sorry, Van, so tired today, we didn't even have a chance to eat."

"It's fine, Ti. I'm glad I could help."

Titi and Evan had dinner together at Titi's boarding house.

" is it really okay, lay. down on my bed If you're tired from driving, you can do rest here."

"Huh?" Evan's spoon stopped midway to his mouth.

"Ah, sorry. I didn't mean it that way. I just thought if you're too tired to drive, you could stay the night here."

Hah! Evan was surprised. Staying the night at Titi's place? Meanwhile, he had been trying to avert his gaze from Titi's revealing clothes and ample cleavage all this time. This seemed like a dangerous proposition.

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