
Adventures of Ajax across multiverse

Suhas was an average college student with occasional fun with friends and drinks. That is until he got diagnosed with AIDS. Deciding to keep it secret, he dropped college to join a gang. He rose up the ranks and cut a deal with the Intelligence Bureau. He provided them with information while secretly amassing wealth for his family. He decided to go with a bang planning a badass shootout taking out the Kingpin of Bombay with him. He died and then started his adventures with the blessing of a bored devil. ..... He is reborn as Ajax Sand during the waning reign of the Old King. Watch as he conquers and builds a massive empire with geopolitics, Naval expertise, a bit of magic and a big surprise( What? Find out). No system or summoning MC is pretty intelligent and has lots of knowledge about ships. He has water magic.( Not rohynar) How? Find out. Will properly update later

VamsiKrishnaVK · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs

Choices and Consequences

" A wise choice my guest. I promise this would be beneficial for both of us."

I somehow doubt it. From my experience of shady deals, there is never a win-win situation.

Nevertheless I decided to take it as right now, I have no bargaining power. But I will negotiate the contract to my benefits.

" But I have a few reservations. " I resolutely started, " I want independence, I don't want a system that gives quests or you manipulating the events around me."

This is my most important condition. I am powerless yet that doesn't mean that I would willingly become someone's slave for entertainment. The system might be very useful but that is for cowards, indecisive people who cannot face their own decisions and accept their consequences. And through system, I could be easily controlled.

" Oh yeah, that's acceptable to me. As I said before, the show is more interesting as an audience than the puppet master. " Roger easily accepted it while thinking 'It seems this guy is not that easy to manipulate. Anyways, I still have the wheel to control.'

I was reassured once the devil accepted it. Now whether he abides by it or not, I had to make my stand clear. Most of the time, the opponent wouldn't cross your baseline, if you made it clear in advance. This was also a rule I learned during my time as gangster. But I am also afraid the devil won't be restricted by flimsy ethics but I had to try.

"And the next one is, Can you drop the wheel of fortune act?" I said boldly. The devil was stunned only for a second and asked me why I think it is an act.

" I am not stupid, the wheel may show that everything has an equal probability to obtain but I wouldn't foolish to think that is true. You wouldn't give me a Shard of Divinity, even if you could. The rest is also to true for all the overpowered items, they are too OP for some worlds and you wouldn't want me to have such an easy time. After all, I don't think Slice of Life or crubstomp is your preferred genre. " I explained half of the reason. I managed a few casinos, so I know the tricks the Cashier plays with such events.

The devil burst out into loud laughs.

" Hahaha, I thought you were a bit interesting but you exceeded my expectations. I am a bit angry that you dare make demands out of me but I can let this slide, it's been so long I got a genuine laugh out. So how would you like to proceed with the choosing of talents? if not by lottery? "

" Let's negotiate, like mature adults. I will only choose two instead of three, the last chance I am sacrificing to know beforehand about the world I am going into. After that, We can negotiate my two wishes accordingly. I promise to not go overboard." The devil's laughter increased once again and it replied. " Very well, I am getting rather fond of you. You would be better reincarnated into Planetos, or as you can call it, the world of Ice and Fire."

Huh, that world is actually acceptable unlike something like Warhammer 40k. But in this world, it is all dependant on your station of berth. There is not much vertical movement if say, you are born as slave. So it's obvious what my first wish would be " I'd like to reincarnate as a male member of a Noble family, preferably of high station. " The devil looked like it was contemplating before saying

" Acceptable. " Now that my political power is a bit guaranteed now comes my personal power. The magic in this world is raw and primitive. All the magicians that I remember either from both the shows, or from all the books looked like they derive their power from nature via a conduit which is mostly some god and his faith. And these magicians are mostly physically weak. Moreover, half of the society is martial, where the warrior is revered in the westeros rather than cunning and knowledge. Ideally I'd want to use magic, yet still be physically powerful enough. The only way that can reasonably be achieved in a single wish is " I want to have the power of an elder demigod from the Percy Jackson and the Greek gods." The powers of someone like Jason or Percy are so powerful.

" Ah, my dear guest, you said you'd be reasonable with your wish. You shouldn't be too greedy. How about the power of a demigod of a Minor god? "

" Legacy of an elder Olympian god" Legacies might not be powerful compared to demigods of someone like Hectae but they are properly balanced. They also have a potential to use the powers of their grandsires though in small quantities.

