
Adrian's Adventures in One Punch Man

Adrian, a young graphic designer who felt trapped in the monotony of his life, suffers a terrible accident that leaves him stuck in a dark and unknown place. However, through a mysterious book that offers him three wishes, Adrian chooses to start over in the world of One Punch Man, where he must face dangers and challenges, but also has the opportunity to improve his skills. With his wishes, Adrian ventures into a world full of powerful heroes and villains, where he must learn to survive and fight to achieve his goals. Will Adrian be able to make the most of his wishes and become a hero in the world of One Punch Man? Find out in this exciting story full of adventure and action.

El_Matti · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs

Arriving One Punch Man World

Whew, that really made me dizzy! I hope I don't have to go through that kind of portal again. But anyway, I'm here! In the world of One Punch Man... or at least I think so. Maybe I should have specified the city, because I don't think this island is near Earth. If I said island, I'm stuck on a damn island where all I can see is the sea. But at least I have my wishes and I hope my gamer system has the function of not needing food, or I could be in serious trouble.

Oh, wait! I just checked my status and it seems like I have everything under control:

Name: Adrian

Level: 1 (0/100)

HP (Health): 100/100 = VIT * 10

MP (Mana): 200/200 = INT * 10 * 2

RHp (Health Regeneration): 1/min

RMp (Mana Regeneration): 2/min


STR (Strength): 10

VIT (Vitality): 10

AGI (Agility): 10

INT (Intelligence): 10

CHA (Charisma): 10

LUK (Luck): 10

APF (Free Attribute Points): 0


Super Intelligence (Lv. 1/10) - multiplies the effect of the INT statistic

Manipulation of Matter (Lv. 1/100) - allows you to manipulate matter

Player Body (Max Lv.) - you no longer need to eat or sleep because you are now a player

Player Mind (Max Lv.) - you will not panic and are immune to mental attacks

Observe (Max Lv.) - allows you to see information about what you are looking at

Incredible! Although the descriptions are somewhat vague, I now know that I won't need to eat, so I'll just focus on training until I am strong enough to leave this island or until I am found. I have to find a way to improve my statistics and skills.

Oh, a new mission has appeared on my screen!

New mission: Training

Run 10000 km

Do 100000 push-ups

Do 100000 sit-ups

Do 100000 squats


+50 AP to all statistics

+50 APF

+Title: Hero of Training



-50% all statistics

+Title: Lazy Hero

Failure conditions: leaving the island before completing the mission.

No problem, I accept the mission! I will be the Hero of Training!

I started my training on the beach of the island, running back and forth, moving my arms and legs in a frenzied rhythm. I didn't care about the scorching sun on my skin or the sweat dripping down my forehead. I was only focused on completing my mission.

After several hours of running, I felt my endurance increasing and my speed as well. My body was getting used to the routine and it was becoming easier for me to run long distances. Then, I decided to switch to push-ups. At first, it was a bit difficult, but after several repetitions, my strength increased and I was able to do them more easily.

I continued with sit-ups and squats, repeating the exercises over and over again until my body began to ache. But I didn't stop, I knew I had to keep going if I wanted to complete my mission.

A few days later, I noticed that my endurance, strength, and speed had significantly increased. The training was paying off and I found it easier to perform the exercises without getting tired. Additionally, my statistics had increased considerably, which allowed me to do the exercises more easily.

Finally, after a month of continuous training, I completed the mission. I felt tired, but also proud of myself for achieving it.

This is how my status looks now:

Name: Adrian

Level: 7 (900/4900)

HP (Health): 1500/1500 = VIT * 10

MP (Mana): 2400/2400 = INT * 10 * 4

RHp (Health Regeneration): 15/min = VIT/10

RMp (Mana Regeneration): 24/min = (INT/10)* 4


STR (Strength): 80

VIT (Vitality): 150

AGI (Agility): 100

INT (Intelligence): 60

CHA (Charisma): 60

LUK (Luck): 67

APF (Free Attribute Points): 120


Super Intelligence (Lv. 2/10) - multiplies the effect of the INT statistic

Manipulation of Matter (Lv. 5/100) - allows you to manipulate matter

Player Body (Max Lv.) - you no longer need to eat or sleep because you are now a player

Player Mind (Max Lv.) - you will not panic and are immune to mental attacks

Observe (Max Lv.) - allows you to see information about what you are looking at

After a month of consistent training, I could see significant changes in my body. My statistics had improved, and my endurance, strength, and speed had increased significantly. Additionally, I discovered something important about the system that left me a little sore: I should never run out of MP.

During my first training session, I was using the manipulation of matter skill, but when I ran out of MP, I experienced an intense headache and passed out. When I woke up, I felt like I had drunk five too many vodkas. From that moment on, I decided that I would only practice until I had 1 point of MP left and wait for it to regenerate to improve my efficiency. Although it was a painful lesson, I am excited to continue exploring the skills that are available in this world.

With a positive attitude and a determination to keep improving, I am ready to face everything that this world has to offer. I am confident that with my consistent training and wise practice of my skills, I can overcome any obstacle that comes my way and keep moving towards my ultimate goal.

I also discovered something interesting about my manipulation of matter skill. After some testing, I found that it only works within approximately 10 meters of me and consumes approximately 5 MP per second per cubic centimeter of matter I want to control. Additionally, I can only control what I see and cannot manipulate objects outside of my range of vision.

Fortunately, as I level up, the range of my skill extends by 1 meter per level and allows me to manipulate one more cubic centimeter of matter for the same amount of MP. This discovery excites me, as it means I can keep improving my skill and increase my effectiveness on the battlefield.

I decided it was time to venture into the world of One Punch Man, confident that I was prepared for everything that would come my way. And so, with a leap into the water, I began my journey into the unknown.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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