
Chapter 1

Chase Adams.

CHASE FUCKING ADAMS. I'm going to kill him.

this was the third week since Oliver entered Highschool and His life has been a mess since then.

He stood there by his locker in his new jeans and sweat shirt which had been ruined by the amount of silver glitter and water which cover him like a Disco Ball. He wanted to scream, so high that it would break all the mirrors and the chases' Ice cold heart.

"I am going to kill him" he muttered under his breath.

He knew it the instant he woke up late on this Monday morning that his day would pass worse. the fact that he was now covered in Glitter didn't make him happier.

Oliver stood there with his math book in his hand which was covered with glitter and soaked with water as much as Oliver himself was.

he thought if he could go to his math class to which he was 30 minutes late or just go to the boys washroom and wash his glitter off.

he did none.

he simply sat there till he heard the period bell ring for break. The empty hallway flooded with peoples chattering and laughing. a pale girl ran towards him sitting down to where he was and ran a hand through his gray glittered cheek.

"Oliver- oh god. Why are you covered in glitter?" Cloe's green eyes widen

"its nothing Cloe, " Oliver insisted as She shook her head in disapproval.

"Nothing? if this is nothing Oliver, why are you all wet with this shiny glitter?" she said her eyes flaring with anger.

People started to surround them like vultures ready to eat its pray.

In the staring and laughing crowd there stood Chase. A shameless, smirking Idiot.

"wait till mum hears about it." Cloe muttered.

"Stay away from my brother you Idiot" she yelled at him.

"aww look who's being a concerned little sibling." Chases' heavy voice cooed.

"you wont let mum know about this, Cloe" Oliver found him self standing up.

he walked to Chase despite all the eyes darting towards Oliver he focused on Chase.

he walked till he was extremely close to him. dangerously close.

he grabbed Chases' shirt and pulled him closer. his heavy minted breath seemed to increase hitting Oliver's face.

"I will make you beg me. and I can't wait to see that day." he had whispered in his ears so no one could here. he shoved pass the crowd with his bag and exited the school doors.


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