
A Wrong Transmigration

So... Have you ever thought what might become of an ideal cliché romance if only a wrong person is transmigrated at the wrong time?

Seinna_Ryke · Fantasie
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1 Chs

Karma is Crazy!

Rattle-! Rattle-!

Alexandra heaved a sigh as she smile at the passing scenery.

Her three brothers, Lucas, Tyler and Kieran sat opposite her, watching her every move with Hawk eyes. Memory of yesterday flooded in her head.

As another late serene afternoon, the Soleha Marquisate was humming with laughter of her dimwit sisters and squeals of younger brothers.

"Unnie! Unnie, give me back my allowance!"

She smirked dipping her spoon in the bowl of what her mother called Baesuk, "Didn't you say you wanted more money. I invested your money to double it."

She moaned, savoring the desert. Her mother though was a cuckoo sometime. No one in the empire could come up with such dishes.

Lucas looked horrified as his lips trembled, "Unnie! I want my money back!"

She nodded, "Sure, you will get it once my business plan is in motion."

He stomped his feet several times on the soft grass of the garden, "Unnie, money! I want my money!"

She took another spoon, "I'm broke. Learn something from Charlotte and Henry, I invested their money too."

The three year old Charlotte was smashing her hands in the pudding and four year old Henry was babbling while trying to catch birds.

Lucas looked at them resentfully, then glared at her, "I tell Papa! I will also tell him about his peacocks from Eastern Continent you roasted!"

She looked up from the pile of sweets she had hoarded for herself, "Here, take my kidney. You will fetch a good price at the Mage's Tower."

"Give me my money!"

"I have none! I told you I invested it. I'm broke as you are but I'm sure this time we will hit gold."

"Unnie, give me my money!"

"Don't beg like that you will tarnish the name of the Soleha Marquisate with your whines." She made a shooing motion with her hand.

"Did anyone say a Kidney was up for sale!"

Lucas and Alexandra eyes snapped to Jennifer, holding butcher knives that she rubbed against each other to sharpen it.

Alexandra stared at twins Jennifer and Juliet who was a year younger than her and ran on her hands and knees.

She couldn't ran far away from the picnic cloth, before she was flat on her back with Juliet and Lucas holding her bother arms to the floor as Jennifer straddled her.

"Hmm…This one or that one." She pointed the blunt side of her knife and smirked evilly.

Alexandra looked around in panic and struggled, "Scalpel! I want proper equipments!"

Jennifer looked confused at Juliet, "Scalpel?"

Juliet fingered up her spectacles, "A surgical instrument mother will be introducing this month but they are still testing an economic build for it."

"Heh!" Jenifer narrowed her eyes on Alexandra, "Can't use something under suspicion on our Unnie, this will have to do."

"No! No, I'll wait! Let's wait for its official release."

Juliet and Jenifer, both scoffed together, "But Lucas needs his money now."

Young Lucas with his all teeth on display shouted, "Yes! I want my money!"

"And I will give it to you but when it's doubled. I can't pull back investments or it will ruin the Marquisate reputation."

"No can do, Unnie. You have a record to flush investments down the drain so that business is doomed."

"How dare you say that to your Elder Sister!" She tried to act intimidating but none of them looked impressed.

"I will have to take both of them out to see which one is in better condition to fetch a good price." She poked the tip on the blade on her lower abdomen.

She squealed and blurted out, "Take the right one, it's healthier!"

'They aren't realy going to do it' She observed the blade that winked at her, 'Hopefully…'

The twins shared a look, smirking. "You would know, with how many times you have offered it to pay for your heinous crimes!"

Seeing her blade draw closer, Alexandra flailed about, "Make me unconscious, first!"

"Lucas, bring a rod."

"Painlessly! Do it painlessly!

"Don't be fussy, Unnie. I need to practice to get a hang of it."

Alexandra looked ready to pass out. Maybe she should have done it in moderation. Jenifer threw her head back and laughed evilly, like a deranged villain.

But before anything could happen, the maid standing guard on the Garden Entrance came running, "Young Ladies! Young Ladies! Madam's maid is heading to the–"

"No need to announce me, Betty!" The Marchioness voice froze them, before they scrambled to their feet, fixing their clothes.

"Ma, the twins were trying to mutilate me!"

"Unnie is stealing our money again!"

"It's called investment!"

Marchioness held back her amusement, looking at her children using Korean honorofics with their Western looks.

"There's a letter from Heidi Arch Duchy for Alexandra hand in marriage."

Her simple sentence ensued deafening silence.


Alexandra nervously paced around the drawing room as stomped her feet from time to time as her anger exceeded her anxiousness.

Her siblings with varying expressions, from bored to amused were seated on the sitting room waiting for their parents.

She was so tense that she didn't even recognize that she was stomping her foot until the Marchioness and Marquis came inside. When she heard the door hitting the wall, Max hurriedly hid her panicky expression.

"Didn't I warn you not to stomp my marble tiles unless you have earned to pay for repairs?"

At Marchioness fake-stern tone she leaped for her parents, "Ma! I'll not marry in that wretched Duchy. They have humiliated me for six years…"

"Not a word, Young Lady! He's your fiancé and the man you will make you the happiest women on the continent, emerging victorious through the tribulation of love." Marchioness gazed at the ceiling, lost in her own world.

Cricket voice resonated in the deafening silence.

Like always the Marchioness made sure to make everyone speechless.

Irritated Alexandra turned to the Marquis, "Pa, The Arch Duchy has forsaken our honor for years in the name of this vain promise of marriage. I can't accept this!"

His father turned to her mother, who was glaring at him. "Alexa, our Marquisate has high hopes from this marriage.

Alexandra bowed her head at her father, who was known to silent great courtier, resigned tone. Then with a huff she clicked her tongue.

"So this is how it goes. Splendid! I shall leave this Estate this moment and travel the world to seek adventure and justice for the cruel fate you have resigned me to. I will not stand for this brutality and violation of my rights anymore!"

This story is all about breaking the cliche in th most most cliche way. The theme is lighthearted and meant to give you an escape from life. I hope you enjoy!

Well, let's just say Alexandra is not your typical helpless FL in distress!

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