

Several Kings fell, and myriad Emperors perished. With several million dead, Humanity almost got wiped out from the face of their home planet, Edoria. To prevent the final calamity, several higher-rankers banded together. Kings unified their kingdoms, Emperors unified their visions for the future. But in the end, the Humanity lost. There was only despair for them. Nehar, The Dark Emperor, whose body was on the verge of collapse after the Final Battle with an Outer Goddess, found another chance to restart overall....through the sacrifice of his remaining friends and comrades. His fate had not been sealed yet. He had another chance to reverse their past failures and forge a new future. After returning to the past, he starts working towards his goal, of becoming Invincible, with his unmatched talent, dedication, and perseverance. Step by step, he finishes his preparation to unite all of his past companions and fight the Ancient Evils and Outer Gods that threaten to destroy their civilization. ------------------ ### Weekly Release => 3-4 Chapters [Max : 5 Chapters] (Avg Word Count = 1500-3000) ## I don't own the Cover, it's Collected. I'll remove the Cover if any problem arises. # This is my Third Story (Novel) and as for the previous ones, some of them will be connected to this Novel and for the rest, I will resume the work later.

MonarchOfHell · Fantasie
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58 Chs

Clash With The Zombies (VII) : Betting With Celestial

Nehar saw the incoming stream of messages.

'War Loving Deity' huh? If I remember correctly his real name is 'Argos', and he ascended to the rank of a <Divine Seat> in the later future...

Moreover, he was one of the seven <Divine Guardians> of the <Yerreron >, the mythical realm of the <Fallen Nimbuses>.

Though there are many Celestials here, who will become one of the many important pillars of the <Heavenly Tower> during the <Age of Great Wars>, currently 'Argos' is the one who can provide me with what I need...

But, he is too much prideful and righteous type, so he will not provide me with an unnatural power or <Blessing > to make the gap between me and others more severe than now...

I've to offer him something, to get that <Blessing > from him...

He likes War and Entertainment mostly, and I'm certain he's here mainly because of two reasons, one is my fighting style and the second is that I'd obtained the <Sub-Trait: Novice Combatant> much earlier than anyone...

After all, he also has the same <Sub-Trait > as me, though that's much more powerful and advanced one compared to mine...

No wonder he is here and constantly pestering me...

But, what should I offer him in return so that he will consider giving me a Rare Rank Skill as a <Blessing >?

Hmm, I think these terms will be enough...'

Nehar opened the Communication Channel and started making the <Request > for a conversation.

[System Alert: Do you wish to start conversing with the Celestials and Stars present in Channel A53? YES/NO.]

Nehar pressed the 'YES' button, as he was determined to do whatever it took to obtain that particular Skill.

[System Alert: You've chosen to start conversing with the <Higher Beings>.]

[System Alert: You can now freely converse with the <Higher Beings> present in Channel A53.]

[System: You can also receive their <Blessings > to become more powerful than ever...]

[System: Good Luck !]

Nehar chuckled, "Good Luck? Seriously?"

'But I know this matter will not remain as simple as it seems now...

Though 'War Loving Deity' is my first choice, I'll still ask this to all of the Celestials and Stars present in the Channel....if someone can provide me with better conditions than him, then I'll take on that offer...

Still, I should be more aware of the <Stars >, as they're one of the most crafty and nasty beings...and there're many of them in this Channel, who are still hiding their <Divine Names>...I can't accept anything from them without knowing about their true identity...'

"Dear Celestials and Stars, you've all watching me over for some time. I've progressed to this point because of my initial luck and courage...but now, I think that I'll need something more to accomplish many other things and also to entertain you all...."

Nehar paused to check on their reactions on the Channel.

[System Alert: Several Celestials and Stars are listening to your statement...]

[System Alert: Many Celestials have started discussions among themselves...]

[System Alert: The Celestial 'Avaricious Hunters' asks you to state whatever you want...]

[System Alert: The Celestial 'War Loving Deity' nods their heads...]

[System Alert: The Celestial 'Nightingale' asks about your requirement...]

[System Alert: The Celestial 'Smiling Buddha' remarks that they will give you a <Blessing > if you become their <Follower >.]

[System Alert: The Celestial 'Avaricious Hunters' and the Celestial 'War Loving Deity' asks the Celestial 'Smiling Buddha' to back off from eyeing their treasure...]

'Hoh, they're still at it....but it's fine, the more you quarrel between yourselves, it would be better for me...

'Almost all of them are listening, so it's time I ask for it...'

"I need a particualar Skill to wreak more havoc...are any of you interested in giving me a Skill?"

