

The video opens to two people sitting in a news room. One a male, the other female. They are sitting at a desk, with many screens behind them showing various news clips, but without sound. 

"Alright, welcome back New York City!" the man says. "My name is James," 

"And I'm Sarah," the woman adds. "As most of you know, the billionaire Tony Stark has been seen around the city with a mysterious teenage boy. All photos taken of the two have been unable to capture this boy's face, keeping his identity a secret. But earlier today, an anonymous employee from Stark Industries released some previously confidential information. The identity of the teenager that has captured Tony Stark's attention has been revealed." 

"That's right," James nods. "Sixteen-year-old Peter Parker somehow secured a position as Tony Stark's personal intern, spending most afternoons after school at Stark Tower with Stark, his fiancee Pepper Potts, and various members of the Avenger's Team. Parker's relationship with Stark, however, quickly progressed past that of mentor/mentee, and has become more of a father/son relationship. The pair have been seen in many restaurants together, often accompanied by Ms Potts. The employee added that Mr. Parker has become very close with the rest of the team, as well, spending time in the labs with Dr. Bruce Banner, the training rooms with Natasha Romanoff and Steve Rogers, and likes to pull pranks on the rest of Stark Industries with Clint Barton."

"No one from Stark Industries or the Avengers has yet to make any comment," Sarah continues. "We are still waiting to hear more. That is all the information we have on that today. We will share more as more comes to light." 


We're just gonna say that the Avenger's came back and were pardoned after Civil War. And Infinity War and Endgame never happened, because I'm still in post-Endgame denial.

Also, the timeline with birthdays and christmas and crap - which will show up eventually - is totally screwy, so don't pay too much attention to that because I know everything is wrong and Tony's birthday should not be one chapter away from Christmas but that's how it's gonna be, so just ignore everything that's wrong and enjoy the videos.

Emily_Weaslettecreators' thoughts
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