
Academy Undercover Professor

How surprised I was when I died in an accident in my previous life and came to my senses to find out that I was born as a baby in this world. That was already 27 years ago. I feel like the years have passed so quickly. This world is a unique world in which magic dwells in the world commonly referred to as the Victorian era and Belle Époque, and sub-species and monsters are added. Wouldn't it be better if I entered the world of a game I used to enjoy or a novel I liked... This is a different world that doesn't even exist in my memory, literally without even an ointment. then I Became a teacher at the most prestigious magic academy in the empire. … Because I was mistaken for someone else.

Mongrel99 · Fantasie
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18 Chs

False Identity (1)

Photography has not yet become popular in this world.

Most of the photos exist only in black and white, and even those photos are of poor quality, making detailed comparison impossible.

When comparing people, in the end, it is inevitable to rely on clothing, age, and overall physique.

It was not unreasonable for them to be mistaken.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Rudger."

It's a pity for the dead, but that doesn't mean I can't survive, right?

The living must live.

And Rudger's status was very helpful in escaping this situation.

"Unbelievable. You were a new teacher at Seorn Academy. The magic I saw then..."

It was because the moment the name Seorn was mentioned, Veronica's tone towards me changed.

As expected, she muttered something to herself while doing so.

Right. Did she see me using magic?

Maybe that's what made her trust me even more.

Even the officer who was initially suspicious and tried to interrogate me immediately bowed his head to me.

"Oh, this was a lot of rudeness! Given the circumstances, please forgive me for my rudeness."

"It's okay."

Even as I said that, I couldn't help but think that the name Seorn worked wonders.

The only magic academy that exists in the Empire.

Seorn is the leading academy on the continent.

Seorn's name carries weight, and it was natural for them to be surprised to hear that I was a teacher there.

"The teacher of Seorn."

"At such a young age, remarkable."

Other guards and police officers also whispered among themselves.

Anyway, I decided to act more boldly.

For this moment, I would be Rudger Celish.

"Well, we will guide you to the exit."

"It's okay."

"No, you are the one who will nurture the future of the empire. How could we just let you go? You wasted your time because of us."

"It's fine."

"It's because we are sorry."

No, moving with them is inconvenient!

I couldn't shout those words out, so I answered with a stern face, letting them know I understood.

"Miss Veronica, I'll just go. It was a short meeting, but I enjoyed it."

I bid farewell to Veronica before leaving for the last time. She might think it was a brief encounter, but it wasn't a bad connection.

She smiled and waved at me, probably thinking the same thing.

"Yes, Mr. Rudgar! See you later if we have a chance!"

"Yes, then."

I'm sorry, but I don't think we'll meet again in the future.

Guided by the guards, I safely maneuvered through the crowd to the train station exit.

It was a busy train station with people coming and going, so the exit was crowded.

At this point, I decided to speak up.

"I've come this far, that's enough. From here on, I will continue alone. Anything more than that would be embarrassing for me."

"Ah, yes. Understood. Please take care!"

The guard saluted me and then disappeared back into the station.

After giving a slight bow, I let out a sigh and released the tension in my shoulders.

Seriously, I narrowly avoided trouble.

It's fortunate that they misunderstood me, or else my false identity would have been exposed, and I would have been accused of being an accomplice to the terrorists.

But now that the crisis has passed, I should be fine.

"Are you Mr. Rudger Celish?"

At that moment, I felt a chilling sensation run through my veins as I heard the voice right behind me.

There was an absence of presence in that voice.

Slowly, I turned my head to look behind me and saw an elderly gentleman with a humble demeanor staring at me.

I calmed my racing heart and responded calmly.

"Yes, that's right. Who are you?"

"Hello. My name is Wilford, a servant of Seorn Academy. I came to meet Mr. Rudger."

"...Do you mean to pick me up?"

"Yes. I heard that the train was attacked. I hurriedly came to check if something had happened, but I'm relieved to see that you seem to be fine."

After saying that, Wilford opened the door of the carriage he had been pulling.

"please get in. I will take care of you until we reach Seorn."

I blinked my eyes. Can I say that he's looking for the wrong person here?

I don't know how long this old man named Wilford has been around, but since he is pretty sure I'm Rudger, he must have witnessed me parting ways with the officer.

It's virtually impossible to pretend and refuse at this point.

Moreover, when he first appeared, his presence was so faint, and he was trying to conceal it as much as possible, but this subtle aura leaked out.

This man.

He's definitely not an ordinary individual.

"...I understand."

I had no choice but to step into the carriage.


Veronica, the vice-captain of the Knights of Cold Steel, couldn't help but recall Rudger, who had just left.

Rudger Chelsea.

From the moment she laid eyes on him, she knew he was an extraordinary person.

Because she witnessed it.

The image of him obliterating all the terrorists with pure white flames.

The other members of the Knights of Cold Steel couldn't see it clearly from their distant position, but she definitely saw it, boasting her skills surpassing even the leader with her one eye.

Even against opponents who were wizards like herself.

A man like Rudger effortlessly defeated the wizards without sustaining a single injury.

And his composure was natural, as if it was to be expected.

Even when she herself resorted to excessive force.

Rudger's face didn't betray any emotion.

It wasn't the reaction of someone frozen in fear.

Rudger, that man, observed the entire situation with a cool and rational mindset.

"He wasn't an ordinary person."

Rudger, dressed in a simple yet elegant black frock coat with a well-tailored suit and golden accents, exuded an air of reserve with his serious eyes and a reticent expression. His long hair was styled slightly back and tied at the nape of his neck. At a glance, he appeared to be a nobleman with a sharp and commanding presence.

Above all, what intrigued Veronica the most was the subtle aura that emanated from Rudger.

"At first, I thought he might be a member of the royal family concealing his identity."

The grace that exuded from Rudger reminded Veronica of the noble airs she had encountered when dealing with members of the imperial family. So when she learned that Rudger was going to be appointed as a teacher at Seorn Academy, she was convinced that this man was more than capable of the role.

In fact, Veronica even thought that the prestigious position of Seorn wouldn't be enough to honor him. Just as no one marvels at fish swimming or birds flying, it seemed natural for Rudger to be in the position of Ceorn.

Veronica accepted this with a sense of familiarity that strengthened when she heard his name.

"Rudger Chelsea. I've heard of him. A young mage who has recently gained quite a reputation. He became the youngest person to achieve the 4th rank, submitted 12 papers to the Mage Tower, and even resolved the intricate Rangster formula."

Moreover, she heard that he had a military background, having been appointed as an officer, and that he even attained the rank of major through hunting cryptids.

"Didn't he mention that he was going to be appointed as Seorn this time?"

If that were the case, Veronica couldn't help but be curious. After all, her younger brother happened to be attending Seorn. If she had the chance, she planned to ask him about the classes taught by Rudger.
