

Growing up in the most unbearable situation Arielle is set on gaining freedom and acknowledgment from her family and loved ones but as easy as it may sound it's the most complicated to archive, for her life is made up of shackles. Her parents nor her siblings love and appreciate her for the things she is doing for them and she finds herself doing everything possible to make them happy “for you can choose your friends but you can't choose your family” with the struggle to gain financial she meets her best friend Solange who is from a rich family and fiance Gabriel Adsence but due to the struggle between career and marriage Solange is cut up in the middle and has to make a drastic decision which will change her life, Solange ends up leaving her groom on the day of their wedding in pursuit of her dreams, but Gabriel doesn't want to be the talk of the country for the second time so he proposes to marry the next available option which turns to be Arielle Cowel but she rejects his offer, not wanting to go in for a loveless marriage….things never go as planned her greedy family accepts the money Gabriel offers and Arielle is bound to walk down the aisle with him, she was sold without a second thought and thus the journey of Gab and Ariel Kicks off. Ariel struggles to impress her newfound family while still trying to gain the love of her parents but one thing is sure Gab won't let anyone come between his family nor hurt his wife for they are committed in a world of their own

Starlive · Fantasie
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21 Chs

chapter 5

Ariel Cowell Pov


The tune of his voice was not the usual. It felt like he was going through immense pains and I could not bring myself to say no to him after all and come to think of it will still give him sooner or later so why not now. I gently nod my head as tears slip down my cheek for am not sure am ready for what is coming next,

I have prepared my mind for the pain but I still feel scared he goes all over me he carries me in his arms and head towards the bed he gently places me down as he hovers over me throwing wet kisses all over my body and for a while I felt a ticklish sensation, I try as much as I can to keep my eyes open and to maintain eye contact with him I do not want to miss out anything so I eye raped him and my eyes got one of the best creatures I could ever imagine he has a mole under his left breast and it makes him look more attractive.

He started kissing me hard, and I was getting uncomfortable so I gathered all my strength and pushed him away but he did not budge not even a bit I tried calling out for help but canceled the thought it won't be a good idea if this matter blows out, so I was left with the second option which seems like the best. I cried my eyes out but little did I know the worst was yet to come. The sudden pain from my lower abdomen was unbearable as Gabrielle made his way in,

The pain was near dead I twisted, grunted but it still did not help for Gabrielle was lost I wonder what type of drug Solange had prepared before the wedding night she was ready to make him hers willingly or unwillingly what a bitch, the room was filled with my grunting, sobs, pain, agony and my screams, due to the pain I could not keep track of time pain lasted for as long as I can remember until I blanked out.

Gabrielle Adsence pov

When I opened my eyes it was morning already, but strangely I feel so odd today. I tried remembering what happened yesterday.

I can't remember how I left the hall to this place. I guess it must be Arielle… talking about Arielle, where is Arielle? I searched for her all over the room but the moment I saw her lying next to me my heartbeat dropped.

She looked terrible and at that moment I realized I was naked too. I don't want to believe I did this to her.

I put on some cloth then concluded the t. to her about it. I scout down at her side, take her hands in mine and place them on my cheeks, Arielle I know I don't deserve to talk to you after what I did to you last night, and aI sorry about it, I wasn't myself aId I promise you it won't repeat itself all ask is you give me a chance to prove to you how sorry I am.

She must hate me for what I did to her yesterday! I don't even remember when I stopped last night but I am very much conscious of the fact that I lasted longer than usual due to the effect of the drug, not I don't know how to face her, I stand up and head towards the bathroom I need a cold shower I have to calm down, while... the water runs from my hairs down to my feet memories of last night flashed in my mind,

It all started here in the bathroom I angrily punch the waIl for that was all I could think of doing I can't believe I did that to Arie all she has ever done was help me since daI one and me what did I do in return I disrespected her how despicable of me, the only lady who has helped me not for the cash, she agreed to marry she had the option of running away like the others but no she did not she stood by me and when I felt so lost her words brought me back yesterday when we spend some time by the poolside.

With all these thoughts going on in my head I couldn't help but let the tears I have been holding for so long fall off, my life has been controlled by others since the day I was born but not anymore from today henceforth I make the promise to stand by my wife, support, encourage, listen and give her a helping hand in anything she does I won't let anyone hurt her as long I'm alive, I have had enough of others telling me what to do so it's time I live for myself and those I think are worthy of my love.

