
Accidentally Fated (BL Omegaverse)

•Alex is an Omega with a past he didn’t know he had forgotten. •Keith is an Alpha, who hates to do what is expected of him. Alex who’s on the verge of becoming a recessive Omega suddenly has his first heat upon meeting Keith unexpectedly. An accidental meeting resulting to an unexpected and perhaps a destined pairing of an Alpha and Omega.

mheng37 · LGBT+
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96 Chs

Chapter 74

"Hey stop crying. It's not good for your baby." Helena rubbed Alex's back as her youngest son wailed after she and George gave their blessings on his marriage.

"Th..thanks Mom.. I'm.. I'm really really really sorry. I was so scared that you and Dad will hate me and.. and..disown me." Alex said in between his sobs. He was so happy and relieved that he finally told his family about Keith and Bean. It's like the heavy weight on his chest has been finally lifted and his emotions just went out of control that he can't stop himself from crying.

"This silly boy. You're my son and no matter what you do I could never hate you. I was hurt a bit because you lied to us but we will never disown you nor abandon you. We are a family and we will always be here for you." Helena replied. She wiped the tears on Alex's face and couldn't help but smile. "Oh my! You're gonna be a mother soon and yet you still cry like a baby." Helena said teasing her son.

"Mom.. I'm not a baby.. Bean might hear you." Alex pouts.

"Haha! Bean sorry but your mom will always be my baby boy." Helena replied laughing and pinching Alex's cheeks.

Helena sighed when Alex continued to pout from her teasing. She couldn't help but felt at ease looking at her son talking about his baby. When Alex first came into their lives, she was so worried for his future. She was scared that whatever happened to him when he was younger would affect his life. She was afraid that Alex would be trapped in that darkness and she was really thankful that he slowly opened up to them and now he's even married and already starting to build his own family.

"Mom are you okay?" Alex asked when his mom suddenly spaced out.

"I'm fine. It's just that it's finally hitting me that you're gonna be a mother soon." Helena replied. "I'm getting emotional because I feel like I'm still too young to be a grandmother." Helena chuckled.

"Mom wanna get more emotional?" Alex asked grinning. "Here is Bean's sonogram from the ultrasound I took earlier." He said proudly showing his mother the sonogram Dr. Lee gave him earlier.

"Hmm looks like my playful son is back. Let me see that precious little bean." Helena smiled and took the photo from Alex. They both gushed their excitement about the baby.

George watched Keith look at Alex with affection in his eyes. It allayed some of his fears and assured him that his son will be loved. The way the younger Alpha looks at his son proves that he married Alex for love and not because of him taking responsibility for getting Alex pregnant. For him, that's enough for now. Alex will be in good hands and that's all that matters.

"He's not always a crybaby but if you want to back out now, I'll give you another chance." George said interrupting Keith from staring at his wife.

"No Sir. There's no way I'm letting him go." Keith replied solemnly.


Matt watched his parents happily talk to Alex and that Alpha he married to. His mother is getting emotional as she looks at the sonogram of Alex's baby while his father is discussing with the Alpha about what happened to his brother.

He felt suffocated. He can't understand why he is the only one not taking this lightly. Why does his parents easily accept everything? Why does it seem like he's the bad guy from thinking otherwise?

"I have to go, I'm still on duty." He said to no one in particular and rushed his way out of the room, not caring if his parents or his brother heard him. He just left.

Matt ignored the guards who opened the door for him and even the nurses he met along the way. His chest is getting heavier and he feels like it's gonna explode and thus he cannot afford to talk to anyone right now.

Matt went inside the men's toilet and locked himself up in a cubicle. The emotions he could no longer control rushed out inside of him that he found himself throwing up.


Matt took a deep breath trying to calm himself. His mind is getting hazy, it's making him dizzy and nauseous. Nothing is coming out but he just kept throwing up that it hurts. He stopped for a bit when he heard someone knocking.

"Excuse me, are you okay? Do you need me to call for help?"

"I'm okay. I.. I don't need help." Matt managed to reply.

Chad knew he had to go now and the man said that he's fine anyway. He only has a few minutes to spare as it is but he could not help but worry about the man inside the cubicle.

"Are you sure you're alright? I really have to go now but I can drop by the nurse's station to ask for help." Chad asked with concern in his voice.

"I'm really fine. You may go now."

"Shit!" Chad cursed when he glanced at his watch. Vix is gonna kill him if he's late for their flight. They are going out of the country to attend a special food fair. He just wanted to drop by and have a quick visit to Alex before he left. Martin told them about what happened and he rushed to the hospital despite his busy schedule. "I really have to go, I will let the nurses know just to be sure. Hope you'll be okay. I'm sorry I really have to go."

Matt weakly opened the door when he heard the man's footsteps leaving the restroom. He dragged himself outside before anyone else saw him in this state.


"I'm going to the toilet, honey stay here with Alex." Helena said to her husband just after Matt left the room.

"Mom, there's a private toilet here. You can even take a bath here if you want." Alex said to his mom who was about to leave the room.

"Hmm are you bragging that you're in the VIP room?" Helena teased her son.

"Mom! Of course not." Alex replied, his face is all red from embarrassment.

"Haha! I'm just kidding. I want to drop by at the nurse's station to thank them for taking care of you. I won't take long." Helena replied and quickly left the room before anyone could ask her further.

Helena looked around the hallway for any trace of her son but could not find him.

"Excuse me Ma'am are you looking for someone?" Colin asked.

"Ahh yes, I was wondering if you saw which direction my son went. He's the doctor who just came out of the room a minute ago.

"Ahmm Ma'am I saw him go out of the emergency exit just now." One of the guards replied to Helena.

Helena smiled and thanked the man before heading towards the direction he pointed at.

"Mattie!" Helena worriedly called out to her son. She found Matt slump down on the floor clutching his knees. "What happened? Why are you trembling?"

She can tell that something is wrong with Matt which is why she made an excuse and followed him but she didn't know it was like this.

"Mattie it's mom." Helena shaked her son who didn't seem to recognize her.

"Mom?" Matt replied wide eyed finally noticing her. "Mom… are they taking Alex? We can't let them, Mom.. we need to get him out of here. They are gonna hurt my brother. Let's go, we have to take him to the hospital. He's bleeding! We have to save him.

Helena cried and hugged Matt. She didn't realize how deep the impact of that night has on her son. Seeing his brother in that state must have brought out those memories and emotions.

"Sweetheart, it's alright now. Your brother is safe. He's okay." Helena cried. "Shhhh, Mattie it's alright now. No one's gonna harm your baby brother. It's alright." She held her son close to her whispering words of assurance, trying to calm him down. She felt like she's talking to the fourteen year old Mattie.

"Mom, Alex got hurt. I wasn't there to protect him. I'm really sorry." Matt replied crying. He stopped trembling and seemingly back to normal.

Helena cupped Matt's face and said "Alex is safe. You're brother is okay. Don't blame yourself. If anyone is at fault, it's that guy who attacked him. Always remember, you saved Alex, you kept him safe that's why he was here today. Don't let the shadow of the past hinder you to see what's important. Your brother is okay. He's happy now and we should be there to support him like before. Okay?" Matt nodded in response.

They stayed there for a while until Matt fully calmed down.