
red hair beaty

I have been at home for two weeks watching anime and online videos trying to run away from all this and hoping my old memories would come back. Today i finally decided to leave the house cause milk had finished and no one else was at home when i got to the store i saw a bunch a people in my uniform and noticed this beautiful red hair and i just stared at her for a while of course she noticed a looked back and smiled i was really shocked to see her cause i didn't see her picture in any of the year books i just covered my face laid low and picked the carton of milk as i went over to the cashier to pay i suddenly started feeling dizzy and my head started to hurt a little that when she came over with the sweetest well pitched voice and said "Are u OK u don't look to good" i replied saying "Am fine just having a little head ace " she suggested that i bought drugs for but i told her am already taking after that their was a short but long silence that felt like forever then she finally broke the silence"now i know why you look so familiar your eric ruffus you were in the art club i think"i said"ooooh yes i was" then her friends started calling for her and she was about to go held her back and asked for her name and she said"my name is malia hoping to see u in school very soon" and her smile was the brightest thing i had ever seen so far through this rough weeks.

she left after buying a few stuff with her friends and i thought to myself maybe i wanna start school again and the thought of her had me smiling through out that day.1