[System Alert: The Celestial 'Nightingale' asks what you need...]

[System Alert: The Celestial 'Smiling Buddha' snickers and says to stop what are you trying to do and get to the point...]

[System Alert: The Celestial 'Avaricious Hunters' remarks that you never use the given basic <Inspect > Skill, so they can give you a more powerful <Detection > type Skill so that you can hunt higher leveled and more powerful enemies efficiently...]

[System Alert: The Celestial 'War Loving Deity' looks at you with curiosity...]

"Chain Command", Nehar commented.

[System Alert: An Unknown Star looks at you in surprise and asks how you know about that Skill...]

[System Alert: Several Stars nod their heads in agreement.]

[System Alert: Many Celestials are also skeptical about your knowledge of the Skills which is only available after entering the <Heavenly Tower> and joining a <Clan > or <Order >...]

[System Alert: Many Stars shows distrust...]

[System Alert: The Celestial 'Smiling Buddha' bursts into laughter while saying this is way awesome...]

[System Alert: The Celestial 'Nightingale' is also skeptical about your origin of these kinds of knowledge...]

[System Alert: Many Celestials also have doubts about current Skills...]

[System Alert: The Celestial 'Avaricious Hunters' grins while listening to your request...]

[System Alert: The Celestial 'War Loving Deity' observes you with an amazed look...]

[System Alert: The Celestial 'War Loving Deity' is curious about you...]

[System Alert: Try to do more and obtain the Celestial's attention and favor]

'There are many who are quite skeptical about my knowledge and Skills....of course, the knowledge about the Skill <Chain Command> wouldn't be available to normal Participants who are participating in the <Tutorial > for the first time...

People take much time to learn this Skill, which is in the same category as the <Synchronization > or <Skill Synchronization> Skill....and one can only learn it after the <Tutorial > is over...

And I'm demanding that Skill as a <Blessing > right now...

It's no wonder they are skeptical and suspicious about me...

But, I don't need to concern myself with them....as 'Argos' is already interested in me...I only need to use him to get my hands on it...

I wasn't able to proceed with the <Synchronization > which is an Epic Rank Skill, albeit a higher tier even among the Epic Rank Skills, as I'm lacking in terms of understanding and time....thus, I'd chosen the <Chain Command> as an alternative to that...

If I don't learn at least <Chain Command> before the 3rd part Tutorial, I will never be able to complete the <First Dagger Technique> and my chances of slaying the final boss of the 3rd part Tutorial will become much more harder...

If I were able to obtain <Synchronization > somehow, then my chances of success would've been at least more than 60-70%...

With <Chain Command>, the rate of success would be around 40-50% at most...while if I continue to try without having any of them, my success rate wouldn't even cross the 5-10% range...

So, having at least <Chain Command> is a must....it doesn't matter which Celestial or Star is skeptical about me or my knowledge or skills...'

"I need the <Chain Command> Skill to successfully link my current skills and obtain a higher level skill...as I can already feel that there's a more powerful and combined Skill there after using my <Dagger Skills> for some time.

As for my knowledge, I had a 'Master' before coming to the Tutorial and I'd already informed the previous Administrator 'Andrea' about it when she asked about my Movement Skill, that I performed before."

Nehar spoke again after stopping for a while, "If any of you is willing to give me this Skill as a <Blessing >, I can show you that your investment in me would be worthwhile."

[System Alert: The Celestial 'Nightingale' asks you to become their <Follower > and only then they will provide you the Skill you desire.]

'I need to show them right here and right now, that I'm not a pushover... Otherwise, they're gonna pester me every single time about this...

If I'm going to accept someone's offer of becoming their <Follower >, <Warrior >, or even an <Apostle >, my growth will continue to stagnate to make them happy and satisfied all the time...

Moreover, I can't miss the chance of getting a <Blessing > from many of them....accepting any particular Celestial's offer would be disastrous for me...

And even if I accept someone's offer, they would become wary of me sooner or later once they discover the immense amount of power within my Soul....so, I need to tread my paths carefully and not accept any offer, at least for now...

I would think about it after I've built a sufficient amount of strength and position....'

"I'm sorry about that. I need to improve myself and my skills much more to become a <Follower > of you, mighty Celestial."

[System Alert: The Celestial 'Nightingale' frowns in displeasure and looks away from you...]

[System Alert: The Celestial 'Smiling Buddha' says he will wait and watch till you show them your full potential.]

[System Alert: The Celestial 'Smiling Buddha' also says it wouldn't be that late to grant you a <Blessing > then...]

