15 End of the Party and Return to the City of Dorwen

After the conflict that occurred between Getrar and Laus, the atmosphere was a little tense, but when Getrar stopped emitting that air of annoyance and started celebrating again, everyone followed his example and, therefore, the atmosphere improved again.

The only one who still had a strained expression was Laus, since he had gotten into trouble, he hoped Getrar did nothing to him after the party.

A lot of food and several drinks were served, it tasted very good and you could feel that they had included medicinal herbs, some had relaxing effects, others gave the food a better flavor, as if they had been seasoned with specific spices.

You could smell the aroma of the food and the liquor that was served at the table, it was pleasant for the senses.

There were long conversations and jokes were also said from time to time, it was a very fun and relaxing atmosphere.

Under the moonlight, the starry sky and the cool night wind, there was a great celebration in the town.

When the celebration ended, everyone was happy, some even drunk were dragged by their friends or some of their relatives to their homes.

But what all the people overlooked was that Orix approached Getrar with a not very friendly look.

Presumably, he would say something to Getrar, since he did not like that his best friend was treated this way and less in front of so many people, he would also discredit him, as if he had a rebellious friend.

This last behavior demonstrated why Laus was so rampant, his best friend was too good and impartial in his judgment when it came to Laus.

Surely that is one of the reasons why his brother received the role of Patriarch, since he was a wiser person and most people agreed with his mandate.

"Getrar, I have to say a few words about your behavior towards my friend Laus," he said in an imposing tone.

'Here it comes, I imagined that this would happen, hahaha, now I realize the cause of the behavior of that garbage', resolved Getrar with irony and mockery.

"What does Comrade Orix want to tell me? I think I did nothing wrong to receive a reprimand," he said in a calm tone, as if the tone of the previous individual did not affect him at all.

"What you are saying is wrong, he treated him in a very rude and violent manner, at least he should have acted more calmly and if he had a major complaint, I should speak privately with him or me, since I am his friend I could speak to him to clarify the situation, "Orix said, annoyed by Getrar's indifferent behavior.

"Do you really believe that? Those types of people don't understand things if they don't hit them, he was lucky to have remained silent or else he would have forced me to do what I said, I wasn't kidding before" Getrar said seriously.

"Would you dare?" Orix said in a threatening tone to Getrar.

"Of course, there are very few things that I really wouldn't do." Getrar said nonchalantly to Orix.

For a moment, Orix thought that Getrar, by his tone and way of acting, was not a person to play with or meddle with, however, this place was his home and the Patriarch's brother.

"You are being too daring, now you are in this town and you must respect the respective authority," Orix told Getrar.

"Hahahahaha, you tell me about authority, by the celestials, don't talk about authority in my face, you think that I really have to respect the authority of such a small place, and that they have even insulted me, I have no problems if you want me to I go from the city, but don't threaten me with that shit of authority, if you do I will kill all those who come for me, it is a warning as a friend, "Getrar said with annoyance and indifference to anything that can happen.

Getrar continued: "I want you to understand something, I am not a bad person, but I am not a good person either, if someone offends me, he must suffer the consequences and if someone appreciates me, I will do the same, maybe you think I am saying something crazy, but I've never had a real problem with that attitude, maybe I could have had some misunderstandings here and there, but most of the time they make a good impression and make people respect me."

Orix was surprised by the crazy statement, he never thought that he was such a direct and unbreakable person.

"Well, at least I can tell you to calm down and behave until you leave and don't cause problems for Laus," Orix said firmly to Getrar.

Getrar only made a shrug gesture with indifference, since for him, everything he said was pointless, he did not plan to cause problems, also that scum from Laus was already out of his way.

At the end of the discussion at that time, Getrar goes to a kind of inn that was quite poor, it was not very big either, it only had a floor and some tables, they had little quantity of food and drinks.

Getrar was received with great respect and happiness, he was lucky that they did not charge him anything for his stay, which would only last one night.

The owner of the inn, who was the same one who attended, was saddened to learn that he would stay so little in the town.

The next morning he prepared his things and went to the exit of the inn, the owner said goodbye giving him some food and drinks for his trip in a small wooden box.

"Thanks for all this," he said kindly to the owner.

"No problem, thanks to you for finishing our problem, I hope we can improve our lives because of that," he replied with a smile to Getrar.

"Goodbye then, take care," said Getar to the owner.

"Likewise, and may all the celestials be on your side," replied the owner cheerfully.

Getrar went directly to the place where the Patriarch lived to say goodbye in person and thank him for the celebration.

Because directly, because you had already seen the previous day, that there were not many places to store, so you would have to buy some things, most of them were medicinal herbs, but if you did not know how to use them correctly, it would not be useful. .

When he entered the patriarch's house, Hilarius received him quickly and said goodbye, wishing Getrar the best.

And of course Getrar did the same, after retiring from Hilarius's house, he left the village with the clear and obvious intention of returning to the city of Dorwen, to collect the reward and choose another mission.

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