
Za Universo!

'The fuck?' A soul, standing is a white as marble space though it stared into the beings standing in front of it

No, it's wrong to call these things beings they are just black bodies filled with galaxies and stars and just the universe itself, in other words, they are horrible looking abominations that should be killed with fire if they even can be killed

"Well um hi?" Said the soul as it waved at the 'beings' in front of it but when it waved it noticed that it does not have a hand or rather his hand looks more like a hazy white blur

But oddly enough that didn't break the soul out and instead, it was fascinated by that but it knew it has to concentrate right now and that it will get the answers to questions later

"Hello there." Said the figure to the left while mimicking the soul's pose of waving it's the which it seems highly unfamiliar with, like a civilian trying to shoot a sniper, that added to the thing's weird look made it all seem even stranger than it already is

Besides that the 'voice' of the thing isn't really a voice, it sounds strange to like someone is talking to you but at the same time telepathically telling you something

"Well, it's nice to meet you whatever you are." The soul said with confusion the size of Earth present in its voice towards the two things in front of it

"We are The Universe." Abruptly said the figure to the right 'glaring' at the soul if it even can be called glaring since it doesn't have eyes, or maybe it does and the galaxies are the eyes, who knows

"Well then nice to meet you The Universe, so what do you need me for?" Said the soul as now that it has figured out that the beings in front of it are literature universes, which wasn't hard to guess before thank's to the whole theme of their look and design but now that the soul is certain that they are literature universes it knows thanks to its profound web novel and manga experience that some very important shit is going down

"Well then let me explain. I am your Universe, the universe you lived in and the universe you died in. To the left of me and right of you is the other Universe, a universe you don't know about or are you connected to it in any way besides one." Said the Universe to the left, which is confusing, to say the least like King Crimson levels of confusing

Besides that, it didn't answer the question of what the soul's purpose is it just created more questions but at the very least the soul now knows which Universe it belonged to

"You see there are 2 types of universes, the focused and the unfocused. I am an unfocused type of universe meaning that there is no center of focus in me so in an unfocused universe it's what you would call a normal world without anything supernatural as you would call it. But a focused universe focuses on one specific target so it can concentrate more energy into the target it focuses on basically creating what you would call magic. But unfocused universes have a thing they can do since the focused universe focuses mostly on its target an unfocused universe can roam around the focused universe, giving the unfocused universe information about the focused one." That's a lot of information that just came out of the soul's Universe and frankly, it makes the soul very dizzy just thinking about it all but it tries to pay attention since this will probably be important later down the line

"I am one of the oldest unfocused universes so I have a lot of information. That information is transmitted via movies, legends, anime, novels, any and all types of fiction. The Universe next to me and I want to collaborate, which is the act of sending a being from the unfocused universe into the focused one. This allows the unfocused universe to gather more information while it allows the focused universe to focus more on its target and you have been selected as the being. Any questions before we begin?" The Universe said and this came as a shocker, to find out that all of those anime, manga, and novels the soul has read are real the soul is conflicted, to say the least, it is both happy and sad

Happy that things like Dragon Ball exist, and that all of those characters he loves are alive, real and that the events he loves are also real but on the flip side it is sad that Akame ga kill or Clannad also exist 2 series that heavily hit the soul in its past life like a pro heavyweight boxer hitting him in the liver

Yes the soul knows it is dead but it does not care after all the only reason it didn't commit suicide is that it liked to watch all of those anime and read the manga

The past life of the soul was boring and painful, the world was gray at any and all moments with only the occasional splashes of colors coming from the fiction it saw, the soul has no regrets saying goodbye to such a world

"Well, first why me? Second, why do this? Third, do I retain my memories? Fourth do I get powers? And fifth is there others?" The soul asked basically shaking in excitement this is one of those isekai moment's it had been waiting for its whole previous life

But that didn't deteriorate the soul's rational thinking for even a moment, after all, there are some very important rules and conditions that the soul must know in order to survive depending on which world it is going into