'Smiling Buddha'....which one of them is currently talking to me? Is he 'Ebor' or 'Vernus'?

Even though I don't know which one of them is present here, I need to be careful around them...they're one of the most intelligent and crafty future <Divine Seats> who will later join the <Greater Constellations>...

It's best for me to not converse with them, at least for now....'

[System Alert: The Celestial 'Avaricious Hunters' thinks about something...]

[System Alert: Many Celestials and Stars are skeptical about you and thus they don't want to give you what you desire until you become one of their <Followers >...]

'Huh, fuck....these guys are the most grumpy ones...they already have several Semi-Legendary or even Legendary Rank Skills and still thinking too much about giving a simple Rare Rank Skill to someone....if only that skill was available in the Tutorial Shop, I would've bought it using all the TPs that I can muster from the future battles...

Then there would've been no need for me to request something from these stingy assholes...'

[System Alert: The Celestial 'War Loving Deity' looks at the Celestial 'Avaricious Hunters' and laughs heartily...]

[System Alert: The Celestial 'War Loving Deity' asks you what you can give them in return if they provide you what you require...]

'So, at the end, it finally came down to 'Argos'....well it's much better than becoming someone's <Follower > after all...'

"I can promise you three things if you give me that Skill as a <Blessing > before the 2nd Tutorial...", Nehar paused for a moment before speaking again.

[System Alert: The Celestial 'War Loving Deity' listens intently...]

[System Alert: Many Celestials and Stars are also curious about what you are going to offer in return...]

"First, I'll become the Highest Level Participant in the whole Tutorial and I'll also be the first one to reach Level 20 and start my first 'Evolution' process.

Second, I'll finish the 1st Tutorial within 12 hours, which is half of the original time given by the System, and that too with the most zombie kill count in the complete Tutorial.

Third, in the remaining time, I'll kill both 'Zombie Lords', their 'Royal Guards', and others who protect them. And I'll also slay the 'Zombie Overlord' and his 'Retainers', who control the two 'Zombie Lords' as his pawns and puppets.

Will that be enough for you, mighty Celestial of War?"

[System Alert: The Celestial 'War Loving Deity' bursts into laughter after hearing your bold declarations.]

[System Alert: The Celestial asks you how are you going to kill the 'Zombie Overlord' who is already an Evolved being over Level 30. ]

[System Alert: Many Celestials are shocked by your declaration.]

[System Alert: Many Stars are discussing...]

[System Alert: The Celestial 'Smiling Buddha' says in amazement that not only does he plan to pass the 1st Tutorial, but he is also thinking about a <Tutorial Clear> as well....]

[System Alert: The Celestial 'Nightingale' asks the Celestial 'Smiling Buddha' if is that even possible for a newcomer in the Tutorial or not...]

[System Alert: The Celestial 'Smiling Buddha' says he must have something up his sleeves to think that he can actually <Clear > the Tutorial - 01.]

[System Alert: The Celestial 'Nightingale' looks at you with an odd look....]

[System Alert: An Unknown Star gazes at you with an amused look...]

'I don't know which one of them is here among 'Ebor' and 'Vernus'....but they understood my points clearly...

I do plan to <Clear > the Tutorial - 01 and not only pass it...

Because to obtain that piece, I've to kill both 'Zombie Lords' and their boss, the 'Zombie Overlord' as well...

It's all just nothing but a part of an elaborate plan, which was developed over five years...

And it's my responsibility to complete it and stop the first disaster that the <Heavenly Tower> is going to face just after the end of the 117th Tutorial...

And these fuckers, stop staring and gazing at me....it makes me feel sick...'

"I certainly have confidence in myself and my abilities that I'll be able to kill the 'Zombie Overlord'...

Even if you don't believe me for now, you can just observe the battle at that time when it'll eventually happen..."

Nehar replied confidently.

'I already have a detailed plan to slay three of them along with their soldiers....though there are some changes that happened in that plan because of the 'Bloodkin's Dagger', I'll just adjust the plans accordingly within a few hours...'

[System Alert: The Celestial 'War Loving Deity' nods and says that they will agree to your proposal, though there will be a small change in it.]

[System Alert: The Celestial 'War Loving Deity' says they will send one of their <Follower > to test the depth of your actual Combat Skills that you are trying to hide from everyone before granting you the <Blessing > you want.]

[System Alert: The Celestial 'War Loving Deity' further adds if you can clash with their <Follower > evenly, then they will grant you whatever you want from them, within certain limits...]

[System Alert: The Celestial 'War Loving Deity' assures you that their <Follower > will be in the same level range as you at the time of <Testing >.]

