1 Isaki's new beginning

"Ring, Ring"

"Hey Mom."

"Hey Isaki are you almost home?"

"Yeah mom don't worry im about to ge-"


"Isaki, Isaki!"

"Hmm, Mmm!" Isaki was struggling a group had put a rag on his face and he was slowly drifting to sleep.

Isaki before falling asleep felt his body hitting the floor of a car.

25 Minutes later

As Isaki was coming back to consciences he was in what looked to be an abandoned warehouse and could hear people talking.

"We got a good one boys, let's have some fun!"

"Yeah, Boss I take it you get first."

"Of course it's fresh meat after all."

"Mmm, Mmm!"

Isaki tried to talk but he had a gag in his mouth.

"Looks like shes awake, lets have some fun, take off her clothes."

Isaki struggled trying to keep away, his eyes open wide if fear, tears falling out.

"W-What, boss this is a boy."

The boss looked over at him, "Stop fucking around."

"No I'm not lying come look."

The boss had a sadistic look on his face as he looked down at Isaki.

"Pleasure is pleasure, lets keep going we just have to look as his face."

Isaki tried his hardest to scream but the gag wouldn't come out, his eyes wide in fear, "No, No, Nooooo." he was screaming in his head

2 hours later.

Isaki was laying on the cold concrete violated, his eyes glazed over, naked and cold.

"Boss what do we do with him now?"

"Hmm, ....kill him."

By that time Isaki had wanted to be dead that whole time, tears flowing down his face, thinking about his parent's and if they would ever find him.


Isaki was shot in the head.

"Ah it's so warm I'm finally free from that hell."

"My child, this world had wronged you so thus I will send you to a new world." a soft but loud voice said

"But it's so warm dont revive me please im so comfortable.

"I'm sorry it has already been decided, the world is Elderon."

"No, no please no!"

"Why is it so bright?"

Iskai opened his eyes light blinding him, when his eyes focused he saw he was inside a dark and empty alleyway, only a towel as clothing.

"Where am I, oww!"

Isaki looked down he had bruises and dirt all over himself.

"W-Why is my hair so long?"

He looked down at his body, "Where is it?!", Isaki had looked down to see that he had become a girl!

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