"We chose you for no particular reason you just got chosen. Why we do this is to expand, the same as organic beings Universes can also die if they are unstable and they fall apart or are not big enough and are swallowed by other universes. An unfocused universe expands by getting as much information as possible from a focused one while a focused universe expands by giving more energy to the focus. Yes, you do retain your memories and you get 4 custom powers from the universe you will be going into. No there are no others since one being gives focus while 2 split the focus up." The Universe again patiently said like a loving mother to its child which is creepy considering the abomination of a mother the child would have it would probably make the child an even bigger abomination than the mother since there has to be a father unless the Universe impregnates itself but that can be considered even worse

"Well, then in which Universe am I going into?" After finding out all the vital information the soul can only pray it is a world it has already seen in its past life so that he can have such smoother sailings in the future

"The focused universes get names after their focus while the unfocused ones gain names after what the first intelligent civilization called its planet. You will be going into the Jojo Universe now pick your powers." Said the Earth Universe and well the soul would have a mouth-splitting grin if it could but unfortunately, it can't, right now it's nothing more than a ball of fuzzy light

'Jack-fucking-pot.' Thought the soul as it remembered as much as it could about Jojo and it can remember quite a lot since Jojo is basically one of the staples of the otaku community

"Well, first I want to have such monstrous talent in Hamon and spin that even all the talents in the world combined couldn't even have 0.00000000001% of my talent. Second I want to be immortal, third I want to be able to share that immortality with others and fourth I want to have a stand I can customize right now." Said the soul, all it's wished do indeed make sense to it, although to other people it maybe doesn't to the soul it does after all who wants to die especially if you already have died once, besides that everybody wants to be a genius, being immortal but alone is boring and the soul has the thought of the most broken stand in all of Jojo

"You cannot be truly immortal even universes can die so pick another wish, as for the stand you can give it 4 powers that you wish it to have." Earth Universe said to the soul with this time a bit of sternness in it's 'voice' after all if even Universes can die what about a petty little soul like it

'If Mista knew about this he would probably be paranoid his whole life.' Thought the soul as it remembered Mista freaking out at the mere mention of the number four, it made the soul chuckle imaging Mista in his situation, Mista would probably want to have one less wish than to have 4 wishes

"Well, then I want to be never aging after 24 years old as my first wish, for the second wish I can transfer my nonaging and whenever I transfer my nonaging I can select at which age the person will stop aging even if the age goes against their current age. As for my stand, the first power allows the stand to allow the user to have infinite stands, the second ability allows the user to unlock the full potential of any stand the user touches, the third ability allows the user to invite any stand. If the user asks a stand or another stand user if their stand belongs to him and the answer isn't negative the stand belongs to him, this can be used in any form of communication. The last ability allows the user to form contracts where there are terms stated like ' I will do this and in return, you have to do this', this can be used on any living creature and if one of the sides does not agree to the conditions of the contract then it is not in effect. If a side doesn't complete it the end deal they die." The soul said it could make this stand even better by saying stuff like 'if the answer isn't said that is negative within 0.00000000001 seconds it's considered a positive' but whoever doesn't like a bit of a challenge in everything

And for an otaku like this soul when in its past life it liked to play games on hardcore and beat them, without a challenging life just isn't fun anymore even thou the challenge is abysmally small

With only it's spin and Hamon talent it could probably beat any opponents like a person from the 21st century who has an atomic bomb against a caveman with only rags for clothes and a wooden club as a weapon

"It shall be granted now decide upon your birth." Said the Jojo Universe it seems to be getting excited for some reason probably something to do with it expanding which is a creepy image since you think about it, like the Universe getting fatter and fatter, taller and taller a really scary scene

"I want to be the brother of Dio and somehow have a positive link or relationship to Kars from the past." Said the soul, Dio and Kars are 2 good allies to have but they are hard allies to get unlike the Jojo's so the soul might as well imitate Peter Griffin and kill 2 birds with 1 stone

"It shall be done." Said the Jojo Universe and then the soul was sucked into the universe

No literately the soul was sucked into the belly of the Jojo Universe

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