'So, this is how it's gonna be....he wants to see how much power is there within me after all...

Clashing with one of their <Follower >, even if there will be a level handicap, it will not be easy by any means...

While winning would be tough, I still have many trump cards on me that I can use to at least match their <Follower > evenly at that time...'

"Will you send your <Follower > after the completion of the First Tutorial?"

Nehar asked once more to get a confirmation.

[System Alert: The Celestial 'War Loving Deity' nods their heads in agreement...]

[System Alert: The Celestial 'Avaricious Hunters' is still thinking about something...]

"Then I accept your proposal", Nehar replied.

[System Alert: The Celestial 'War Loving Deity' laughs and grants you a <Quest >]

[System Alert: You have received a <Quest > from a Celestial.]

[System: Opening <Quest Details>....]


[System Alert: A <Blessing Quest> has been generated.]

[Blessing Quest: Deity's Warrior]

[Quest Giver: The Celestial 'War Loving Deity']

[Quest Description]: You have become one of the most battle proficient Participants in the Tutorial. As you have expressed your desire to obtain a <Blessing > from the said Celestial, they have given you a <Quest > to judge your abilities before granting your wish. Prove yourself through battles that you are worthy enough to receive the <Blessing > of a Celestial. 

[Quest Status]: Active. 

[Quest Type]: Ability Testing.

[Quest Rank]: A

[Quest Completion Criteria (7)]:

--> Criteria 01. Become the 'Highest Level Participant' in the Complete Tutorial and retain your position throughout the Tutorial - 01 (0/1)

--> Criteria 02. Become the 'First Participant to reach Level 20' and start the 'First Evolution' Process in the Complete Tutorial - 01 (0/1)

--> Criteria 03. Achieve the 'Maximum Zombie Kill Count' in the Complete Tutorial - 01 (0/1)

--> Criteria 04. Pass the Tutorial - 01 within 12 Hours (Half Time Limit) among all other Participants in the Complete Tutorial - 01 (0/1)

--> Criteria 05. Eliminate Both Zombie Lords and their soldiers (0/1)

--> Criteria 06. Eliminate the Final Boss of Tutorial - 01, the Zombie Overlord, and achieve the <Tutorial Clear> before anyone else (0/1)

--> Criteria 07. Fight one of the Celestial's <Follower > to prove your qualifications as the Final Test (0/1)

[Quest Duration]: 48:00:00 (48 Hours)

[Quest Completion Reward (5)]: 

--> 01. Rare Ranked Skill <Chain Command>.

--> 02. The <Title: Deity's Warrior> only if you are able to defeat the Celestial's <Follower > in a battle.

--> 03. The Celestial's Favor.

--> 04. ?? (Unknown)

--> 05. ?? (Unknown)

 [Quest Failure Penalty]: Less favourability with the Celestial.


[System Alert: Your Quest Panel has been updated...]

[System Alert: Your Status Window has been updated...]

'Fuck....what a long description of the <Quest >...and the time is 48 hours, which means the total time of the Tutorial - 01 plus the one-day resting time after that...

The rewards are good too... 

Leaving the Skill <Chain Command> aside, Celestial's Favor and the <Title > are already quite good and there are still two rewards that are not available right now....' Argos' will grant them to me if he finds me worthy of receiving those...

As expected of an A-ranked Blessing Quest...

Even though the difficulty is much higher, the rewards compensate for them...

Moreover, the Quest Failure Penalty is much less...

It's good that I provided him with my conditions and he accepted them without making a change in them....well, for normal Participants, none of these are possible....'

[System Alert: Many Celestials are talking about the 'Bet' you made with the Celestial 'War Loving Deity'...]

[System Alert: Several Celestials are shocked to see the details of the <Blessing Quest> given to you...]

[System Alert: Many Stars are interested to see how you will actually complete all the criteria of the <Blessing Quest> within only 48 hours...]

[System Alert: An Unknown Star licks their lips in anticipation.]

[System Alert: Many <Clans > and <Orders > are keeping a close eye on your performance...]

[System Alert: Your <Reputation > is increasing...]

Nehar sighed and looked towards the women who were coming towards him to inform him about their successful hunting.

Nehar walked towards them as he had to give them some instructions before leaving.

"Nehar, we cleared all of them", Amelia answered when she saw he was coming in their way.

"There was also another group of 15 zombies, so it took some time for us to clear them as well", Grace said in a calm tone.

"Good Job", Nehar replied after listening to their reports.

"Amelia, how much EXP do you need to level up once more?"

"Not much more, around 400 EXP points....", Amelia answered Nehar.

