
Arriving One Punch Man World

Whew, that really made me dizzy! I hope I don't have to go through that kind of portal again. But anyway, I'm here! In the world of One Punch Man... or at least I think so. Maybe I should have specified the city, because I don't think this island is near Earth. If I said island, I'm stuck on a damn island where all I can see is the sea. But at least I have my wishes and I hope my gamer system has the function of not needing food, or I could be in serious trouble.

Oh, wait! I just checked my status and it seems like I have everything under control:

Name: Adrian

Level: 1 (0/100)

HP (Health): 100/100 = VIT * 10

MP (Mana): 200/200 = INT * 10 * 2

RHp (Health Regeneration): 1/min

RMp (Mana Regeneration): 2/min


STR (Strength): 10

VIT (Vitality): 10

AGI (Agility): 10

INT (Intelligence): 10

CHA (Charisma): 10

LUK (Luck): 10

APF (Free Attribute Points): 0


Super Intelligence (Lv. 1/10) - multiplies the effect of the INT statistic

Manipulation of Matter (Lv. 1/100) - allows you to manipulate matter

Player Body (Max Lv.) - you no longer need to eat or sleep because you are now a player

Player Mind (Max Lv.) - you will not panic and are immune to mental attacks

Observe (Max Lv.) - allows you to see information about what you are looking at

Incredible! Although the descriptions are somewhat vague, I now know that I won't need to eat, so I'll just focus on training until I am strong enough to leave this island or until I am found. I have to find a way to improve my statistics and skills.

Oh, a new mission has appeared on my screen!

New mission: Training

Run 10000 km

Do 100000 push-ups

Do 100000 sit-ups

Do 100000 squats


+50 AP to all statistics

+50 APF

+Title: Hero of Training



-50% all statistics

+Title: Lazy Hero

Failure conditions: leaving the island before completing the mission.

No problem, I accept the mission! I will be the Hero of Training!

I started my training on the beach of the island, running back and forth, moving my arms and legs in a frenzied rhythm. I didn't care about the scorching sun on my skin or the sweat dripping down my forehead. I was only focused on completing my mission.

After several hours of running, I felt my endurance increasing and my speed as well. My body was getting used to the routine and it was becoming easier for me to run long distances. Then, I decided to switch to push-ups. At first, it was a bit difficult, but after several repetitions, my strength increased and I was able to do them more easily.

I continued with sit-ups and squats, repeating the exercises over and over again until my body began to ache. But I didn't stop, I knew I had to keep going if I wanted to complete my mission.

A few days later, I noticed that my endurance, strength, and speed had significantly increased. The training was paying off and I found it easier to perform the exercises without getting tired. Additionally, my statistics had increased considerably, which allowed me to do the exercises more easily.

Finally, after a month of continuous training, I completed the mission. I felt tired, but also proud of myself for achieving it.

This is how my status looks now:

Name: Adrian

Level: 7 (900/4900)

HP (Health): 1500/1500 = VIT * 10

MP (Mana): 2400/2400 = INT * 10 * 4

RHp (Health Regeneration): 15/min = VIT/10

RMp (Mana Regeneration): 24/min = (INT/10)* 4


STR (Strength): 80

VIT (Vitality): 150

AGI (Agility): 100

INT (Intelligence): 60

CHA (Charisma): 60

LUK (Luck): 67

APF (Free Attribute Points): 120


Super Intelligence (Lv. 2/10) - multiplies the effect of the INT statistic

Manipulation of Matter (Lv. 5/100) - allows you to manipulate matter

Player Body (Max Lv.) - you no longer need to eat or sleep because you are now a player

Player Mind (Max Lv.) - you will not panic and are immune to mental attacks

Observe (Max Lv.) - allows you to see information about what you are looking at

After a month of consistent training, I could see significant changes in my body. My statistics had improved, and my endurance, strength, and speed had increased significantly. Additionally, I discovered something important about the system that left me a little sore: I should never run out of MP.

During my first training session, I was using the manipulation of matter skill, but when I ran out of MP, I experienced an intense headache and passed out. When I woke up, I felt like I had drunk five too many vodkas. From that moment on, I decided that I would only practice until I had 1 point of MP left and wait for it to regenerate to improve my efficiency. Although it was a painful lesson, I am excited to continue exploring the skills that are available in this world.

With a positive attitude and a determination to keep improving, I am ready to face everything that this world has to offer. I am confident that with my consistent training and wise practice of my skills, I can overcome any obstacle that comes my way and keep moving towards my ultimate goal.

I also discovered something interesting about my manipulation of matter skill. After some testing, I found that it only works within approximately 10 meters of me and consumes approximately 5 MP per second per cubic centimeter of matter I want to control. Additionally, I can only control what I see and cannot manipulate objects outside of my range of vision.

Fortunately, as I level up, the range of my skill extends by 1 meter per level and allows me to manipulate one more cubic centimeter of matter for the same amount of MP. This discovery excites me, as it means I can keep improving my skill and increase my effectiveness on the battlefield.

I decided it was time to venture into the world of One Punch Man, confident that I was prepared for everything that would come my way. And so, with a leap into the water, I began my journey into the unknown.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

El_Matticreators' thoughts
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