I ordered breakfast because I know she will be hungry when she is up. I looked at the time and it was 1:30 pm. I decided to try my luck. I decided to wake her up. Even If I get a slap from hIr I won't regret it.

I gently pat her on the shoulder, Arie wakes up and eats something. It's noon already. If you continue sleeping you might fall ill, but I didI did not get any response from her. Sheher. She lay motionless.

I panicked but decided to calm down and try again. I might just be paranoid. I gently pat her again while caressing her hair this time around Arie wake up you're scaring me with your silence, you have to wake up and eat I know you don't feel good about what happened last night but you have to eat to have some energy please wake up I promise anything you say I am going to abide by it but you have to wake up first, but still did not get any response from her

So I hurriedly took the glass of water standing by the bedside table and sprinkle some on her but still no response and that was it, I lost it I don't know where I left my phone I searched for it around the room like a madman, anxiety was greatly playing its part I was scared of the worse I can't lose someone like her in my life not now that I have found a reason to be strong and she is leaving no, no way. I had a hundred thoughts going on in my mind all at the same time I couldn't help it

I place her in a comfortable position while I check her pulse and as I guessed, it was even I touched her forehead and she was burning up with fever I needed to act fast I turn her over and what I saw made my heart hurt more and the same time proud of The woman I married, I was blood on the white sheets where Arielle was lying I help her change into a more comfortable cloth, I cleaned her.

I found my phone just at the bedside table what a world I was too agitated to see it was closer than I thought I quickly placed a call across to my doctor

The doctor arrived on time and the checkup was carried out, it turned out she passed out due to the stress from last night I was relieved for I was scared something bad happened my thoughts had already run wild, I stayed with Arie throughout the night her fever subsided in the early hours in the morning I was more than grateful but still scared for she was to wake up anytime soon and to say am not scared of her reaction then am a big-time liar but I have to be a man and face up to my responsibilities.

I don't know when I fell asleep as I woke up with someone caressing my hair I smile as I find out it Arie I can't explain my feelings right now

Arie, how are you feeling now? Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere? Should I call the doctor?

"Shhhhh Gabrielle am okay please help me sit up, am famish I feel I can eat a whole chicken right now and it won't still be enough"

finally, she spoke and am more than the word happy

"Give me a minute, let me. place the order "

" yeah"

I place the order and return to her side she was busy playing with her hair I guess she is bored, should I put a turn on the tv or will you like to watch some videos online to kill time

" The tv is fine, the internet is also not a bad idea but I don't want any of those, can you please keep me company?

She asked and I swear I could not refuse her so I take off my slippers get in bed and surprisingly she cuddles me I smile as I reciprocated her hug this brought tears to my eyes ...Arie am sorry about last night

" Shhh Gabrielle

I have never been treated nicely in my whole life but from the moment I met you, even with the circumstances surrounding our meeting you still treated me right, and I want to let you know I appreciate it.

Secondly, am your wife and am ready to give our marriage a try let's make it work that's all I want

" I promise you to make you happy Arie I might not be the best but I will try my best to be the best for you thank you so much"

" don't thank me for doing what a wife should do ok"

" Arie, I know this is inappropriate but there is something I want to tell you…

I saw the birthmark on your chest and I recall I once helped a young lady with the same mark she fainted in the washroom of a restaurant. I was wondering if you remember something like that? Ariel Cowell Pov


The tune of his voice was not the usual. It felt like he was going through immense pains and I could not bring myself to say no to him after all and come to think of it will still give him sooner or later so why not now. I gently nod my head as tears slip down my cheek for am not sure am ready for what is coming next,

I have prepared my mind for the pain but I still feel scared he goes all over me he carries me in his arms and head towards the bed he gently places me down as he hovers over me throwing wet kisses all over my body and for a while I felt a ticklish sensation, I try as much as I can to keep my eyes open and to maintain eye contact with him I do not want to miss out anything so I eye raped him and my eyes got one of the best creatures I could ever imagine he has a mole under his left breast and it makes him look more attractive.

He started kissing me hard, and I was getting uncomfortable so I gathered all my strength and pushed him away but he did not budge not even a bit I tried calling ou