
Abyssal Invasion Online: Realms

[WSA 2024 Participant] Please Support me. --- Chris, died betrayed by his close friend, whom he addressed as a brother. All it was due to jealousy. They both entered the game together but Chris reached the sky whereas Brian couldn't. Brian betrayed his friend to get some legendary items that could turn him into a powerhouse. What he never knew was that Chris never told anyone about an item that he got, an item that returned him to the time before the game was introduced.

ChaosSpawn · Spiele
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Goblin Dungeon (2)

Chris entered the dungeon. Now it is time to farm some experience and get equipment or coins. As goblins are humanoid creatures, even though considered the weakest and ugliest ones, they still drop equipment sometimes.

Most of the time it would be trash and would be melted down. It won't yield much but he was in no position to throw those away.

With determination to gain maximum benefits from this, he delved deep into the dungeon.



It didn't take long before Chris encountered three goblins.


Name/Race: Goblin Warrior

Level: 8


"Good", Chris nodded in satisfaction when he saw the levels of the goblins.

He already reached level 7, if the goblins are similar or lesser level than him, then he would lose the cross-level experience bonus, that he would get when he kills a higher-level enemy. He didn't want to lose the experience that he could gain.

Just because he could gain extra experience wouldn't mean he would waste it. He needed it a lot. As long as he levels up, he can get his hands on better resources and better resources mean huge wealth. It is what he needed the most as of now.

He quickly started his assault as soon as he saw an opportunity.

[You have killed a Goblin Warrior, level 8.]

[You have gained 80 EXP. You gained a bonus of 40 EXP for Cross-level Kill.]

[Experience Buff activated. You gained a total of 12000 EXP]

[You looted a rusty knife from the goblin's Corpse.]

Before the goblins knew what happened, one of them died. After quickly eliminating one, he attacked the other two. Though they are of higher level, with his godly skill and huge mana pool, they were quickly eliminated, even before they got a chance at making a scratch on him.

Once those three died, he went on with his hunting, going deeper into the dungeon. Though he appeared to be in a hurry, he was careful not to cause any disturbances. Where one goblin is, there would be usually more.

He found a group of three, so the possibility of a village is high. Even with his excellent abilities, fighting all at a time would be a real nightmare for him. He might even perish before he would be able to accomplish his goal.

Unlike normal VR games, where when a player dies, they would resurrect back at the village, town or city that they last visited or marked as a resurrection point.

In this game, however, if you die, you will be forced to log out for 24 hours. If the death is in a dungeon, you can't enter that dungeon for 48 hours. This includes the 24 hours you were forced to not enter.

Chris continued the dungeon dive. He encountered a few more Goblin Warriors, Goblin Archers, and even Goblin Shamans and Generals. The Shamans were a bit tricky as they are casters like him and do use curses, instead of physical damage or direct magic damage.

Luckily, Chris made use of the Ice Armor, which took care of his protection, when he was paralysed by the curse spell. The generals tried to get him when he was under the curse but his defences were too high for them to break.

"Reverse Analysis"

Chris remembered one of the skills he got from the platinum chest and used it on the shaman.

[Reverse Analysis has recorded Dark Curse: Paralyse.]

[Estimated time to recreate a spell model: 72 hours]

Now without spending a dime, he would gain a spell. When he saw the time estimation, he cursed himself for using the skill now. It was not the boss of the dungeon. He would have some good skills or spells that he could have gotten his hands on.

He thought that since he was in a newbie dungeon, the spells would take a few minutes. He never expected that they would take too long.

The nightmare boss would be pretty powerful and he lost a treasure.

"There is no need to cry over spilt milk. I learned a lesson here. Now I have to be careful and select the skill, when I see some pretty decent ones or rare ones or I will be back on earth busy to log in", Chris decided to move on.

"Looks like I am almost at the end of the dungeon. Now it is time to face the boss".

The first clearance would get pretty awesome rewards for the one who achieved it. Especially as he would be facing the dungeon boss in nightmare mode, the rewards would also be worthy.

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