"Why, is there something you need us to do for you?", Grace asked him.

Nehar looked at the woman and smiled lightly, "You understand me quite well. Yes, there is something you need to do, but not for me. I'm going to leave the <Party > now and after I leave, the <Party > function will collapse without a <Party Leader>. Amelia will reach Level 5 soon, and then she can opt to form a <Party >. Both of you then should join it and kill those zombies as a team, just as you were doing before."

"But, where are you going?", Amelia asked him.

"You guys probably hadn't seen the Communication Channel, right?"

Amelia and Grace both looked at each other and then opened their respective Communication channels to see what was happening there.

Nehar had taught them to silence that Channel while fighting, otherwise, their concentration would deviate from the battle in their hands and the result of that would be disastrous for them.

Within seconds, Amelia asked him, "Did you just make a bet with a Celestial about completing this Tutorial early? Almost every Celestial is discussing it in the Channel."

Nehar nodded his head in affirmation.

Grace chuckled and spoke, "Why am I not surprised anymore?"

"Maybe it's because you've been seeing me for some time?", Nehar replied with a light joke.

Seeing Grace's milky white face turning slightly red at Nehar's simple remark, Amelia felt something was wrong with them.

"Amelia, Grace, both of you can decide who becomes the <Party Leader> and how you will share the EXP among yourselves. Just check the Leader Board and try to maintain the level gap between us within 5-10 levels at most. Any more than that and we'll face problems in the future. After clearing this place, try to clear zombies from the surrounding regions too, and at least reach Level 6 or 7 before going in deeper. Otherwise, there will be problems and if something comes up that you can't handle, just message me once."

"And Grace....", Nehar asked.


"There's something I need to tell you", Nehar lowered his head and brought his face near to her ears, and started speaking in a very low voice.

Amelia saw the whole incident and was about to protest, but Nehar stepped back and started walking away from them.

"I'll try whatever I can", Grace replied.

Nehar didn't reply anymore as he waved his hand and started walking towards the destroyed road to move towards the Inner Segment of the Eastern Sector.

[System Alert: You have left the <Party >.]

Nehar removed the Black bracelet from his left hand and stored it in the Inventory while walking.

[System Alert: You have removed one Limiter; all of your Active Stats have been increased by 10 points.]

"Open Tutorial Shop and buy Health Potion (Inferior), Mana Potion (Inferior), and Stamina Potion (Inferior), 15 of each category."

Nehar continued to deliver commands one after another calmly.

[System Alert: You've bought 15 Health Potions (Inferior). Total Cost: 7500 TP.]

[System Alert: You've bought 15 Mana Potions (Inferior). Total Cost: 7500 TP.]

[System Alert: You've bought 15 Stamina Potions (Inferior). Total Cost: 7500 TP.]

[System: Total TP used: 22500]

[System: Remaining Balance: 22578 TP]

Nehar chugged down one Health and two Mana potions simultaneously just after buying them.

[System: You've consumed a Health Potion (Inferior). Restoring 200 HP]

[System: You've consumed two Mana Potions (Inferior). Restoring 400 MP]

[System: Your Health is recovering.]

[System: Your Mana is recovering.]

[System: Your Current HP: 790/790; Your Current MP: 865/865]

He cracked his knuckles while commanding to equip the <Title > and equipped another Inferior Ranked Dagger in his left hand from the Inventory.

[System: <Title: Thousand Zombie Slayer> is in use.]

[System: All of the <Title > Effects are being applied...]

A blood-red smoke appeared as the Bloodkin's Dagger appeared in Nehar's right hand. By now, Nehar had already understood that this Dagger wasn't just a simple killing machine...and after the sudden encounter with 'Balor', Nehar had also learned that along with many other qualities, this Dagger also had an <Ego >.

Nehar chuckled lightly while seeing the Dagger in his hand.

'A <Weapon > that can even slay the Gods...no, even the Supremes, Primes and the Law Beings who creates <Fundamental Laws> of the Awakened Worlds... who would have ever thought that something like this was kept here, in the Tutorial Shop, sealed and in a weakened condition...and I'd bought that with a measly 8500 TP, huh...

For now, let the hunt begin...', Nehar thought in his mind as he rushed forward in the direction of the road, which finally leads to the Inner Segment of the Eastern Sector, with the thought of reclaiming it. 

I would like to inform everyone those are reading this Novel, that my story will go for Premium, from the Next Chapter.

And we've completed the goal of having <100 Collections>

Let's aim for high now...

I hope, everyone will be with this Newbie Author in his journey.


It's a large chapter (3800+ Words)

Read and Enjoy !!!


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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