"Alright, that's reasonable" the devil accepted but there was a ghost of a smile that I didn't see at this time. As soon as he said that, I started revising what I know of the Planetos. I don't know at which point of time, I could be reborn but I need to know at least a bit of history and power structure so that I can have a head start. If I am born in Game of thrones time, I can safely use cannon atleast in the initial stages of the plot.

But I don't want to be born in like the Dawn age where everyone is fighting everyone and also those Ice zombies.

" I am ready Roger, I hope you will go easy on me. " I stood up and extended my hand to shake.

" Oh worry not my guest, it was a great pleasure hosting you. " The devil too stood and accepted nh gesture. We both showed genuine smiles that didn't reach our eyes.

A portal that looked like a whirlpool opened up behind me. I turned around to face the consequences of my deal with the devil.

" Adios Roger. May we never meet again. " I said as I jumped into the portal. Whether the devil will keep his word or he'd send me back to Abyss, I did what I could do.

" Ah dear guest, I too hope we will not meet again so soon. I will eagerly watch this show you will act in. " the devil said genuinely.l as the portal closed.

Suddenly a white magic circle flashed behind the devil exuding Holy power. Normally a devil should be bothered by it but Roger showed no reaction until the person within the circle appeared.

" Brother Michael, it's been a long time since I met you. Is this a personal call or business as usual from Heaven? I even have some delicious souls here, fresh from a battlefield. " the devil asked the person who came out of the circle. while holding a goblet filled with silver wispy fog.

Coming out of the circle is a blond haired man with bright golden eyes and a physique of a soldier, he is the god's most favoured son, Micheal.

" Lucifer, You've rebelled against father, you are not my brother anymore. I came on matters of Heaven. I noticed a disturbance came to investigate. You are not causing trouble again. Are you?" Micheal asked in serious yet curt tone.

" Ahh little brother, I am hurt that you think so low of your elder brother. I thought you loved me. " Lucifer said in a mock hurt voice complimented with wiping some tears. Seeing his antics, Micheal just stayed silent.

" Stop acting Lucifer, I know that you did something. I saw your residual power in the Abyss. " Michael said accusingly.

" Oh you are now accusing me Michael. You think you are oh so strong now that you are your father's favourite child?" Lucifer's tone changed. " And if I did cause mischeif. Who are you to judge me ? What can you do to me without proof? " He continued threatening Micheal as his malevolent aura is completely focused on him. Micheal gritted his teeth as sweat formed on his forehead resisting Lucifer's aura. He knows that Lucifer is above his paygrade to fight against. It needs his father to defeat him. Yet, father wouldn't move with just a hunch from him. " I'll be watching you Lucifer. " Micheal warned before disappearing in a golden Flash.

" Foolish little brother, you don't know your fate. I pity you who will carry all the responsibilities in future. " Lucifer said just as Micheal left.

" Ajax don't disappoint me. I have high expectations of you. "



Dorne is the southernmost Kingdom of the seven kingdoms. And most importantly, the only independent kingdom. For the past thousand years, it had been united under the banner of Sun and spear- House Nymeros Martell who called themselves Prince/Princess of Dorne. When Aegon Targaryen came to conquer the seven kingdoms, he came with three dragons and the kingdoms quickly fell. But Dorne did not, it took a dragon out and bore the wrath of the other two. Yet, it stayed- Unbent Unbowed,Unbroken.

Still, years of war and bearing the wrath of dragons and the rest of the kingdom, it was badly affected. It always wanted to counteract the rest of the kingdoms, it always wanted to fight them and show the rest that they are to be taken seriously.

In accordance with this, the reigning prince, Morion Martell, hatched an ambitious plan.

Assembling his hosts at Ghost Hill and the Tor, Morion loaded his Dornishmen onto the ships of pirates from the Stepstones, sell sails from Myr, and corsairs of the Pepper Coast. He intended to land his armies on Cape Wrath, hoping to take the storm lords and King Jaehaerys unaware. However, it took the Prince of Dorne nearly a year to load his hosts aboard the ships and, by that time, spies and friends of the Iron Throne among Morion's court chief amongst them his own cousin, Mara Martell passed on the information.

King Jaehaerys and his sons took their dragons to burn the Prince of Dorne's fleet. Not a single Dornishmen made it to shore alive, nor did the Iron Throne lose a single man. Morion died during his attempted invasion.

Hello everyone!!

Vamsi Krishna here

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I am writing this to practice so any criticism is welcome. You can even rant but beware of the consequences.

English is not my first language so if you find any grammatical mistakes, inform me using comments and I'll change it.

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