
When I Awaken

Darkness, all i can see is darkness. I feel... Cold. My mind produces the word. I am cold, i am floating suspended in some unknown matter. I don't rememder how i got here, or where i was before. As i contomplate this flashes of memory come back, I am Willow, I was going to see someone and then I was here. Pain riddles my body as i try to remember more. So i stop and drift through the dark nothingness. has it ben days? years? or only a few hours since I have been like this?.....

Wispers, quiet but just far enough not to hear. Is this real? Am I just imagining things? but slowly more and more wispers. I cant hear what they're saying but i can feel them all around me. Their warm....

I slowly started drifting twords the wispers, and they got louder. They feel like thunder riddleing my body. Warmth now sings through my body! Burning untill its so bright i can see. Im in a room, its old and gives off a tone i would only see at my grand mothers house. But this is not my grandmother's house. I look around and ther is an old man in the corner. He is just sitting there in an old rocking chair, slowly moving back and forth.

Suddenly he looks up and he speaks, Hello friend. Is it finally that time? At first I'm confused but then it comes to me. Hello Jhon, yes it is time. Are you ready? I spoke without a thought. I extended my hand, and he took it then the world faded away. Lights appeared on the horizon as we neared and passed them I realized that these were Jhons memories his life he watched. Laughfing, crying and smileing the whole way. Then everything stops and we head to a light, two figures stand in the distance. I cant see them clearly, but i feel as though they are not a threat.I let go of Jhons hand and say,

Dear friend, it is here we part ways. Thank you for shareing you life with me. Jhon just smiled and walked onward, and he greeted the two beings in the light. everything faded again and i fell into nothingness, but Jhon was gone.